The meaning of the word pharaoh to the ancient Egyptians meant much more than a ruler

The meaning of the word pharaoh in most Russian explanatory dictionaries is explained in this way - it is the title of the ancient Egyptian rulers or persons with royal capabilities.

Meaning of the word pharaoh

Origin of the term

The ancient Egyptians did not want to give the king's real name. It was sacred to them. In their opinion, if a person pronounces the name of his ruler, that will be done any harm. Words released into the wind could have an effect on the king. like evil eye or spoilage. Therefore, instead of the name, they called their ruler per-oh, which in Egyptian means “big house” or “royal palace”. Gradually the word was rephrased and in the Old Testament it was already written in the form in which it is known today. This happened around the 16th century BC. Since that time, the concept of "pharaoh" began to designate the Egyptian ruler himself.

Who was he for his people?

The meaning of the word "pharaoh" for the Egyptians was sacred. Not in vain, fearing to harm him, they did not give a real name. The figure of the king himself was for them a way that remained incomprehensible, mysterious, majestic and living in a mystical world. According to historical chronicles, many pharaohs were very democratic people who care about their people.

In fact, the Egyptians were very devout and believed that the gods once lived on earth. Seth, Osiris, Amon Ra, Horus - all of them were among the people, and now they are estranged from the great fall of mankind. Observe and rule left one living god. Perhaps that is why the meaning of the word "pharaoh" and the image of such a person were sacred to them.

Origin of erroneous opinion

The image of the unlimited ruler, despot and master of other people's destinies was appropriated by Europeans. Gradually penetrating deeper into the history of Ancient Egypt, historians and archaeologists made incorrect hasty conclusions about what the word "pharaoh" means to the Egyptians. Many sins were attributed to him, unusual for the ruler so adored by his people:

  • tyranny
  • bullying;
  • executions.

The period of close study, as well as the looting of tombs, was the end of the XIX - beginning of the XX century. Revolutions and wars that occurred in most European countries contributed to the active opening of buried tombs. Taking advantage of the general confusion, chaos and confusion, the attackers removed many material and historical values ​​from the country.

List of Pharaohs

The image of the ruler

The meaning of the word "pharaoh" for the Egyptians can be determined by looking at the ancient images made in caves and pyramids. His figure is everywhere a little higher than others, which emphasizes superiority. Pharaoh was considered the son of the sun god Ra, who is able to penetrate everywhere along with the rays of light. He could look into every house, anywhere in the country and see what subjects were doing.

The appearance of the king distinguished him from the crowd. His head everywhere, even in the family circle, was covered with a wig: ceremonial or everyday. A diadem was worn on top - a headpiece with a golden cobra billowing above it. On it was a loincloth traditional for Ancient Egypt, which differed from the wardrobe of ordinary people in texture and material: it was corrugated. A trapezoid apron made of precious metals was attached to the belt.

A robe of gold and jewelry sometimes weighed several kilograms, but it was worth it. For subordinates, the graceful and majestic appearance of the ruler was of great importance. The words: “Pharaoh” and “God” were approximately equal in meaning to them, therefore, these two concepts were always identified.

What does the word pharaoh mean

Dynasties of Rulers

In the 4th millennium BC, in the territory of Ancient Egypt there were 42 independent states called “nomes”. Around the year 3000 BC, the ruler of Upper Egypt conquered Lower and thereby created one state. The list of pharaohs begins precisely with him, although before this event the previous rulers were named in the same way.

In total, 31 ruling dynasty are known in history, and some of them were on the throne for only a few months, or even days. The full list of pharaohs is unknown, but several should be highlighted. Their period of government was marked by significant events for the state:

  • Amenhotep;
  • Cheops
  • Hafra
  • Mencaura
  • Mentuhotep;
  • Menes;
  • Joser;
  • Chefren;
  • Yahmos;
  • Hatshepsut;
  • Akhenaten;
  • Ramses.

It is worth noting that the rule of each of them has a certain contribution. Some built pyramids, others paid special attention to the development of geometry, while others expanded the boundaries of their possessions by conquering neighboring territories.

Concept of pharaoh

Despite the fact that the ancient Egyptian pharaohs lived a very long time, their figures left a deep mark in history. The way of thinking, the way of life, the great deeds and the noble deeds of these kings will be discussed for a long time in the lessons of history.


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