Hob Electrolux EHF 56240 IK: reviews

The arrangement of the kitchen is a very complex and responsible process. And of particular difficulty is the choice of a gas stove or hob. The latter are now much more popular, but also more expensive. In this case, you need to choose the right hob.

Now inductance has become fashionable, which are much more functional than the usual gas ones, but also more difficult to control. They are powered by electricity. However, you still need to choose the right induction panel. The Electrolux EHF 56240 IK panel has proved to be quite good. We will definitely consider reviews about it, as well as its characteristics. But first, some general information.

electrolux e reviews

A few words about the manufacturer

Electrolux is well known in our latitudes. It was founded in 1919 in Sweden with just one person. His name was Axel Wenner-Gren. At first, the company was engaged in the production of household vacuum cleaners. The very first copy weighed 19 kilograms. Some time later, the first refrigerator was created. And again, the company "Electrolux". Around the same time, Einstein was also patenting his refrigerator. But his brainchild did not take root. And in the future they used exactly the design that was created by the engineers of Electrolux. Already in the 30s of the last century, the company began to actively buy firms that were engaged in the production of household appliances, and by the early 1980s, Electrolux had already become a world leader in this industry.

In the late 1990s and early 2000s, the concern continued to actively absorb companies. So the legendary Husqvarna and the Italian Zanussi were bought. Apart from many other companies, the status is lower. At the same time, the Electrolux factories worked at full capacity and produced all new equipment. And when the fashion began for induction hobs, the company decided not to stand aside. So the first models appeared. And the hob Electrolux EHF 56240 IK, reviews of which we will consider a little later, is one of the most successful models of recent production. And now we will consider the key features of this panel in more detail.

electrolux surface

Design and appearance

This is the first thing you should pay attention to when choosing a hob. Electrolux EHF 56240 IK, the review of which we present, looks modern and chic. The entire upper part of the surface is covered with glossy glass with refractory properties. At the locations of the burners there are special outlined circles. And below them are the heating elements and components themselves, which signal the residual heating of the burner. The control panel is located in the lower right part of the surface. It is equipped with touch buttons. In general, the panel looks pretty good. A strict black color makes it easy to fit into any interior. In general, she has a classic appearance, even despite the fact that such a panel is a sign of modernity. But the company's designers managed to make it classic. What an honor and praise to them.

Panel Dimensions

Since the Electrolux EHF 56240 IK hob, which we continue to review, is a built-in appliance, dimensions and weight are of key importance. A potential buyer needs to know this information in order to understand whether this surface will fit into his kitchen or whether it is better to choose something smaller. Fortunately, the panel has standard sizes. If in millimeters, then the dimensions look like this: 60x560x490 mm. These are standard sizes.

The panel will perfectly fit into a conventionally sized kitchen. And it pleases. It is worth noting that such dimensions became possible only because the panel is devoid of an additional frame and any handles that are on the cooking surfaces of other manufacturers. If these elements of decor were present, then its dimensions would be completely different. But the designers decided to abandon such excesses. What is incredibly pleasing.

hob reviews

User feedback on design

Now let's see what users say about the design of the Electrolux EHF 56240 IK hob. Reviews are mostly supportive. Those who have already acquired this induction charm, claim that thanks to its classic design and versatile black color, it easily fits into any interior. Even if he is in the modern style.

There is no doubt that the surface could easily fit into the interior of the rococo (if anyone thought of using it in the kitchen). Such versatility is only in the hands of the manufacturer. That is why this model is very popular among users. Even though the price of it is by no means small. The dimensions are also in full order. Not a single owner complained that there were any problems during the integration. The process of embedding everyone went without a hitch.

Panel Specifications

Now let's talk about the technical characteristics of the panel. It has four burners, under which the heating elements are hidden. Total power consumption - 6600 watts. Yes, that's a lot. But such a figure is obtained only when all four rings are turned on and fully operational. And this in everyday life will happen extremely rarely.

Induction heating technology makes panel cleaning easy. The top of the surface never gets very hot. Therefore, if you suddenly ran off milk, then it will never burn. As a result, all dirt is removed very easily. This is one of the features of the Electrolux EHF 56240 IK panel, reviews of which we will consider a little later. In general, the characteristics of this device are quite modern. Engineers "Electrolux" worked hard.

electrolux ehf 56240 review

Panel functionality

In addition to the already mentioned option, which facilitates the cleaning of the panel, there are a few more functions that the user will be interested in learning about. The first of these is boost. If it is activated, the burner heats up to maximum temperature in a few seconds. No need to wait for the panel to pop open.

