Ural Bank - cash loan: conditions and interest. Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Today, many banks offer cash loans. Each institution has its own programs with different conditions. The Ural Bank also offers cash loans. Conditions and methods of their design can satisfy the needs of any borrower. Customers are offered several programs from which they can choose the right ones. And you can find out about them from the article.

About the bank

The organization was founded in 1990, and in 2004-2005 a connection was made with Sverdlsotsbank. In 2012, a development strategy was created. Rebranding was carried out, based on the manufacture of a new logo and positioning.

Ural bank cash loan

The Ural Bank is considered a key financial institution in its region. He is present in the TOP 50 of federal credit organizations. In our country, he is in the TOP-30. The main activity is the provision of services to private and corporate clients. Deposits are made, work with securities and operations in the foreign exchange market are taking place.

Loans are a key area of ​​activity of the Ural Bank. Each client can apply for the selected program. Each loan offer has its own conditions and requirements. The most profitable programs are for those who are a contributor or borrower. But for new customers there are special offers.

Features of affordable credit

This type of loan is considered inappropriate, loan processing in the Ural Bank is carried out remotely. To do this, fill out the form on the official website. Its main advantage is considered consideration within 7 minutes. The conditions include:

  • rate - 23-26.6%;
  • term - up to 7 years;
  • amount - 50-600 thousand rubles;
  • with an amount of 300 thousand rubles or more, an income certificate is required.

Funds are transferred to a bank card, so cash can only be obtained at an ATM. Withdrawal will be charged 1%, whichever self-service device is used.

“Minute business”

This cash loan in the Ural Bank can be reduced at rates for customers who regularly, timely pay the debt. The following conditions apply to this program:

  • rate - from 13%;
  • term - up to 7 years;
  • amount - 5 - 200 thousand rubles;
  • you only need a passport.

Banks Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Please note that this service is not provided to residents of Moscow. How to get the smallest percentage? The bank lowers the rate for timely payments. For the first six months after the loan is issued, the rate will be 63% per annum. If during this period the client made payments without delay, then the indicator decreases to 21%. If the next 6 months, the borrower faithfully continues to fulfill obligations, then the rate is reduced to 13%. She will act until the end of the payment of the debt. But if there is 1 late payment, then the percentage increases again.


Low rates are not available at all banks. The Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development offers an “Open” loan, on which the percentage is reduced for bona fide customers. The following conditions apply to it:

  • rate - from 15%;
  • term - up to 7 years;
  • amount - 50 thousand - 1 million rubles;
  • need a passport and 2-personal income tax.

Under this program, the same system for determining the rate operates, it is high only at the beginning. Usually set at 29.9, 31, 35%. Then after 6 months there is a decrease to 28%, and another six months later to 15 or 17%. Such conditions are not offered in every bank.


This cash loan at the Ural Bank is provided to non-working pensioners. They can use the following conditions:

  1. retirement age according to the laws of the Russian Federation;
  2. rate - from 21%;
  3. amount - up to 600 thousand rubles;
  4. term - up to 7 years;
  5. only a passport is needed.

Ural bank application for cash loan

The minimum loan interest in the Ural Bank (21%) is valid for card customers if funds are credited to the account every month. In addition, then the maximum loan is equal to 1 year. If the period is long, then the rate increases by 1 unit. For customers without a card, 34.9% is valid.

For investors

Profitable programs are offered for their regular customers by many banks. The Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development provides loans to depositors who have personal funds on deposit. They are provided with the following conditions:

  • rate - from 17.25%;
  • term - 2-7 years;
  • passport required;
  • amount - 30 thousand to 1 million rubles.

The rate is set by the bank for all customers, given their solvency. Usually it is equal to 17.25-19.9%. Such an offer is valid for depositors who have closed a deposit no later than 1 year before receiving a loan.

For clients

Such cash loans in the Ural Bank are offered only to borrowers and depositors. The following conditions apply to them:

  • rate - 21-26.5%;
  • term - 2-7 years;
  • amount - 5 thousand - 1 million rubles;
  • passport and card.

Ural bank how to get a cash loan

The interest is set for all borrowers individually, taking into account their income. The offer was created for customers who paid the loan no more than 3 years ago or issued it no less than six months ago.

Salary Clients

This offer is valid only for payees in the bank. They can use the following conditions:

  • amount - 20 thousand - 1 million rubles;
  • term - 1-7 years;
  • rate - 15-17%.

The minimum percentage is valid for employees of partner enterprises, their list can be found on the official website. And the rest is offered 17%. This indicator is valid if money is credited to the account every month, otherwise it will be 34.9%. Although the conditions do not need to provide a certificate, nevertheless it will be required to increase the loan amount.

On the security

Loans to individuals in the Ural Bank are also provided on the security of property. It can be real estate or transport. The following conditions are offered to customers:

  • rate - from 18%;
  • amount - from 250 thousand rubles;
  • term - 12-120 months.

Ural bank loan interest

The rate is determined by the type of collateral: if real estate is provided, it will be 18%, and the period will be 10 years. When applying for a vehicle, loans are issued at 20% and for up to 5 years. The maximum is determined by the estimated value of the collateral. Before registration, you should familiarize yourself with a few suggestions. Only then will it be possible to choose a suitable program for yourself.


The Bank offers a lot of different programs, but for almost every one there are one requirements:

  • age - 21-65 years old;
  • registration in the region where the branch is located;
  • fixed income;
  • availability of a fixed number of the employer.

All loans are issued online. Funds are transferred to the card, cash can be obtained at any ATM. Loans are available for entrepreneurs, they need to prepare a 3-NDFL certificate.

Design options

How to get a cash loan in the Ural Bank? The most convenient way is to send the questionnaire through the site. You must familiarize yourself and choose a loan offer. An application for a cash loan in the Ural Bank includes only basic information:

  2. Telephone.
  3. Date of birth.
  4. Information from the passport.
  5. Address and email.

Ural Bank loans to individuals

A preliminary decision to arrive after 7 minutes. If it didn’t work, you can visit the bank’s office and fill out a questionnaire there. In this case, it is advisable to take a statement of income. Indeed, for many customers, this leads to a decrease in rates and an increase in the amount. Keep in mind that the minimum wage should be 6 thousand rubles.


Since the funds are provided by transferring to a card account, you can pay the debt in the same way. In advance, before the required number of payments, the bank notifies customers of the debt. Payment can be made in various ways, including an ATM, a terminal, card transfers, using Internet banking. It is only necessary to transfer funds, and they will be debited by the bank independently.

Credit customers can take advantage of payment transfer. If the payment in the current period is complicated, you will be able to transfer the next payment. To do this, you need to connect the service through Internet banking or ATM.

But there are some limitations. The client during the connection of the service should not have a delay, and the payment should not be extreme. The service is provided with a consumer loan, not a credit card.

Advantages and disadvantages

The bank has the following advantages:

  1. High probability of approval.
  2. Speed ​​of decision making.
  3. A minimum of documents is required.
  4. Customers are offered special conditions.
  5. Conscientious borrowers receive reduced rates.
  6. Financial procedures are carried out without commission.
  7. Convenient SMS notification.
  8. Lots of loan programs.

Ural bank loan processing

The bank offers products for different categories of citizens. Moreover, all of them have favorable conditions. But there are several drawbacks:

  1. A guarantor and a deposit are often required.
  2. It is necessary to draw up collateral insurance.
  3. High rate on loans issued by passport.

Thus, the Ural Bank provides advantageous loan offers. Each borrower can choose the program that is perfect for him.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G17445/

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