How to make a tank from LEGO using the most common parts

LEGO construction kits are good in that they are designed to assemble peaceful equipment. Bright cars, passenger and freight airplanes, cars intended for construction and communal purposes, all this from childhood teaches a child to think about the preference of creative work. However, there is also the profession of defender of the homeland, which means that military equipment can also be modeled. This story is about how to make a tank from LEGO.

how to make a lego tank

Elemental base

LEGO details, the so-called "bricks", are so versatile that they are suitable for creating layouts of anything. Most of any constructor consists precisely of them, but there are also special elements designed to assemble a particular type of equipment.

Before you build a tank from LEGO, it is best to understand what it consists of and how it is built, and then select the appropriate details.

The easiest way is to use a specialized kit, which is designed specifically for the construction of armored vehicles. They are in the catalog, and are thought out so well that the model is very similar to the prototype, for example, the Russian T-90 or the German โ€œPantherโ€ during the war. There is even an electric drive and remote control. True, these kits are almost like a real tank, but this only strengthens the similarity. Another disadvantage is that military tanks are rare in store windows of LEGO stores, while civilian tanks are even rarer (they do not exist). Since access to specialized kits for these reasons is limited, there is only one thing left - to operate on what is, namely, to take as a basis the most common assortment of parts. But the way how to make a tank from LEGO can be borrowed from "military" technologies.

A real tank consists of a chassis, an armored hull with an engine compartment, and a turret. Let's start with the first paragraph.

lego military tanks


High maneuverability of armored vehicles due to its tracked course. Certain difficulties may arise here. Caterpillars in LEGO are rare, but sometimes they are in kits for assembling excavators or tractors, they are still in the Space Wars series as an element of the construction of the chassis of planet rovers. In general, if they are, then that's great. And if not? How to make a tank of LEGO without caterpillars?

Firstly, they can be made from the rubber of an old inflatable chamber from a bicycle. It will turn out not so spectacularly, but quite on the level. Secondly, there are wheeled tanks.

The chassis is not just made up of tracks. The main thing is wheels, or, in the language of real tankers, skating rinks. They are of three types: leading (usually rear), guides (front) and supporting (all others). This is the tracked. And wheeled all of them are the same and are located in a row on each side. The number of track rollers for modern machines is from four to six, and they are attached to the bottom using the usual LEGO part, a 2 x 2 square with a half shaft.

how to build a tank from lego

Case and tower

If you managed to cope with the chassis, then everything else will go like clockwork. There are many options for assembling the armored housing, but in order to make it the most realistic, you should remember that the frontal armor is correctly made inclined so that it is more difficult for the shell to penetrate it. The same applies to the tower, which in the ideal case needs to create conditions for rotation. No special details are needed for this, but what is needed is fantasy and spatial imagination. Well, patience, of course.

how to make a lego tank

Tower gun

The main problems in the construction of the tower may arise when installing the gun. Best if the trunk can be raised and lowered. To do this, a vertical slot should be provided in the tower, in which it can move with a change in the angle of inclination. By the way, you do not need to call the barrel a barrel, as tankers do not say so. If someone is already thinking about how to make a tank from LEGO, then professional terminology should be used. And the barrel is only part of the barrel. There is no sufficiently long and round detail across the standard LEGO sets, therefore it is made of cylindrical โ€œbarrelsโ€ connected in series.

So the tank is ready. By car, and go!


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