Another useful feature is that the burner is heated only if the dishes are on it. If it is not there, then the surface remains cold. The residual heat indication function is also very useful. If you have turned off the burner and want to wipe it, do not do this while the indicator is on. There is a high probability of burns. And finally, the panel is equipped with child protection. A child will not be able to accidentally activate the surface and get burned.

electrolux hob review

Reviews about the features and functionality

What do users think about the functionality of the Electrolux EHF 56240 IK? The reviews are full of enthusiastic comments. Especially users liked the fact that without cookware, the burners do not heat up. Even if you forgot to turn off the panel, it is simply impossible to get burned.

Also, the owners were pleased with the possibility of easy cleaning. Indeed, in the cooking process, different situations may arise. And some users say that the panel is equipped with automatic shutdown after a certain period of time. This is a very useful thing: it helps to save electricity.

In general, people are happy with this hob. That's just frustrating their gigantic power consumption. But there’s nothing you can do. Induction heating requires high power. And if you are ready to purchase such a panel, then be prepared to pay electricity bills.

Panel Connection

Now let's talk about the most difficult with respect to the Electrolux EHF 56240 IK hob: connection. Complete with the panel is an instruction. In which there is a diagram of the connection to the electrical network in an apartment or house. But there is one "but." In this very instruction they forgot to mention one important fact: the panel must be connected to the mains with two phases! So and only so! Otherwise, the panel will not work normally with two or three burners turned on. Clicks and temporary shutdown of rings will begin.

And the advice that is described in the instructions (on connecting two wires to one phase) does not save the situation. So, if you have a single-phase power supply network, then it is better to choose a different hob. There will be no sense.

hob electrolux manual

A little bit about the instructions

And now that necessarily comes with the Electrolux EHF 56240 IK hob. Instructions. In general, it is done well.

  • Firstly, there is an adequate Russian language without a β€œcrooked” machine translation. This is a sign of a self-respecting company.
  • Secondly, the instructions describe in detail all the processes for installing the surface, its connection and adjustment.
  • Thirdly, it is equipped with understandable illustrations that complement the text.

All this suggests that the company "Electrolux" cares about customers and tries to make sure that they do not experience any difficulties when using equipment from this manufacturer.

However, there is one minus in this manual mentioned above. She does not say that the hob does not work properly if it is connected to an electric network with one phase. And this is a rather serious omission. You can get this information only if you contact the company's technical support service. But not everyone will call there.

Feedback on the instructions and connection method

How did users react to the features of connecting the Electrolux EHF 56240 IK hob? The instruction (and reviews about it) is very important. How did the owners react to the fact that it is "not quite complete"? Let's just say they are a little upset. Many people say that this method of connecting an induction hob is very strange. Indeed, in most apartments it is a single-phase electrical network. What did manufacturers think when they made such a connection?

Also, users were struck by the fact that not a word was said in the instructions about the unstable operation of the panel. Although the company was obliged to warn customers about the risk when connecting the device in one phase. These facts caused dissatisfaction of the owners of this surface. But the company did not react in any way. And in the future, these people will think twice before taking such serious devices from this manufacturer.

But in general, some managed to solve the problem. There are even those who carried a two-phase network into their home. And others simply never use two burners on one side at once. And use one or turn them on diagonally. Then the relay does not click or turn off the burners. But still a little unpleasant. The panel is not worth a hundred rubles.

hob electrolux connection


Now you need to take stock. So, we examined the induction hob Electrolux EHF 56240 IK. User reviews about it suggest that there are no questions about the quality of the panel. Everything is done soundly. Also, there are no complaints about work. But only if you connect the surface to a two-phase electrical network. The only negative is that the company did not warn about the unstable operation of the panel in one phase. And this fact can scare away potential buyers.

The manufacturer needs to solve something with this: either make new models with support for a single-phase network, or write a warning in large letters on the box. Otherwise, this hob will simply stop buying. In general, the device looks and works well. The company "Electrolux" can do quality things.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G17532/

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