Thief in law Gela Kardava

In February 2017, media reported that Gela Kardava, a thief in law, was detained in a restaurant in Kiev. During a search, 42 kg of gold and 4.8 million dollars were seized from a recognized authority. According to the documents, he was considered a native of Simferopol named Oleg Golomb. What is known about this 43-year-old representative of the criminal world?

Biography Pages

Georgian by nationality, Gela Kardava was born in the territory of Abkhazia, in the village of Nabakevi, Gali district. In this place, along the Inguri River, the border with neighboring Georgia passes. A joyful event for parents occurred on March day, when the country celebrated the International Women's Day. Year of birth - 1974th. Upon graduation, the young man immediately left for Russia, this happened in 1991. The dashing nineties involved him in their orbit. Not a day working, Gela Raminovich entered the criminal community, engaged in robberies and robberies. Already at the age of 21, in 1996, he was crowned. An important event for him happened in Moscow with the consent of Vakhtang Kardava, a native of Sukhumi. This surname often sounds today in the criminal world.

Gela Kardava

Gela’s younger brother named Guizot also added to the list of thieves in law in 2008 . Between them, the difference is 4 years and one father-in-law - a well-known authority in the criminal world - Merab Mzarelua.

Clan of Grandfather Hassan

Thief Gela Kardava was a member of the criminal group Aslan Usoyan, known as Ded Hassan. The interests of criminal authority extended not only to the capital region, but also to the Urals, Ukraine, St. Petersburg, the North Caucasus, Western Europe and Israel. The real estate of the clan was the Krasnodar Territory. Usoyan participated in a showdown with other thieves in law for influence in certain territories. His criminal wars with the Oganov brothers, Tariel Oniani are known. According to Italian law enforcement agencies, at a gathering in 2012 in Rome, the “united opposition” supporting Oniani decided to liquidate Grandfather Hassan.

In January 2013, at the age of 75, Aslan Usoyan was mortally wounded at the Old Phaeton restaurant. There were changes in his clan. It was expected that the young Kardava brothers would take the lead, but the “thieves” among the Slavs — Tyurik, Pichuga, Mukha, and the Caucasians who joined them — were at the helm. To date, the followers of Hassan have lost their positions in the Krasnodar Territory.

Thief Gela Kardava

Detention in Ukraine

After being detained in Moscow with fake documents, Gela Kardava was expelled from the capital in 2013 by a court decision. He was forbidden to enter here until 2018, but this decree was repeatedly violated by criminal authority. He traveled freely to various countries and cities, meeting at gatherings with thieves and solving the problems of "thieves." The refuge for him were Cyprus, Turkey, Moscow, Yekaterinburg. On the territory of Russia, Kardava was not convicted, he does not have a tattoo. To the question of what means he lives on, he answers: "God and friends help." It is known that in 2015, Chateau Kurd, Dato Krasnodar and other “legalists” in Moscow declared Gelu not a thief. This does not prevent him from remaining an authority in the criminal world.

In February 2017, as a result of a special operation involving the CORD unit, Gela Kardava was arrested in Kiev. According to Arsen Avakov, the thief was tracked down for several months. Presumably, he is related to a number of crimes on the territory of the republic and establishes criminal ties with local authorities. The minister officially announced the possible cooperation of Gela with the special services of the Russian Federation. However, Kardava was soon expelled from the country to Turkey.

Gela Kardava kingpin


After the arrest of Shakro Kurd, the question arose of choosing a beholder. It is assumed that his place could well be taken by Gela Kardava. To do this, he needs to defend his title. He himself still considers himself a “legalist,” which is confirmed by the fact that on his birthday in Turkey he continued to participate in the coronation of new young thieves. Over 30 people have already passed through his hands. The next inauguration was to take place in the Czech Republic on May 15. However, on the eve of all its participants were detained in Karlovy Vary. This is the latest information on Gel Raminovich today.


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