Do-it-yourself electrician in the house: circuits. Do-it-yourself electrician in an apartment and a house

In the article we will talk about how an electrician is done in the house with his own hands, wiring diagrams will also be considered. If a couple of decades ago the load on the electric networks of cities and even villages was insignificant, today the picture is reversed. A lot of high-power household appliances - washing machines, multicookers, split systems and more.

The load on electric networks has increased many times. And if the city has a certain margin, then this is not the case in the wiring of a private house, therefore, an increase in the load leads to the fact that the wires do not withstand and begin to collapse. Therefore, the question is that the electrician in the apartment and the house with his own hands should not only be repaired, but also changed completely.

do-it-yourself electrician in a house

Previously, they made wiring in houses according to the simplest scheme - a switch and an outlet for each room, but in modern conditions this turns out to be too little - I want to turn on three chargers, a laptop, a TV, and so on. To independently make wiring in the house, you need to know certain rules and standards that you must adhere to during installation. You will also learn how to make a wiring diagram, how to make it right with your own hands and the requirements for it.


Building materials and all the activities of builders are governed by certain rules and requirements, they are called GOST and SNiP. The Electrical Installation Rules (hereinafter referred to as the Electrical Installation Code) also apply to electrical wiring in homes and structures. It is this regulatory document that prescribes all the requirements for electrical equipment, thoroughly indicating what to do with it and how. All the electricians in the apartment and the house with their own hands are connected to the voltage only after all the checks for a short circuit have been carried out.

Wiring requirements for private homes and apartments

do-it-yourself electrician in an apartment and a house

In the event that you decide to independently make electrical wiring in your home, you must carefully study all the requirements for it. But the main attention should be paid to the following points:

  1. The main components of the electrical wiring (distribution boxes, switches, sockets, meters) must be made easily accessible. Quite simply mounted wiring in the house with your own hands. The electrics, however, are demanding in terms of safety. But all the norms can be easily observed.
  2. Switches for PUE need to be performed at a level of 0.6-1.5 meters from the floor surface. And you need to pay attention to the fact that when opening the doors they should not create an obstacle. For example, if the door opens to the right, then the switch must be placed on the left. And if the door opens to the left, then the switch is mounted to the right. The cable must be laid to the switch on top.
  3. Sockets are mounted at a level of 0.5-0.8 meters from the floor surface. The fact is that at this level it needs to be placed in order to ensure safety when a house is flooded. Moreover, a distance of at least 0.5 m must be maintained from a gas or electric stove, heating radiators, pipes (and other objects that have a ground). To all outlets, wires go from bottom to top. That is how the wiring is done in the apartment with your own hands. The wiring diagrams are given in the article.
  4. For every 6 square meters. m. the area of ​​the room should be one outlet. The exception is the kitchen, in which as many outlets are mounted as necessary (based on the number of household appliances located in it). It is forbidden to install sockets in the toilet, but in the bathroom it is allowed only on condition that there is a decoupling via a transformer (220 Volts are supplied to the primary winding, as much is removed from the secondary). The transformer is installed outside the bathroom.
  5. Before starting work, you need to make a wiring plan, clearly indicate its location in the walls. Please note that all wires must be either horizontally or vertically - but not diagonally or broken. So do not do wiring in the house with your own hands. The wiring diagram of all devices should take this feature into account.
  6. There must be a certain distance from floors, pipes and other obstructions. For example, you need to maintain a distance of 5-10 cm from the beams, as much from the cornices. From the ceiling you need to withstand about 15 cm, from the floor - 15-20 cm. If we are talking about vertical surfaces, then there should be at least 10 cm from door and window openings. But between the gas pipe and the wiring you need to maintain a distance of more than 0.4 m.
  7. External or hidden wiring must not touch the metal parts of any structures.
  8. If several wires go in parallel, the distance must be maintained between them over three millimeters. An alternative is to hide each wire in a protective box or corrugation. So the electrician is mounted in the house with his own hands. Schemes should be drawn up with this in mind.
  9. Connect and wire the wires in special junction boxes. All joints must be carefully insulated, and one feature must be taken into account - it is forbidden to connect copper and aluminum wires. If you make wiring from a copper wire, then make it all of it, there should not be any sections of aluminum.
  10. Grounding (including zero wires) must be fixed to all devices with bolted connections.

