The main attractions of St. Petersburg: list and description

St. Petersburg is a city with a great history, stunning architecture, where a huge number of the most diverse attractions are concentrated. Solemn squares, spacious central streets, small original buildings do not leave indifferent any visitor to the Northern capital. The list of attractions in St. Petersburg is quite large. In this regard, most cities can not be compared with most cities, not only in Russia but throughout the world. The guide can talk about different objects in a fascinating and long way. The article lists interesting places of the city with a detailed description, photos, addresses. In addition, many will be interested in information about what you can see in the city in one day or in a few. Any tourist, having read the article, will be able to decide on a route that can be followed depending on the time of visiting the cultural capital of Russia (in winter or summer).

5 sights of St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg - the treasury of tsarist Russia

You can list all the main attractions of St. Petersburg for quite some time. Tourists are usually interested to see the most memorable. So, having visited various museums - treasuries of tsarist Russia, you can see objects reminiscent of naval exploits, as well as objects of culture and art of antiquity, and even Soviet achievements.

The city has a large number of theaters. Local actors have become famous throughout the world and regularly delight residents of St. Petersburg and its guests with cult premieres.

When compiling a list of sights of St. Petersburg, you can not forget about the historical center. Here, even cinemas are located directly in the monument buildings. In buildings of historical value, there are second-hand shops and bookstores. Therefore, any tourist can successfully combine shopping with a cultural program.

It is recommended to everyone who wants to visit the city, having compiled a list of attractions of St. Petersburg in advance so as not to be confused and not to forget about the iconic places that I would like to see. It is also important to pre-route and plan enough time to inspect each property.

The main attractions of St. Petersburg: a list

It is impossible to list all the places in the Northern capital that are of interest to a tourist. Based on them, you can compose a whole encyclopedia, so we only cover the main attractions of St. Petersburg. The list may be as follows:

  • Saint Isaac's Cathedral.
  • Hermitage.
  • Kunstkamera.
  • Peter-Pavel's Fortress.
  • Leningrad Zoo.
  • Monument "The Bronze Horseman".
  • Kazan Cathedral.
  • Church of the Savior on Blood.
  • Winter Palace of Peter I.

Next, we consider each object in more detail.

Saint Isaac's Cathedral

It is located at: St. Isaac's Square, 4. It should be remembered that Wednesday is a day off.

No wonder the list of attractions of St. Petersburg begins with this object. The cathedral is the largest Orthodox church. In addition, he was given the status of a museum. Currently, it is not only a landmark of the Northern capital, but also its peculiar symbol.

Hundreds of thousands of travelers annually visit the temple. A stunning circular panorama opens from the colonnade of St. Isaac's Cathedral. Of great interest to tourists are sculptures adorning the Orthodox church, as well as bas-reliefs, panels and paintings. It is worth visiting the cathedral at least once in your life, so that, rising to a height, you can see Peter in all its glory.

Saint Isaac's Cathedral


Address: 38, Palace Embankment. The museum is closed on Mondays.

The Hermitage is recognized as the most significant and largest museum in the world, where cultural, historical and artistic values ​​are presented. The institution has an impressive history. It all began with the acquisition of paintings by Empress Catherine II. Currently, the number of unique exhibits exceeds 3 million!

No wonder the Hermitage is considered by many to be the "pearl" of Peter. Tourists visiting the city, necessarily lay its route. But even local residents try to visit the museum at least once a year.

St. Petersburg: Hermitage


Address: Universitetskaya embankment, house 3. On Monday, the Museum of Ethnography and Anthropology is closed.

The list of the main attractions of St. Petersburg is continued by the famous Kunstkamera. It is the first museum that was opened by decree of Emperor Peter I.

For a Russian, the word “Kunstkamera” sounds rather unusual. It is borrowed from German and literally means “art room”. In ancient times, so-called collections were rather unusual, but associated with the natural sciences and art. In the XVI-XVII centuries, such things were familiar to royal families and princes, but ordinary people were sometimes surprised and even scared.

There is an opinion that various monsters, freaks, demonstrating natural anomalies are collected in the Kunstkamera. However, visitors can see completely normal things, but they are rare, because they are usually hidden from the human eye. Mysteries of nature hidden on the seabed, in the bowels of the earth or in the starry sky are demonstrated here.

Of course, exhibits of people with physical disabilities are also present. This is due to the hobbies of Peter I, who was keenly interested in the anatomy and preservation of human health.

