How many amino acids are in a protein? Groups and types of amino acids

Many of us know that proteins are essential for the body, as they contain amino acids. But not everyone understands what these elements are and why their presence in the diet is so important. Today we will find out how many amino acids are in the protein, how they are classified and what function they perform.

What are amino acids?

How many amino acids are in the protein?

So, amino acids (aminocarboxylic acids) are organic compounds that are the main element that forms the structure of the protein. Proteins, in turn, take part in all physiological processes of the human body. They form bones, tendons, ligaments, internal organs, muscles, nails and hair. Proteins become part of the body during the synthesis of amino acids that come with food. Therefore, not protein is an important nutrient, namely amino acids. And not all proteins are equally useful, because each of them has its own unique composition of these very acids.

How many amino acids are in the protein?

The structure of proteins is quite complex, consider it at a basic level. We know that aminocarboxylic acids are a kind of building blocks in a building called protein and in a metropolis called man. However, not all proteins have exactly those elements that we need. If you look at the protein under the microscope, you can see a chain of amino acids that are joined by peptide bonds. Roughly speaking, the links in this chain serve in our body as repair and building materials.

Surprisingly, there was a time when scientists did not know how many different amino acids are in the composition of proteins. Most of them were opened in the 19th, and the rest in the 20th century. It took scientists 119 years to finally answer the question: “How many amino acids are in the protein?” The structure of each of them was studied even longer.

Today it is known that 20 proteinogenic aminocarboxylic acids are necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. This twenty is often called major acids. From the point of view of chemistry, they are classified according to many signs. But to ordinary people, the closest classification is for the ability of acids to be synthesized in our body. On this basis, amino acids are interchangeable and irreplaceable.

How many different amino acids do proteins contain?

There are some drawbacks to this classification. For example, arginine in some physiological conditions is considered indispensable, but it can be synthesized by the body. And histidine is replenished in such small quantities that it still needs to be taken with food.

Now that we know how many types of amino acids are part of proteins, let us consider both types in more detail.


As you already understood, these substances cannot be synthesized by the body on their own, so they must be consumed with food. The main amount of essential organic acids found in animal proteins. When an element is lacking in an organism, it begins to take it from muscle tissue. This class consists of 8 acids. Get to know each of them.


This acid is responsible for the restoration and protection of muscle tissue, skin and bones. It is thanks to leucine that growth hormone is secreted. In addition, this organic acid regulates blood sugar and helps burn fat. It is found in meat, nuts, legumes, unpolished rice and wheat grains. Lecithin stimulates protein synthesis, which means it helps to build muscle.


This acid speeds up energy production, which is why athletes love it so much. After exhausting classes, it helps the quick recovery of muscle fibers. Isoleucine removes the so-called krepatura, takes part in the formation of hemoglobin and regulates the amount of sugar. Most of all isoleucine is found in meat, fish, eggs, nuts, peas and soy.

How many amino acids are in a protein: structure


This amino acid plays an important role in the functioning of the immune system. Its main task is the synthesis of antibodies that protect our body from the effects of viruses and allergens. In addition, lysine regulates the renewal of bone tissue and collagen, as well as growth hormones. This organic acid can be found in foods such as eggs, potatoes, red meat, fish, and dairy products.


This alpha amino acid is responsible for the normal functioning of the central nervous system. Its deficiency in the body leads to bouts of depression and chronic diseases. Phenylalanine helps us concentrate and remember the right information. It is part of the drugs used in the treatment of mental disorders, including Parkinson's disease. Positive effect on the liver and pancreas. The amino acid is found in: nuts, mushrooms, chicken, dairy products, bananas, apricots and Jerusalem artichoke.


Few people know how many amino acids are part of the protein, but many know that methionine actively burns fatty tissues. But these are far from all the beneficial properties of this acid. It affects the stamina and performance of a person. If it is not enough in the body, this can immediately be understood by the skin and nails. Methionine is found in foods such as meat, fish, sunflower seeds, legumes, onions, garlic and dairy products.


In an effort to find out how many amino acids are in the protein, scientists discovered a substance such as threonine, one of the last. But it is very useful for humans. Threonine is responsible for all the most important systems of the human body, namely for the nervous, immune and cardiovascular. The first sign of his lack is problems with teeth and bones. Most people get threonine from dairy products, meat, mushrooms, vegetables and cereals.


Another major substance. It is responsible for the synthesis of serotonin, which is often called the hormone of good mood. Tryptophan deficiency can be detected by sleep disorders, appetite. This acid also regulates respiratory function and blood pressure. It is found mainly in: seafood, red meat, poultry, dairy products and wheat.