These are the requirements that all electricians request. With your own hands, you can make diagrams of connections only if you take into account all these rules and norms.

House wiring project

do-it-yourself wiring diagram

First of all, you need to create a wiring project, it is from him that everything begins. You will build on it in the future during installation. Of course, it will be much better if it is done by experienced technicians who have been engaged in this business for more than a year. But if you have experience, go for it.

But keep in mind that your safety depends on how the project is made. You definitely need to know what conventions are used in the preparation of schemes and projects. It is worth noting that Russian standards are quite different from European or American, so you should not use foreign schemes in our country. All electricians are designed in the house with their own hands (the diagrams are given in the article) at the initial stage.

DIY electrical wiring in the house

You draw a plan of a house or apartment, mark on it the places in which sockets, switches, chandeliers, etc. will be installed. The number of electrical appliances was mentioned a little lower. At this stage, the main goal is to create a diagram on which all places of installation of devices will be indicated. The second part is to outline the places for laying wires in the apartment. Of course, you need to know in which places household appliances will stand.


Then wiring all the wires. And if creating a scheme with the location of consumers is a simple matter, at this stage of work it is worthwhile to dwell in more detail. Three types of connections and wiring can be used:

  1. Consistent.
  2. Parallel.
  3. Mixed.

The most attractive from the point of view of saving materials is the third.

electrical wiring in an apartment do-it-yourself circuit

An electrician is made in the house with his own hands (mixed-type circuits) with the highest possible efficiency. To make your work easier, ungroup:

  1. Lighting of corridors, premises, kitchens.
  2. Bathroom and toilet (lighting).
  3. Outlets in living rooms, corridors.
  4. Outlets in the kitchen.
  5. Socket of electric stove (if necessary).

Please note that this is the simplest option for grouping electricity consumers. The fewer groups, the less materials will be consumed. The above example is the simplest and most economical. It can be complicated: literally to each outlet, for example, to bring electrical wiring. About how to conduct an electrician in a private house with your own hands, you begin to be a little aware.

DIY wiring in the house

To simplify the wiring, it can be mounted under the floor (for outlets). In the case of overhead lighting, installation in floor slabs can be carried out. Ideal for the "lazy" way - there is no need to gut the walls and ceiling. Moreover, on the plan diagram, this type of wiring must be marked with dashed lines.

Calculation of current consumption

Be sure to take into account the current strength that will flow through the network. There is a simple formula for this: current strength is the ratio of the total power of all consumers to voltage (we can say that this is constant, since the voltage standard in our country is 220 volts). Let's say you have the following consumers:

  1. 2000 Watt electric kettle.
  2. A dozen incandescent lamps, each 60 W each (total 600 W).
  3. 1000 Watt Microwave.
  4. 400 W refrigerator.

electrician in house cable pue rules

The voltage in the network is 220 V, the total power is 2000 + 600 + 1000 + 400, i.e. 4000 W. Dividing this value by the voltage in the network, we get 16.5 A. But if you look at practical data, then in apartments and houses the maximum current consumption rarely reaches 25 Amps.

According to this parameter, it is necessary to select all materials for installation. In particular, the cross-section of the wires depends on the current strength . Please note that you must always take a margin of 25%. In other words, if you calculated a consumption current of 16 A, you cannot install a fuse with the same trip current. It is necessary to choose a standard value more than the calculated one.

