The principle of operation of the intercom

The principle of operation of the "intercom" device can be viewed from two different positions - from the position of the subscriber and from the position of the visitor. A subscriber in this case is a person who has direct access to the room and has a key. Visitors are all other people.

In order to open the door, the subscriber can use the key or enter a special code. The key must be attached to the reader, and the code entered using the keyboard. If the subscriber is indoors, then he can control the door remotely.

The visitor has a very meager set of door opening options: he is obliged to dial either the subscriber’s apartment number or the personal key of a particular tenant. After making a call, the subscriber recognizes the visitor’s identity, inquires about the purpose of his visit, and then decides whether to let the person into the house or not.

There are also intercoms individual operation, the principle of their operation is similar. The only difference is the lack of a keyboard - instead of it there is only one key located on the call bar.

There are also a number of requirements for intercoms. Moreover, his model, the number of residents using it, and the cost price do not matter.

1. The operation of the device must be extremely simple, obvious to the user on an intuitive level.

2. There should be a special highlight.

3. All operations performed with the intercom must be accompanied by sound notifications.

So how are intercoms useful? First of all, you can visually see the one who came to you. This can be very useful when you do not want to see your visitor. In addition, the equipment of intercoms is very useful in those entrances in which tenants try to keep clean and tidy. It is worth knowing that ordinary crackers on a button can crack a button in a couple of minutes. They will need significantly more time to crack the intercom, which is also important when a subscriber is in danger.

The purchase of intercoms is an excellent option not only for residential buildings, but also for office premises of various companies. If there will be many visitors, the office manager will be able to simply press a key and find out who has come, and not constantly run and open the door. Modern models of intercoms are able to communicate with the remote control of the main alarm system, as well as give appropriate signals in case of hacking or unauthorized entry. they can also be equipped with one or more video cameras, with which a picture of everything that happens can be displayed on a regular monitor in your home.


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