It performs the function of repairing damaged fibers and monitors metabolic processes in the muscles. With heavy loads, it can have a stimulating effect. Also plays a role in human mental activity. It helps in the treatment of the liver and brain from the negative effects of alcohol and drugs. A person can get valine from: meat, mushrooms, soy, dairy products and peanuts.

It is noteworthy that 70% of all organic acids in our body are occupied by only three amino acids: leucine, isoleucine and valine. Therefore, they are considered the most important in ensuring the normal functioning of the body. In sports nutrition, they even singled out a special BCAA complex, which contains these three acids.

We continue to answer the question of how many major amino acids are included in the protein, and move on to interchangeable members of the class.

How many amino acids are in the protein: structure


The main difference of this group is that all its representatives can be formed in the body by endogenous synthesis. The word “interchangeable” is misleading to many. Therefore, often uninformed people say that these amino acids do not have to be consumed with food. Of course, this is not so! Replaceable acids, as well as essential ones, must be part of the daily diet. They really can be formed from other substances. But this only happens when the diet is not properly composed. Then part of the nutrients and essential acids is spent on the restoration of essential acids. Therefore, it is not entirely favorable for the body. We will analyze the essential acids that make up the “major twenty”.


Helps accelerate carbohydrate metabolism and remove toxins from the liver. It is found in foods such as meat, poultry, eggs, fish and dairy products.

Aspartic acid

It is considered a universal fuel for our body, as it significantly improves metabolism. It is found in milk, cane sugar, poultry and beef.


Trying to answer the question: “How many amino acids are in the protein?”, Scientists first discovered asparagine. It was back in 1806. This acid is involved in improving the functioning of the nervous system. It is found in all animal proteins, as well as nuts, potatoes and cereals.


It is an important building element of all internal organs. It plays almost a key role in the formation of red and white blood cells. Positive effect on the immune system and sexual function. Due to its wide range of applications, histidine in the body is rapidly depleted. Therefore, it is important to take it with food. Contained in meat, dairy and cereal products.


Stimulates the functioning of the brain and central nervous system. It is found in products such as: meat, soy, cereals, peanuts.


This amino acid in the body is responsible for keratin synthesis. Without it, there would be no healthy nails, hair and skin. It is found in foods such as meat, eggs, red peppers, garlic, onions and broccoli.


Speaking about how many proteinogenic amino acids are part of proteins and what functions they perform, we made sure that each of them is important for the body. However, there are acids that, according to experts, are considered the most significant. These include arginine. He is responsible for the healthy work of muscles, joints, skin and liver, and also strengthens the immune system and burns fats. Bodybuilders often use arginine and those who want to lose weight as part of supplements. In its natural form, it is found in meat, nuts, milk, cereals and gelatin.

How many types of amino acids are proteins

Glutamic acid

It is an important element for the healthy functioning of the brain and spinal cord. Often sold in the form of the supplement “Glutamate sodium”. It is found in eggs, meat, dairy products, fish, carrots, corn, tomatoes and spinach.


Need protein for muscle growth and support. It is also the "fuel" of the brain. In addition, glutamine removes from the liver everything that goes there with unhealthy foods. During heat treatment, the acid denaturing, therefore, to replenish it, you need to use parsley and spinach in its raw form.


Helps blood to clot, and glucose to be converted into energy. It is found in meat, fish, legumes and milk.


Responsible for collagen synthesis. With a lack of proline in the body, joint problems begin. It is found mainly in animal proteins, therefore it is almost the only substance with a lack of which people who do not eat meat encounter.


Responsible for adjusting blood pressure and appetite. With a lack of this acid, a person suffers from rapid fatigue. To avoid such problems, you need to eat bananas, seeds, nuts and avocados.

How many major amino acids are in the protein?

Amino Acid Rich Products

Now you know how many amino acids are in the protein. The functions and location of each of them are also known to you. We note the main products, using which, you can not worry about a balanced diet in terms of amino acids.

The eggs . They are perfectly absorbed by the body, give it a large number of amino acids and provide protein nutrition.

Dairy products . They are able to provide a person with many useful substances, the spectrum of which, by the way, is not limited to organic acids.

The meat . Perhaps the first source of protein and its constituent substances.

Fish . Rich in protein and well absorbed by the body.

Many are absolutely sure that without animal products it is impossible to provide the body with the proper amount of protein. This is completely untrue. And proof of this is a huge number of vegetarians with excellent physical condition. Among plant foods, the main sources of amino acids are: legumes, nuts, cereals, seeds.

How many amino acids are in a protein: groups


Today we learned how many amino acids are in the protein. Groups of substances and a detailed description of their representatives will help you navigate the preparation of a healthy diet.


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