“Loan Center”: customer and employee reviews

When banks refuse credit or need money urgently, microfinance organizations come to the rescue . They help to arrange a loan with a minimum package of documents and as soon as possible. One such non-banking company is the “Loan Center”. The reviews of this MFI, which can be found in this article, will help you understand the real value of contacting such representatives of credit services.

loan center reviews

A few words about the company

Non-banking organization “Center for loans” Summit LLC is a company with extensive experience in microfinance. She has been working since 2011. Since its foundation, the company has opened more than 20 branches in various cities and regions of the Russian Federation. The office of the MFI “Center for Loans” (feedback on the work of this company can be heard both from users and the employees themselves) is located on Khoroshevskoye Shosse, 35, building 1, in Moscow.

Services for the population

Currently, the “Loan Center” offers microcredit services for individuals and legal entities. Among the clients of the company there are students, entrepreneurs, housewives and even people of retirement age. If you believe the statistics, then during its opening the company has already issued about 37,000 microloans worth over 900 million rubles.

In addition to microloans, the “Loan Center” (“Summit”), reviews of which can be found below, offers beneficial cooperation with investors. For example, when making an appropriate deposit, the “Loan Center” promises 30% per annum. So, if you put 5 million rubles in the account for a period of 24 months, you can already get 8 million at the exit.

According to many users, such an offer helps to increase their savings. And to do this really in a very short time, which cannot but rejoice.

Brief characteristics of loan products

Among the attractive loan products designed for different age categories, the “Loan Center” (customer reviews confirm this information) offers the following programs:

  • "To the salary."
  • Reliable and Reliable +.
  • "Prosto Zero."
  • “Friends” and “His”.
  • "Pension."
  • "Student".

Also in this MFI there are special offers for regular customers. With the help of such programs, as some users say, you can get a microloan at preferential rates. In addition, the “Loan Center” offers loans secured by real estate or vehicles.

Credit Check

The non-bank organization “Center for Loans” (employee reviews about it help to consider the organization from all sides) provides a paid service for checking the borrower's credit history . With the help of this service, everyone can find out similarities from their credit dossier.

center investment loan reviews

To order a credit history, you must perform the following steps:

  • go to the centrzaimov.ru website;
  • click on the “Loans” tab;
  • choose from the list of "Credit history";
  • Fill out the application form and send it online.

loan center customer reviews

According to customers who contacted the “Loan Center”, reviews of which can display useful information for future borrowers of the company, to submit an application, you must indicate your full name, contact number and select a region to receive an answer. According to the stories of many users, the whole process takes no more than 15-30 minutes. And you can count on a positive result of the request on the day of contact. The processing and issuance of the document itself is carried out upon presentation of the passport by the client.

How convenient is it to contact the “Loan Center”?

According to numerous MFI clients, it is very convenient to contact here, since the company's offices can be found in almost all central cities of the Russian Federation. For example, they are in Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, St. Petersburg, Penza, Rostov-on-Don and other regions.

Other customers share how quickly Loans Center issues loans. Reviews from most of them boil down to the fact that on average the process of considering an application and issuing a microloan takes no more than half an hour. For regular customers, this procedure is simplified to a minimum.

loan center summit reviews

On what conditions can I get a loan?

The conditions for obtaining a microloan directly depend on the type of loan program, frequency of circulation and the borrower's integrity. For example, at the initial application to MFIs, you can count on a microloan in the range of 1,000-30,000 rubles for a period of 1-30 days and at 0-2% per day. And for registration, as practice shows, you only need a Russian passport. It is noteworthy that in this case the amount of return will be 48,000 rubles. In case of secondary circulation (under similar conditions), the borrower will have to return 39,000 rubles.

How can I get credit money?

When preparing an application, each client has the right to choose the method of obtaining credit money. For example, immediately after the approval of the request, you can come to the nearest office of the company and collect cash at the cash desk of the MFI. Alternatively, it’s realistic to order a money delivery service directly to your home and even to your place of work. This is how the non-banking organization “Center for Loans” works. Reviews about it can be heard both in a positive and negative way. But to decide in favor of one or the other is possible only with a thorough analysis and personal appeal to the microfinance organization.

What are the benefits of contacting the Loan Center?

If you believe most of the customer reviews of this MFI, you can highlight the following advantages of contacting the "Loan Center":

  • the opportunity to get a loan with any credit history;
  • high speed of obtaining a loan;
  • the ability to issue a microloan in the presence of one credit delay;
  • a great way to improve your credit dossier (with hasty repayment of a microloan);
  • microloans for students and senior citizens;
  • an opportunity to get a loan for officially unemployed and unemployed;
  • issuing a loan in a convenient way;
  • execution on one document;
  • issuing loans for any purpose, etc.

mf loan center reviews

What do clients and MFI employees say?

Reviews about this organization can be heard very different. For example, some borrowers say only positive things about the organization. So, some of them talk about how they were able to quickly get a loan. They liked the high speed of registration and professionalism of the company employees. Others argue the opposite. According to them, company managers do not have the necessary knowledge in the field of etiquette. They are openly rude and misbehaving.

Third admire low interest and customer loyalty. Four people like the quick response of company managers to a problem.

The employees of the organization themselves speak out about the company in a positive way. They like to work in a friendly team. According to many of them, it was here that they acquired the necessary knowledge in the field of customer service, learned how to identify potential defaulters and improved business communication skills.

Center for loans and investments "Expert": reviews and confusion with the names

Often the names of completely different companies can coincide or sound identical. For example, this is exactly the case with the “Loan Center” (LLC MCC “Finance NN”), established in 2010. However, unlike its namesake company, this company operates exclusively in Nizhny Novgorod and the Nizhny Novgorod region. Therefore, we ask you not to confuse them.

In addition, Summit LLC is often associated with new customers with LLC MFI Investment Center. The central office of this organization is located on Sovetskaya street, 7a, in st. Dinskaya Krasnodar Territory. She also issues microloans with and without collateral, finances business representatives and prepares pension loans.

Another namesake MFI is the center for loans and investments, better known as the “Expert”. The main office of this company is located in Novosibirsk, on Sovetskaya street, 22a. Pay attention to the reviews: “The Center for Investment Loans” is considered a relatively young organization.

loan center employee reviews

According to some users, she gives microloans in the amount of up to 30,000 rubles for a period of 5 to 20 days. The fee for using a loan in this case is up to 2% per day. According to the stories of the clients of this company, they were lucky not only to receive the long-awaited loan, but also to request its further extension. Using this loyal approach, they were able to first pay the accrued interest and then close the bulk of the debt.

loan and investment center expert reviews

What to do to avoid confusion with the names?

If you decide to resort to the services of the “Loan Center” and are not sure whether it is a non-banking organization, pay attention to the legal name of the company and its contacts. You should also carefully study the reviews in order to find out which “Loan Center” they are talking about. And finally, you can check if MFIs are registered in the unified register of the Russian Federation. To do this, go to cbr.ru and enter the name of your organization in the appropriate search box. Thus, you can always find an MFI that suits your requirements.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G1751/

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