St. Petersburg: Kunstkamera

Peter-Pavel's Fortress

The main attractions of St. Petersburg can be very different. The list of the most interesting and popular is rightfully continued by the fortress, which was laid down by decree of Peter I.

The object is located at: Peter and Paul Fortress, 3. Wednesday is a day off.

The fortress is located in the historical center of St. Petersburg. It was founded in order to protect the city during the Northern War from the attack of the Swedes. From the very beginning of its existence, the fortress served as the main political prison in Russia. Later it began to function as a museum. Travelers should remember that for sightseeing you need to set aside almost the entire day.

The best attractions of St. Petersburg

Leningrad Zoo

The zoo can be called the attraction of St. Petersburg No. 1 for young tourists.

It is located at: Alexandrovsky Park, 1. Children under seven years old can attend it for free. For students there is a preferential rate.

The Leningrad Zoo is the oldest in the country and the only one in the Leningrad Region. About 600 species of various animals, fish, birds and invertebrates live here. However, if you compare the Leningrad menagerie with European zoos, you can find out that he is one of the smallest.

Among animals, a polar bear is of particular interest to visitors. Employees managed to ensure that the noble animals breed in captivity. Also on the territory is Exotarium. Here, all visitors can see different mollusks, a collection of fish and corals, as well as other inhabitants of the seas.

Leningrad Zoo

"Bronze Horseman"

It is located on Senate Square.

The Bronze Horseman monument is dedicated to the Russian emperor Peter I and is one of the main symbols of St. Petersburg. Tourists sometimes believe that the monument is made of copper, but local residents know that this is not so. It is made of bronze. The name has taken root from the time when bronze was called copper.

Bronze Horseman

Kazan Cathedral

His address: Kazan Square, 2.

It is not without reason that Kazan Cathedral is among the main attractions of St. Petersburg. It is one of the largest temples in the city. Thousands of pilgrims flock here every year to bow to his main shrine - the Miracle-working icon.

Church attendants and parishioners regularly participate in religious processions and church holidays. On the territory of the cathedral there is an art school, a library, an Orthodox museum, a folk choir, a Sunday school for children. Priests conduct active missionary and educational activities.

Kazan Cathedral

Savior on Spilled Blood

It is located on the embankment of the Griboedov Canal, house 2B.

The main attractions of St. Petersburg include the unique and multifaceted Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood. It was erected in a place where an attempt was made on the Russian emperor Alexander II.

The Cathedral is valid and recognized as a symbol of St. Petersburg. Of great interest to travelers is the architecture of the building. For construction, red-brown brick was used. The walls of the basement are decorated with intricate decor. Here you can see a lot of granite boards, which contain drawings telling about the glorious deeds of Emperor Alexander II.

Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood

Winter Palace of Peter I

Address: Palace Embankment, 32. Monday is a day off.

The building was previously the residence of Peter the Great and did not at all look like a modern facility, which so attracts tourists. But, making a trip to European countries, the emperor rebuilt the palace, turning it into real royal chambers. After the death of Peter, Catherine II already contributed. The luxurious residence was used to house members of the royal family.

At present, a large number of exhibits are of interest, from the front yard to the working room of Peter I, turning, dining room and fragments of walls covered with old stucco.

Winter Palace

5 sights of St. Petersburg that can be viewed in one day

Once in the Northern capital for just one day, tourists want to accommodate as many interesting places as possible in a panoramic walk. If the traveler has only a day to visit St. Petersburg, you can recommend him to include in his route 5 attractions of St. Petersburg located in the city center.

Guides advise starting acquaintance with the cultural capital of the Russian Federation from Alexander Nevsky Square. Then you can head towards the Admiralty. In order not to get lost, it is recommended to focus on a high spire, which can be seen from anywhere on the route.

On the way, you can see the original architecture of the buildings on Uprising Square, where Anichkov Bridge, decorated with sculptures, and Catherine Square are located.

Then you can wander around the Hermitage. If after that there will be strength, then it is worth taking a walk to the Bronze Horseman. After that, you can head to the hotel and relax.

What to see in St. Petersburg in three days

Tourists often come to St. Petersburg for at least three days. To see as many interesting things as possible, you need to correctly draw up a route.

