How many IL-2 attack aircraft were built (1941 - 1945)

Along with the T-34 tank, PPSh assault rifle, the Il-2 attack aircraft is rightfully considered a symbol of Victory. The years 1941-1945 became the time of testing the strength of the Soviet state, they showed the titanic capabilities of the domestic industry, which managed to quickly deploy the world's most massive production of military aircraft. During the war, "humpbacked" Ilov was built more than 36 thousand. History did not know such a “circulation” before. This record is not broken today.

silt 2 1941

Two attack aircraft

In the late thirties, the general concept of offensive tactical means of all countries had an aviation component. The wars in Spain and Khalkhin Gol showed that it is difficult to attack without the support of aircraft, and air supremacy ensures success on earth. During this period, a certain class of aircraft, called attack aircraft, developed. Two samples became the most famous representatives of it during the Second World War - the German Yu-87 and our IL-2. 1941 was the beginning of their practical comparison. The main characteristics for clarity are given in the table.




Take-off weight kg



Engine power






Weaponry course

2 machine guns 7.92 mm

2 guns 23 mm,

2 machine guns 7.62 mm

Rear hemisphere protection

1 machine gun 7.92 mm

1 machine gun 7.62 mm

Combat load

250-500 kg

600 kg



4-8 RS-82





local (seats)

armored hull

In fairness, it is worth mentioning that the IL-2 aircraft was designed somewhat later than the German machine (five years for aviation is a long time). In addition, the "Junkers-87" had a definite advantage in delivering point strikes due to the possibility of an almost sheer dive and a perfect aiming system.

Nevertheless, according to most indicators, the German attack aircraft is inferior to the Soviet IL-2. 1941 was the date of the beginning of its mass production. It began in February, before the war.

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Basic concept

In the fall of 1939, the famous pilot V.K. Kokkinaki took to the air a classified "item" under the code TsKB-55, in the narrow circles of the Soviet military-technical elite also known as BSh-2. It was only a prototype, with the completion of which the IL-2 plane turned out. The attack aircraft was developed in accordance with the revolutionary concept, according to which such details of the fuselage as frames and spars were practically eliminated, and the armored hull took over the load, while at the same time covering the crew and vital units, including the engine, oil cooler and fuel tank . Previously, airplanes were built differently: on the frame of the transverse and longitudinal profiles mounted cladding, sometimes armored. S. V. Ilyushin reacted to the issue of vitality with all attention.

plane il 2 attack aircraft

Means of struggle for survivability

The most vulnerable point of the aircraft is its rear hemisphere. "Get in the tail" means almost guaranteed to win an air victory. The shooter controlling this dangerous zone is present on all bombers, including the Yu-87. The IL-2 airplane differed from its world analogues in that it was produced in two versions: single and double (but more on that later). The fuel tanks had a unique design, which minimizes the loss of fuel in the event of their shooting. A special substance hardening in the open air “healed” the wounds received in battle.

plane il 2 attack aircraft

Bulletproof glass protects the pilot in the same way as the metal of the cockpit. These and other design techniques were so effective that the Soviet attack aircraft returned to their airfield, even after receiving five hundred holes.

Key Options

In total, six modifications were developed, but the main two deserve a special description. Initially, Ilyushin planned a double attack aircraft with a radio operator gunner protecting the rear hemisphere. However, the then prevailing military doctrine, which assumed absolute superiority in the air after delivering an instant crushing blow and transferring hostilities to enemy territory, prompted the country's leadership to build simpler vehicles. The general designer was instructed to "remove the excess." The fallacy of this decision (and many others) was revealed by the outbreak of war. Il-2, deprived of protection, became the easy prey of the Messers. Mechanics at the rear airfields began an independent alteration of the aircraft, cutting holes in the upper skin for the shooter's nest. The Stalinist leadership, however, cannot be blamed for stupid persistence. The two-seater scheme was again given the “green light”, although, unfortunately, the shooter remained poorly protected.

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"Younger brother" IL-10

Of course, this legendary aircraft was a masterpiece of aircraft design, but the tactical use at low altitudes caused a high level of loss of the IL-2 attack aircraft. The years 1941-1945 formed general statistics, according to which on average Ilyushin made about 53 sorties before it was shot down. At the final stage of the war, an improved version of the front-line attack aircraft was ready, the design of which took into account the shortcomings of the prototype: aerodynamics were significantly improved (the chassis was retracted into the wing and not into special gondolas, the oil cooler was hidden from the underbelly into the fuselage), the cockpit of the radio operator was reliably armored and etc.

IL-2 1941

This modification received the designation IL-10 and even managed to fight in World War II and in Korea, but not for long. The era of jet speeds began ...


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