Wire Brands for Home Use

do-it-yourself electrician

Now about how an electrician is mounted in a house. The cable (the rules of the PUE govern all its parameters) must be selected based on current characteristics. It is desirable that the wiring in the house or apartment was made of such materials:

  1. Wire brand VVG-5X6. This wire consists of five cores, each has a cross section of 6 square meters. mm It is widely used for houses with a three-phase network to connect the light panel to the main one.
  2. VVG-2X6 has two conductors with a cross section of 6 square meters. mm Widely used for single-phase homes to connect the light shield and the main.
  3. The wire of the mark VVG-3X2.5 has three conductors, each with a cross section of 2.5 square meters. mm It is used to connect lighting panels with junction boxes. Also from boxes to sockets.
  4. The VVG-3X1.5 brand has three conductors, each with a cross section of 1.5 square meters. mm It is used to connect switches and lighting lamps.
  5. The brand of wire VVG-3X4 is three-core, the cross-section of each core is 4 square meters. mm It is used to connect electric stoves.

Material Counts

how to conduct an electrician in a private house with your own hands

Now you think of what components (including small ones) the wiring in the house consists of. With your own hands, the project, wiring, installation, is fast enough. True, you will have to try pretty hard to calculate the amount of wire as accurately as possible. To do this, according to the plan, go through the apartment with a tape measure. After taking measurements, add four meters on top - the stock will not be superfluous.

At the entrance to the house, a light shield is placed , all the wires from the house go to it. It installs circuit breakers. Please note that the machines must have a maximum operating current of 16 or 20 Amps. The electric stove must be connected via a separate circuit breaker. At power up to 7 kW, an automatic machine with 32 A is used, with a larger one - at 63 A.

After you count the number of junction boxes and sockets, there is nothing complicated in this matter, this is done according to the scheme drawn up earlier. In the future, you will need various "little things", for example, insulation tape, ferrules, tubes, cable ducts, boxes, thermal insulation, and others. Now it’s worth talking about what tools do the installation of wiring in the house with your own hands. The scheme is considered in some detail.

Work Tools

DIY wiring in the house

When carrying out always adhere to safety regulations. In order not to get confused, it is better to do it yourself, but if you have a partner, then help should be minimal - give it, bring it, don’t interfere. You will need the following tool:

  1. Multimeter.
  2. Hammer drill.
  3. Bulgarian.
  4. Screwdriver.
  5. Pliers.
  6. Nippers
  7. Curly and flat screwdrivers.
  8. Level.

If you are repairing an old apartment and changing the wiring at the same time, you need to pull out all the cables so that they do not interfere. For this work, a special wiring detection sensor is useful.

Wire Layout

On the wall, put the marks on which you will lay the wires. Pay attention to whether the position of the wires complies with the rules. After the places of passage of electric cables have been outlined, sockets, boxes, shields and switches can be identified. Please note that in new apartments there is a niche for the installation of the shield. And in old houses, shields are simply attached to the wall.

Wall gating

do-it-yourself wiring

First of all, install a special nozzle on the punch and drill holes for installing junction boxes, switches and sockets. To lay wires, it is necessary to make grooves in the walls - gates. They are made using a grinder or punch. Whatever method you choose, there will be enough dirt and dust. The groove should have a depth of 2 cm. As for the width, it should be enough to lay all the wires. As you know, do-it-yourself wiring is a simple task, it is more difficult to do the installation from a physical point of view.

Another story with a ceiling. If you plan to make a hinged, then just install all the wires on the ceiling. This is the easiest way. It’s a little harder to make a shallow strobel. And one more thing - to hide in the ceiling. For example, in panel houses, ceilings in which there are internal voids are used. Therefore, two holes are enough to lay the wires. And the last one is punching holes in the corners of rooms to bring wires to the central shield. After proceeding with the installation of electrical wiring closed (you have to gate the walls) or open methods.


do-it-yourself wiring in the house

The most important thing in the installation of electrical wiring in houses and apartments is to adhere to all norms and rules in accordance with GOST, SNiPu, PUE. So you can not only achieve maximum efficiency from wiring, but also reliability, durability, and most importantly - safety. And try to use only high-quality materials during installation. For example, it is desirable to use copper wires - they have a much longer service life (better conductivity, less heat).


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