The largest bridges in the world: concrete, suspension, natural and others

What do people mean when asked to name the largest bridges in the world? Bridges that are distinguished by their height? The longest buildings?

the largest bridges in the world

Or the ones that took the most building materials? In fact, in the world there are many ratings in which the most-most bridges are presented in all possible categories. Today we will only get acquainted with some of them.

the largest bridges in the world photo

The largest bridges in the world

One of the first places claims China. It is there, in Hangzhou, there is a structure whose length exceeds 36 kilometers. No, this is not a highway. Until 2011, it was the largest bridge in the world in length. It has an S shape, stretches over the ocean, crosses the Yangtze Delta. The bridge of extraordinary beauty connects the north and south of China, allowing you to shorten the path by 120 km. In 2011, another bridge was opened in the same country - Qingdao. He is longer than his "brother." Today, both of them are recognized as the largest bridges in the world (photos confirm this) in length. If we consider not only similar structures, but all, as builders say, “bridge-type structures,” then the main line in Thailand may well claim the championship. True, it passes over land, but its length is 54 kilometers. If we consider the bridges in terms of the length of the main span, then the Japanese Akashi-Kaikyo will be the record holder.

the largest bridge in the world
Connecting the islands of Honshu and Awaji, it has a span of 1991 meters (with a total length of 3911 m). Bridges or structures of this type are diverse. They can be support, hanging, have a different number of bases or be built like a dam. The largest bridges in the world, similar to a dam, are represented by a construction over Pontchartrain (a lake located in Louisiana). The USA is rightfully proud of the dam, which consists of two independent roads, stretching for 38 and a half kilometers and supported by nine thousand supports. However, this number of basics is not necessary at all. Another largest bridge in the world has only one support, but consists of two “halves”. This is the Erasmusbrug Suspension Bridge, which occupies a leading position among drawbridges. There are other very famous buildings. Their length, of course, is inferior to Japanese and Chinese, but still impressive. The length of the bicycle and pedestrian bridge on the Mississippi is 1631 m. First, highway 66 passed through it, then the bridge remained inactive for a long time, and after reconstruction in 1999, it was recognized as the longest building for cyclists and pedestrians.

the largest wooden bridge in the world

In German Magdeburg, a 918-meter road and foot bridge connects two rivers: the Elbe and the Havel. The length of the Millau Viaduct in France is 2460 meters. The U Bein Bridge (Myanmar) is just over a kilometer long, but it can also be added to the list of giants. The fact is that it was built back in 1849 from ... wood. This is the largest and oldest operating structure made only of wood, on which movement is still possible. Not only people are able to build the largest bridges in the world. Nature herself sometimes creates unique masterpieces. So, in the state of Utah (USA) there is a bridge that was formed due to the strong flow of river water. Its height is almost 89 meters. Arched, strongly curved, it resembles a rainbow, which is why it is called: Rainbow Bridge.


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