Kiwi map: reviews. Qiwi Visa Plastic

Many lovers of virtual payments have already managed to appreciate all the charms of the revolutionary Qiwi system. With its help, it is easy to shop online and even shop in ordinary stores. For added convenience, the Qiwi universal payment card has appeared in the system. We tried to study reviews about it as much as possible.

kiwi map reviews

Brief background of the company

Kiwi Group is a fairly well-known international payment service, created in 2007. Almost simultaneously with the successful launch of the system, the first “Personal Account” was created, working on any mobile and portable devices. It was later renamed Qiwi Wallet. And exactly one year later, the first virtual card appeared in the system.

At the end of 2011, company representatives presented the new Qiwi Visa Plastic card, which allows performing not only virtual operations, but also working with cash.

qiwi visa plastic

What features does “treasured plastic” have?

Qiwi Visa Plastic is a full-fledged plastic card that opens in ruble terms. It is not registered, therefore it is issued as soon as possible. It has been operating for only two years. After this time, it is quite possible to reissue it.

Qiwi card holders are free to transfer funds from their Qiwi Wallet and make purchases in online stores and other retail outlets that support this service. Thanks to the large retail network, it’s quite possible to cash out the funds in your card account through any ATM.

However, you can spend money from a Qiwi card exclusively within the amount collected on the wallet. But even if the money in your virtual account is over, it does not matter. You can replenish the money spent using branded terminals or through a mobile application.

qiwi map

Options for a problem with the card

In case of loss of a card or other problems with your plastic, you can order a scheduled lock. To do this, just send a message to the number "7494" with the text QVP STOP. The same operation is quite easy to do manually. To this end, you must perform the following steps:

  • Log in to your wallet.
  • Go to the "My cards" tab.
  • Press the active “Block” key and confirm your decision.

That's just to unlock you need a brand new Qiwi credit card. That is, the restoration of a blocked "plastic" is impossible.

kiwi credit card

What are the benefits of using a card?

Using this card, you can make instant or urgent money transfers, sending them to your relatives and friends. As a rule, only small amounts of money can be saved on a virtual account. Therefore, you should not be afraid to spend money in excess of the norm. You will not be able to spend more than the set limit. For the same reason, a Kiwi bank card will be useful not only for adults, but also for children. According to some parents, by opening additional cards for their offspring, you can control their spending on pocket expenses and entertainment.

Moreover, sometimes a small supply of funds on such a card is a great help just when you urgently need money. This is a kind of reserve for a rainy day.

And, of course, as many remote users say, the Qiwi credit card is a great tool for quick pay. Due to the binding of the card to the wallet, it is very convenient to receive, cash out and simply spend earned money. Moreover, this can be done both virtually and in real retail outlets.

qiwi bank

How much does it cost and how to arrange?

The final cost of the released “plastic” directly depends on the established tariffs of the system, mail forwarding and delivery options. Also included in this price is the annual maintenance fee and commission fee. According to users, the price of the card is low and does not hit the family budget at all. And here’s how to draw up a Qiwi card, we will tell further.

In order to purchase a card, you must perform the following actions:

  • Go to the official website of the system.
  • Select the tab with plastic cards.
  • Click on the card you like and on the active "Order" button.
  • Indicate your name and address for delivery.
  • Pay the cost of issuing and delivering a card (you can pay using a virtual wallet).
  • Receive a verification message with a number for the best tracking of delivery.
  • Pick up the finished card from the courier or at the post office.

kiwi bank card

What are the tariffs and conditions of the card?

Interested in a Kiwi Card? User reviews will help to understand the convenience of its use, current tariffs and terms of use. So, if you believe the card holders, its replenishment is carried out without any commission. Plastic service is free. When performing operations in domestic stores, a commission is also not charged. And in foreign countries, it amounts to approximately 2.5% in rubles and 0% in foreign currency. A low percentage for cashing out funds at an ATM. It is equal to only 2% of the amount and + 50 rubles for processing the payment by the bank. And, of course, it’s very convenient to draw up a card remotely, and not come to Qiwi (bank) for it.

how to draw a qiwi card

A few words about the bank

This joint-stock company is part of the entire Kiwi group. The organization has a fairly developed retail and branch network. Currently, over 169,000 retail points of sale have been opened in Russia. Due to the presence of innovative products, “Kiwi” Bank performs over 750,000 payment transactions. So, with its help you can carry out the following operations:

  • Top up bank cards and accounts.
  • Repay loans.
  • Buy and order VISA virtual cards.
  • Pay for utilities.
  • Pay off state fees, fines and other types of payments.
  • Carry out international transfers of funds, etc.

From the history of the bank

The bank itself was first created in 2008. At that time, several of the largest Russian virtual payment systems and shareholders of the joint-stock bank became part of a completely new financial organization.

Exactly two years later, the “1st Processing” bank appeared among the members of the organization. And the joint-stock company itself in 2011 was renamed into a financial organization called Kiwi.

According to the latest data, this financial institution is 171st in terms of assets. In terms of net profit, it ranks 41st in the ranking of banking organizations. Moreover, at the beginning of this year, the company introduced a completely new card with the speaking name “Conscience”. This new product allows you to take any goods by installments with the subsequent renewal of the existing credit limit.

Useful tips for working with the map

Many users not only share their opinions on the use of universal banking "plastic", but also reveal certain secrets of its use. With their help, it will be much more profitable to use the Kiwi card. Feedback from such customers is very helpful. For example, some of them advise connecting a special SMS informing service.

This service is connected for free. It helps to monitor the status of your current account on the card and to compare the check with the actual debit of money when paying for goods. This approach will protect your card from dishonest cashiers, waiters and other people, as well as provide an opportunity to control the balance of funds in the account.

According to many reviews, the Kiwi card will help you make cashless payments in large supermarkets. According to user stories, large retail outlets do not take an additional fee for paying with a card. Also, for your convenience in large stores, it is recommended to pay through self-service points. According to credit card holders, sometimes a card may not work. And at such points, you simply will not delay anyone and annoy.

What reviews can you hear about the map?

You can only hear positive reviews about this plastic card. According to user stories, its release and maintenance does not hit the overall family budget. Many people like that when paying by card there is no need to enter a PIN code. It is very convenient and time saving. But only if the card is stolen, you need to carry out a quick lock in order to avoid losing money from your wallet.

Others like the lack of commission when paying with a card. But it is frustrating to have a high, according to them, commission fee when cashing in an ATM. Still others appreciated the usability of the “plastic” itself. With it, it’s easy to pay bills and make purchases, both on the Internet and in real stores. Fourth do not like the short life of the card. However, if possible, they are happy to order a credit card again.


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