It’s better to start a sightseeing tour from the center of St. Petersburg. Attractions here are located one after another. Of course, it will not work to cover everything, but you can start with various museums. Then take a walk along the promenade. Many people prefer to cruise along the canals of St. Petersburg, visit the amusement park "Divo Ostrov". Also, the logical end of the program will be a trip to the museum “Cruiser Aurora” and a visit to a musical performance or performance in one of the St. Petersburg theaters.

St. Petersburg in winter

Many tourists wonder: "Where to go in St. Petersburg in the winter?" Unfortunately, you cannot visit the sights that receive visitors only in the summer, in the cold season. However, travelers have a wide choice of inspiring places and destinations.

You can get acquainted with the rich cultural heritage and architecture of St. Petersburg in any weather. What are the ice towns that flooded in the Peter and Paul Fortress and St. Petersburg squares. Many are attracted to New Year fairs and Christmas sales. Various holidays are organized for children, which differ in a special - European, mixed with the Russian spirit - color.

Traveling with children

The best sights of St. Petersburg can be visited even with young children. They will not be bored if the route is correctly drawn. You can first go to the Museum-Chocolate Shop. Then - visit the Museum of slot machines. Then you can admire the wax figures and head to the Neva embankment.

After that, children should be shown the Leningrad Zoo and its inhabitants. Waterparks of St. Petersburg deserve special attention. They are often forgotten when they get into the city. If the trip is planned in winter, then the open skating rinks and ice towns will not leave children indifferent.

Moscow region of St. Petersburg

Sights of the Moscow region of St. Petersburg also deserve inspection. It was founded in 1919, therefore it is considered modern and new. The oldest and main street is Moskovsky Prospekt. He crosses the highway leading to Moscow. Hence its name.

Among the main attractions, one can single out Victory Park, which was laid in honor of the victory of Russian soldiers in the Great Patriotic War. Here is the largest fountain in the city.

Then you can see the Triumphal Gate, which is a magnificent building of the area. They were erected as a symbol of the Russian victory in the war with Turkey and Persia.

Chesme Palace also deserves the attention of tourists. Due to the fact that the object is a unique architectural ensemble, it is necessary to plan several hours for its visit and inspection. Finally, you can just walk and sit in the shade of trees in Victory Square

The unique architecture of the city

St. Petersburg is famous all over the world for its unique architectural structures. The entire history of the city can be traced to buildings located in different parts of St. Petersburg. Of particular interest are drawbridges in the northern capital. Each of them differs from the other due to the length and width. And night illumination causes the constant delight among tourists.

With your own eyes, you must see the palace and park complexes. If the trip takes place in the summer, it is recommended to plan a visit to Peterhof. Fountains and sculptural compositions amaze any tourist here.

If the vacation is planned in the winter, then you can admire the interiors of the Stroganov, Catherine and Alexander palaces.

Even people far from religion must visit cathedrals and temples. The most famous:

  • Smolny Cathedral;
  • St. Isaac's
  • Kazan;
  • Savior on Spilled Blood.

It is convenient for the traveler that they are located relatively close to each other. Therefore, you can examine them all in one walk.

The main attractions of St. Petersburg

Summer St. Petersburg

Of course, everyone knows about the white nights praised by poets by Peter. No wonder the poems about the sights of Moscow and St. Petersburg affect not only iconic architectural structures, but also natural phenomena.

"White nights again in the city,

Again Peter builds bridges.

Again in the dusk, eternity passes

City of history and city of dreams. "

If you visit St. Petersburg in late May - early July, you can observe a unique and beautiful sight - white nights.

In addition, in mid-June, a holiday dedicated to school graduates - "Scarlet Sails" is regularly organized in the Neva. If a tourist is lucky enough to be in the city at this time, he will have a wonderful opportunity to watch a grandiose event, ending with a bright firework above the water. It must never be missed! These are vivid emotions and memories for life!

Peter for lovers and couples

In the summer, almost all the city’s couples in love and its guests try to take stunning photographs against the background of movable bridges. In addition, the city provides a unique opportunity for lovers to get to festivals of various formats that are focused on family vacations.

The main attractions of St. Petersburg


The main advantage of a vacation in the Northern capital is the opportunity to visit a large number of various attractions, being only within the same city. It perfectly combines fountains with old cathedrals. Temples with unique architecture are interspersed with buildings where ordinary shops are located. Drawbridges are the highlight of St. Petersburg.

St. Petersburg provides an opportunity to participate in city festivals, various master classes, visit theaters, where they stage both classical and modern productions. Museums of the city contain rare interesting exhibits that cannot be seen in other cities of Russia and abroad.

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