Crochet blanket for discharge for newborns: schemes. Children's crocheted openwork plaid

Having a baby is a big celebration for the whole family. I want this day to remain in my memory for a lifetime.

crochet pattern blanket for newborns

Robe of the newborn - a touching element of a happy family event

Photos taken at the exit from the hospital always capture a wonderful event with lovely details. Here are happy parents, and a huge bouquet of flowers, and grandparents, doctors, and closest friends. The kid is so tiny that he is presented in the picture only in the form of a three-dimensional convolution. A beautiful plaid, hand-knitted and tied with a beautiful ribbon - this is so traditional, but at the same time very touching.

Superstitions related to the dowry for the baby

Despite the fact that during pregnancy a young woman waiting for her first child usually has a lot of free time, especially in recent months, for superstitious reasons she should not be engaged in either sewing or knitting. This sign can be treated differently. Someone laughs at the old prejudices, and someone is sure that in this case it is better to play it safe than to make a mistake, which you can later regret very much. The fact is that it is believed that if during pregnancy you engage in work related to threads, then the child risks getting entangled in the umbilical cord.

crochet pattern blanket for newborns

The bedspread connected by the grandmother will bring the child love, happiness and good health

There are many signs associated with the birth of a new person. In particular, this: before a baby is born, parents should not acquire any things for him. Where does the dowry for the baby come from? After all, from the very first days of his life he needs a lot of all kinds of things. The answer is simple - parents don’t get anything, but their own moms and dads can secretly collect dowry from them. This approach is very reasonable, as it brings together not very familiar relatives around a young family. One of the grandmothers usually knits a blanket for discharge from the hospital. As a rule, women at this age already know how to knit, so making a beautiful knitted bedspread for them is not a big deal.

crochet pattern blanket for newborns

Yarn should be only the best

To tie a beautiful blanket for discharge from the hospital, in which you can wrap the newborn, is not at all difficult. You just need to decide on a few questions. First, at what time of the year the baby is expected to appear. Secondly, what gender is it. And thirdly, which pattern will be most suitable.

It is better to knit a blanket for discharge in the summer from cotton, viscose or silk yarn. The baby will not be hot, and a person covered with a light cover will not fall under the rays of the bright sun and will be protected from dust and from the evil eye.

crochet pattern blanket for newborns

If the birth is expected in the winter, then a warm woolen blanket will be very welcome. In yarn stores you can find superior woolen threads designed specifically for children. They are particularly lightweight. Fluffy, such as mohair or angora, it is better not to take, as they are fluffy and the villi can cause the baby anxiety. It is better to make a knitted blanket for discharge from soft cashmere.

The choice of color matters

Color can be any. Especially good for this case are gentle pastel shades. The blanket for the girl is pink, and for the boy - blue. White bedspreads with a contrasting tape threaded along the edge look very nice.

crochet pattern blanket for newborns

If for some reason the child’s gender is unknown, then white will be the best.

Crocheted fabric is best suited for baby plaid

Crochet a blanket for discharge for newborns (the schemes are presented in this article) is preferable to knitting. The fact is that such a plaid can be easily knitted, if necessary. There is another plus - such a blanket is practically not deformed, that is, its edges do not curl, as is the case with straight canvases made on knitting needles.

The variety of options should not be scary

A rather thick winter woolen blanket can be knitted with a simple net, and a silk ribbon can be passed around the perimeter. It is important that the pattern is without bumps or other thickenings. They will interfere with the baby, creating discomfort when he is lying in a stroller or crib. You can be wise over patterns if a summer plaid is crocheted for an extract for newborns. Patterns for thin canvases are usually quite complex. In addition to the main pattern used for the central part, you need to select a pattern for the border. This work is for an experienced knitter, as it requires the ability to count and customize rapports.

crochet pattern blanket for newborns

Crocheted blanket for discharge for newborns, the diagrams and photos of the summer and winter versions of which are presented in the article, require calculation regarding the size of the canvas. As a rule, it is standard - 1m x 1.2 m. It is inconvenient to wrap the child’s blanket too large or too small.

The plaid can be connected with a fantasy openwork, or it can be a simple fillet with a laconic pattern in the form of flowers, hearts or stripes.

crochet pattern blanket for newborns

Knitting speed depends on thread thickness and hook number

Thin threads require a thin hook. Such a plaid fits in for a long time. For thicker coat, a thicker hook should be used. To a skilled knitter, to crochet a woolen blanket for an extract for newborns (schemes of a simple fillet from columns with a crochet and two or three air loops between them are visible in the photo below), it will take no more than two weeks.

plaid for girls

Knit better with loose loops - this way the thing will turn out more plastic.

Knitting a sample is a mandatory stage of work

Before starting work on the main canvas, a small sample should be tied. It must be measured in length and width, and the numbers written down. After this, the sample must be washed as you intend to subsequently wash the entire blanket.

The dried and ironed sample needs to be measured again and, having compared the initial and final sizes, to calculate the loops.

crochet pattern blanket for newborns

Universal option - from individual motives

The most common, one might say, universal plaid is made of square motifs. They fit in plain or multi-colored. The connection occurs during the knitting process or after all the elements are ready. Then they can be joined with the same yarn with a hook or sewn with a needle with matching threads. Plaids, knitted from threads of two or three colors combining among themselves, are very beautiful. Do not knit in the squares of the plaid on which the child will lie, voluminous flowers. Although it looks very beautiful, the inconvenience caused by thickening from the flowers of the fragile bone skeleton is too great.

Knitting with a single cloth from the center is a good option for a not very experienced craftswoman

Another version of the universal plaid is a canvas connected from the middle. The sides of such a canvas are the same length. The knitting process is extremely simple - in the corners of each next row, loops are added. For this reason, the number of columns and air loops with distance from the middle becomes more and more. This option is characterized by the fact that the corners of the canvas are somewhat elongated - not rectangular, but sharp, and the straight parts, respectively, are slightly compressed. For a small plaid of thick threads, this feature is quite acceptable. With this method of knitting, the choice of patterns is very limited, but you can play with color. In addition, to tie a square cloth with a lace border is somewhat easier than a rectangular one. The border can be attached only from two opposite sides, then the plaid will acquire a standard size.

crochet pattern blanket for newborns

Woolen blanket is washed in the machine in the "Wool" mode or manually. Spin is only very delicate. Cotton can be machine washed, and white can even be bleached.


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