Best friend card

What to present to a friend on a small but no less memorable anniversary? You can choose a souvenir suitable for the occasion and theme. Or find the little thing that a friend was looking for for a long time and unsuccessfully. In extreme cases, you can give just a bottle of good wine, a pack of cigars, a box of deliciously delicious chocolate or a CD with your favorite movie ... There is no doubt that there is always a way out!

Greeting card for a friend.
But what if the friend is far away, or at the moment there is absolutely no time to meet? Indeed, no one has yet canceled annual reports, quarterly sales plans or the common cold with a high temperature. In this case, a self-made postcard for a friend can help.

What is a friend’s postcard?

Why do you need postcards in the era of mobile communications and the Internet? Very simple. Suppose you do not dare to speak with a person. It doesn’t matter for what reasons, but you really want to hint at your attitude or feeling. How can you show a person that you value him? What is important to you? What do you feel bad without him or his opinion is of great importance? How to apologize or vice versa, to show that you are no longer angry? That's right, all this can be easily done with a postcard!

  • Postcards. When we pronounce the word "postcard", then the most diverse associations arise. People of the older generation - out of habit - immediately remember postcards with a stamp and traditional greetings on holidays;
  • Funny postcards for friends
    Cool postcards for friends. The middle age category smiles at the memory of how many such souvenirs they presented. Remember how in the late nineties the country was overwhelmed by the boom of greeting cards. They were given for all holidays and even without any reason;
  • Postcards application on social networks. They are now used by so many. But the main category is people from 30 to 40 years old;
  • postcard for a friend, made independently on a specialized site on the Internet. This type of congratulation is rapidly gaining momentum;
  • DIY postcard. A win-win option for congratulations.

The most popular today are greeting cards for congratulations on some memorable date. It can be the anniversary of a meeting or a new job, anniversary or birth of a child. You can send a congratulation on the purchase of a new car or real estate. It is enough to go to a special site where you will be offered a resource for the manufacture of postcards. True, it is worth noting that this service, as a rule, is not free. The price is low, but still not everyone is ready to congratulate for 100-150 rubles.

DIY greeting card for a friend

In the West, a direction called hand-made, or, more simply, manual work, is very developed. What could be better than a postcard that your friend made on his own? Although it didn’t work out perfectly, he did his best, which means he really wanted to please you!

Greeting Cards
You can draw a cartoon or a funny picture, make an elegant applique on paper or make a collage of photos of a joint holiday with friends. You can create a miracle in Photoshop and send it by e-mail or print in a photo studio. The mass of options, as well as ideas for their implementation. Try it, you will love it!


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