What is common and how does a pressure cooker differ from a multicooker

With the advent of indispensable domestic helpers in the kitchen, the life of a modern woman has changed dramatically, and for the better. Cooking ceased to be a boring, laborious affair, and began to take much less time. Devices that greatly simplify this process are, without a doubt, pressure cookers and multicookers. This household appliance, which has gained popularity among housewives around the world, is in abundance on the shelves of our stores. Therefore, it is worthwhile to find out in more detail how the pressure cooker differs from the multicooker.

what is the difference between a pressure cooker and a multicooker

Pressure cooker working principle

A pressure cooker has been around for several decades. Outwardly it is an ordinary pan, only hermetically sealed. Due to the vapor pressure inside the pressure cooker, high pressure is generated at the same temperature as in a conventional pan. Food is cooked much faster. Actually, this is the main thing that distinguishes a pressure cooker from a multicooker or an ordinary pan. Although there are special openings in the lid for bleeding steam, you cannot leave it unattended for safety reasons. There are also electric pressure cookers, which differ from the usual ones in that they operate from the mains and are not put on fire. Some modern appliances are equipped with small windows so that you can observe the cooking process. The cover must not be opened until pressure has been released from it or it has completely cooled down.

What is a slow cooker and how does it work

what is the difference between a multicooker and a pressure cooker
Outwardly, the multicooker resembles the most ordinary pan. In the lower part, it has a heating element, and the entire cooking process is controlled by smart electronic filling. By and large, a multicooker is a more modernized one equipped with additional features of a pressure cooker. Food is cooked quickly enough, although not in the same way as in a pressure cooker. Unlike a pressure cooker, in which all the necessary ingredients are laid immediately, products can be laid in a multicooker gradually. Perhaps this is the main thing that distinguishes a multicooker from a pressure cooker, but not the only one. In order to cook food in the first appliance, it is enough to put in it all the necessary products, set the temperature and start the desired program. Then you can not control the cooking process and safely go about their business. Moreover, the start time of the cooking process can be set in advance.

But which is better?

But still, what is the difference between a pressure cooker and a multicooker and what is better to choose? It is rather difficult to answer this question unequivocally. Without a doubt, multvarka is more functional. In it, you can cook several different dishes at the same time - stew, fry and cook. Very good at cooking in this appliance is a variety of baked goods. The difference between a pressure cooker and a slow cooker is that in the first one you can cook not so many dishes. It can only be stewed, boiled or steamed. But the cooking process is much faster.

best slow cooker pressure cooker

It is better, of course, to have both at home, but progress, as they say, does not stand still. Manufacturers of kitchen equipment have developed a unique product that combines the advantages of both devices. This is literally the best multicooker-pressure cooker capable of cooking both in normal mode and under pressure. Although the cost of this versatile device is still high, nevertheless it has virtually erased the differences between these two indispensable household appliances that have so firmly entered our daily lives.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G17471/

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