Zlatkis Bella Ilinichna: biography, family and education, career at Sberbank

Bella Ilyinichna Zlatkis is one of the leaders of Sberbank. She holds the post of deputy chairman of the board at this financial institution. In the article we will talk about the career of a financier, her education and personal life.

Childhood and youth

Biography of Bella Zlatkis

Bella Ilyinichna Zlatkis was born in 1948 in a family of bankers. Her parents held important posts in the Ministry of Finance. The girl already at school had outstanding abilities for the exact sciences.

In high school, she could not choose where to go to study: at Moscow State University, at the Faculty of Physics, or at the Bauman Institute. Her parents convinced her to enter the Moscow Financial Institute.


Successes of Bella Zlatkis

Bella Zlatkis entered one of the most complex faculties - financial mathematics. The heroine of our article was easy to learn, in many subjects she received "machines". As a result, in 1970 she graduated from high school with honors, receiving a degree in Finance and Credit.

On this, she decided not to end her education, going to study at the magistracy. The result was a Ph.D. in economics.

After graduation, Bella Ilyinichna Zlatkis almost immediately received an offer to take the post of economist in the Ministry of Finance of the RSFSR. Soon her advancement up the career ladder began. The posts of the chief and senior economist were followed by the appointment of the head of the department for financing industry, soon deputy head.


Bella Zlatkis at Sberbank

When the Soviet Union collapsed, Bella Ilyinichna Zlatkis served as head of the government securities department. In parallel, she headed the stock market of the Ministry of Finance and Economics already in the Russian Federation.

From 1993 to 1998, the biography of Bella Ilyinichna Zlatkis developed quite successfully. She headed the department of financial market and securities. In particular, she had to resolve issues of public debt, to lead the group that created the stock exchange in the country. Under her control, a system of government borrowing on the stock market was developed, and government short-term bonds began to be placed.

In 1998, a major reorganization of the central apparatus of the Ministry of Finance was carried out. The new position of the heroine of our article was the leadership of the department of internal debt management of the state.

Over time, the market for government short-term bonds actually collapsed, beginning to resemble a financial pyramid. The government did not want to pay debt securities, it was defaulted.


Bella Zlatkis

After a default was officially declared in the country, Zlatkis was instructed to restructure GKO debt, they began to be exchanged for new ones with an extended maturity. In 1998, she was part of a working group engaged in negotiations with investors on the settlement of public debts.

Various groups negotiated with holders of government short-term bonds to resolve the issue of when they can be settled.

An important event in the biography of Bella Zlatkis was the appointment of the Deputy Minister of Finance in 2000. Four years later, her work on debt restructuring was successfully completed, the last bonds were paid. After that, she quit the Ministry of Finance, moving to Sberbank.

Securities Act

Hobbies of Bella Zlatkis

It Zlatkis was one of the main initiators and developers of the law on securities in our country. They began to work on this project shortly after Boris Fedorov became Minister of Finance in 1990. His team was instructed to start drafting this bill. Fedorov himself did not last long at the head of the ministry; six months later, he was fired.

Fedorov left when the law was actually drafted and sent to the government for consideration and approval. Zlatkis continued his work, now on the implementation of the securities law.

In financial circles, she became famous primarily for contributing to the development of the Russian market of government short-term bonds. She was even unofficially called the "mother of T-bills."

By 1998, the volume of government short-term bonds that were in circulation on the market amounted to more than 270 billion rubles. Payments on them exceeded the total income of the country twice. In August, an official denial of payments on debt securities was announced. After that, many experts very sharply evaluated government short-term bonds, calling them a financial pyramid built by the state itself.

Work at Sberbank

Bella Zlatkis's career

Bella Zlatkis’s career at Sberbank began with the position of Deputy Chairman of the Board.

They say that the heroine of our article always liked to work in silence. Only the hum from the computer that she was sitting at could break her. That is why Zlatkis rarely spoke with representatives of other banks and commercial structures, entrusting this to his subordinates. It was extremely difficult for bankers and businessmen to personally meet with Bella Ilyinichna.

In Sberbank, Zlatkis had the same reputation as an influential, but closed leader, which is not so easy to reach out to.

Personal life

Spouse Zlatkis Latvian by nationality. She tries not to spread about him, protecting her personal life from prying eyes.

Bella Ilinichna herself admits that her husband always reacted negatively to her late return home, believing that her main task should be weeding the beds in the country.

Over time, he nevertheless came to a certain understanding, family life after that finally improved. At the same time, Zlatkis admits that, despite the high employment at work, she always manages to cook at home. Apart from her, no one does this.


Zlatkis has a daughter, whose name is Svetlana Berman. She's over 30. Svetlana decided to follow in her mother's footsteps, becoming a financier. Her current place of work is UniCredit Bank.

The heroine of our article admits that she was happy to spend time on maternity leave. When I nevertheless had to return to work, we found an elderly nanny who lived in the house until Svetlana was 14 years old.

In upbringing, a woman adheres to free principles. He understands that if you demand too much from the baby, most likely nothing will work. Bella Ilyinichna always tried to find out from her daughter herself whether she wanted to engage in a particular subject or hobby, it was they who made the choice.

At the age of 17, Svetlana left for England for a month and a half to learn English. And she settled not in London, but in the outback, where no one knew a word in Russian. When she returned, she was fluent in the language. Ever learned three more foreign languages.


Zlatkis loves flowers very much. Her favorite are orchids. She herself plants them in her country house.

Moreover, he considers himself a real book reader. He practically does not watch TV, but he re-reads Bulgakov, Ilf and Petrov many times.

In addition to fiction, he constantly studies something new in his specialization. He admits that he does not go to bed without reading something new about any financial instrument. Zlatkis is sure that all books about financial management are also about lifestyle and way of thinking. Business teaches everyone to save energy and think rationally. It is important in this life to save not only money, but life and time.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G17432/

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