What is a mercenary army and when did it appear?

Since time immemorial, dust has been raised on the military roads of many countries of the world forged boots of desperate soldiers of fortune - mercenaries. They walked in their ranks and those who were tired of a monotonous life, and the poor brought to the extreme, and simply adventurers - seekers of easy prey. In this article we will try to get to know them better and understand what a mercenary army is.


These were special troops. They consisted exclusively of professionals who were hired by states, cities, and sometimes individuals, who had a lot of money and the need for brave thugs who were ready to fulfill any order and who did not ask unnecessary questions. Their services were widely used in most countries of the Ancient World, and especially in Rome and Egypt.

What is a mercenary army

What is a mercenary army in ancient Egypt?

During the period of the Old Kingdom, the temporary boundaries of which are defined as 3200-2400 years. BC, on the banks of the Nile was very turbulent. Frequent were the invasions of detachments of neighboring Asian states. Even military settlements located in dangerous places did not save. Yes, and a large army was difficult to assemble: needed working hands in the fields. In those days, they did not yet know what a hired army was, but the wise pharaohs found a way out.

They began to hire warriors from neighboring states. For a monetary reward and a well-fed life, they were ready to expose their breasts under enemy arrows and spears. When there were major wars and the army went on long campaigns, its ranks were replenished at the expense of the conquered peoples, from which mercenary units were also formed. This tradition was preserved in subsequent centuries, until the collapse of Egyptian civilization.

Roman mercenaries

What is a mercenary army in ancient Egypt

But what is a hired army in ancient Egypt compared to its counterpart in a highly organized Roman army. At the end of the 3rd century BC, the Second Punic War ended, the result of which was the ruin of free peasants. In order to somehow feed themselves and their families, they massively joined the army of the Roman emperor. But unlike the previous militias, they agreed to shed their own and other people's blood exclusively for money. And what is a hired army without a profit? The state went to meet them, and for the service, the recruits received a decent salary, and after a certain period (16 years) they also got a land allotment. In addition, they relied on weapons, clothing, and a lot of everything that is necessary in everyday life. In general, there was something to risk his head.

Indian sepoy

Of certain interest are mercenary forces in India. They were formed in the XVIII century and existed until the beginning of the XX century. The initiators of their creation were the British, who colonized India and needed relatively inexpensive military units formed from local residents. These mercenaries were called sepoys and went down in history mainly as organizers and main participants in the uprising against their enslavers, which took place in 1857.

What is a hired army definition

Soldiers of fortune on the European continent

What is a hired army, Europe learned in the XI century, after the practice was established of attracting feudal lords to their service of foreigners. When, after three hundred years, large centralized states began to form, their monarchs, not trusting the militia from their subjects, attracted foreigners. In addition to foreigners, townspeople, free peasants, ruined artisans and just random people were also recruited. Over time, in a number of states, the units formed from them became the main military force.

In the early stages of its existence, such structures were created only during the war. For the recruitment of mercenaries by the king or the feudal lord appointed commissioner. He was given the appropriate patent and the required amount. At the end of hostilities, everyone dissolved. The transition to permanent mercenary armies took place in Europe in the 16th century, along with the establishment of absolute monarchies in most countries. These permanent military units underwent training, which was based on drill and blind submission.

Modern mercenary troops

In the modern world, the formation of hired units is carried out by commercial structures, whose main business is to profit from orders related to the performance of certain military tasks. There are about three thousand such private companies in the world today, and they operate in one hundred countries around the world, covering all continents, except Antarctica. The annual turnover of this "death industry" is one hundred billion dollars.

Mercenary Forces in India

The story of what a mercenary army is in the modern world will be incomplete if you do not recall some additional functions. This is primarily the operation of modern military equipment. For example, in Afghanistan, private companies are serviced by military drones carrying out intelligence for the US armed forces. In a number of hot spots, they act as instructor specialists, as well as supply troops with fuel and ammunition. But no matter what these people do, the result of their activities always becomes death, destruction and grief of people.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G17516/

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