Acid batteries: device, capacity. Charger for acid batteries. Acid Battery Recovery

Acid batteries are characterized by an increased resistance parameter. The design of the device is quite different. The capacity of the acid battery is always indicated in the instructions. Modifications on 2 and 4 conclusions are presented on the market. Their self-discharge rate may vary.

The electrolyte in devices is most often used by the KS series. The output voltage, as a rule, does not exceed 10 V. In order to understand this issue in more detail, it is necessary to consider the device of an acid battery.

Battery device

A standard medium capacity battery consists of a unit, a sealed enclosure, plates, electrolyte, and terminals. Covers in devices are made with output contacts. The plates on the models are fixed on racks. Some modifications are made with valves. If we consider batteries with high capacity, then they have a separator. The specified element is installed with a jumper. As a rule, negative outputs are connected directly to platinum. The battery pack itself is rubber treated.

charging acid batteries

Modifications with a capacity of 8 Ah

Acidic (maintenance-free) batteries of this type are often used for 2 kW compressors. The frequency in this case is at least 30 Hz. The electrolyte in the devices is used in different series. Their conductivity is different. Battery overload averages 40 A.

Some modifications have an overheat protection system. If we consider devices with two terminals, then they have wire plates. The separator is usually installed at the bottom of the unit. The camera in the models is processed with resin. The tightness indicator fluctuates around 85% on average. The self-discharge parameter, as a rule, does not exceed 0.2%.

The permissible temperature level depends on the electrolyte. For drives, these batteries are not suitable. It is also important to note that modern devices are manufactured with recombination units. The recovery process does not take much of their time. However, it is important to note that they are on the market quite a lot.

20 Ah models

20 Ah batteries are manufactured for drive devices. Also, models are suitable for lighting the terrain. On the market are modifications to 2 and 4 terminals. Jumpers in devices are used with different conductivity. The electrolyte is more often used with the marking KC202. The device is charged at a voltage of 10 V. The plates in this case are installed in a vertical position.

The degree of tightness of the device is quite different. Recombination blocks are not installed in all versions. For low power compressors, devices are poorly suited. The permissible temperature parameter for batteries is on average 40 degrees. Separators are most commonly used in a switched type. For some modifications, the output voltage reaches 15 V. The threshold resistance parameter is within 18 ohms. The service life of devices ranges from 3 to 10 years.

acid battery recovery

50 Ah rechargeable batteries

Batteries of the indicated capacity are used for 6 kW compressors. In this case, the devices are available with lead plates. Many modifications are equipped with wire separators. The positive output in the devices is installed on the cover. Modifications with two terminals have a conductivity of 3 microns. Valves for models are usually located at the bottom of the unit. The output voltage of the models is about 13 V.

The overload protection system is used in the second or third degree. The tightness of the blocks is on average 90%. The batteries are charged at a voltage of 4 V. The permissible temperature level, as a rule, does not exceed 45 degrees. In terms of energy density, the modifications are quite different. Models are not suitable for drive devices. Dioxide plates are rarely installed in them.

100 Ah Devices

100 Ah acid batteries are manufactured for control units. For servicing generators and boilers, modifications are excellent. The permissible temperature of the devices is on average 35 degrees. Modern batteries are made with four plates. The overload protection system is not available in all versions.

The level of internal resistance, as a rule, does not exceed 30 Ohms. The tightness of the device is quite different. Battery life ranges from 5 to 10 years. On average, their conductivity parameter is 3 microns. The output voltage, in turn, is at least 15 V. The electrolyte in the devices uses the KS200 series. Batteries are often used for power equipment. Valves are generally connected to positive outlets.

maintenance-free acid batteries

120 Ah models

120 Ah acid batteries have a high energy density. On average, their conductivity is 3 microns. The output voltage rating depends on the size of the plates. Many modifications are made with four terminals. For 5 kW compressors, the devices are great. The covers on the models are sealed. Permissible battery temperature is about 40 degrees. For low-frequency type drives, devices are poorly suited.

The tightness parameter, as a rule, does not exceed 80%. Acid batteries for flashlights with lead plates are not common. According to the self-discharge parameter, the models differ. In this case, much depends on the sensitivity of the separator. The positive conclusions in the devices are usually located on the cover. The energy density of the batteries is within 3%.

150 Ah batteries

150 Ah acid batteries are made with wire separators. Some modifications are equipped with switching valves. Plates are most often made of lead. On average, the conductivity does not exceed 3 microns. The output voltage of the modifications depends on the sensitivity of the separator. The service life of models ranges from 3 to 10 years.

The electrolyte in devices is most often used in the KS200 series. The energy density is about 3%. Recombination blocks are rare. For 10 kW compressors, the devices are great. However, it is important to note that some models do not have an outlet valve. The tightness index is within 90%. However, in this case, much depends on the brand.

acid battery capacity

Device recovery

Recovery of acid batteries is carried out using chargers. These devices are available in various sensitivity. The overload parameter is on average 20 A. To accelerate the recovery of acid batteries, triggers with adapters are used. If we consider small-capacity batteries, then they charge on average 2 hours. However, in this case, it is important to consider the parameters of the model. 120 Ah rechargeable batteries recover about 10 hours at medium voltage.

charge an acid battery

Chargers Pulso BC-15860

Chargers in this series are well suited for batteries up to 20 Ah. The expander in the model is used analog type. The conductivity parameter, as a rule, does not exceed 3 microns. The average operating frequency is 35 Hz. A surge protection system is available. Battery recovery takes no more than two hours. The cover of this charger is missing. In total, there are two clamps. The Zener diode in the charger of the specified series is absent. If you work with 15 Ah batteries, then the output voltage should be 10 V.

Features of the chargers Pulso BC-15855

Chargers of the presented series are made with two clamps. For rechargeable batteries at 50 Ah, the model fits well. The output voltage parameter of the modification is regulated by the controller. The expander in the device is used beam type. The diode bridge has a high conductivity, and system failures do not occur often. There is protection against impulse surges.

The converter in this case is missing. For 100 Ah batteries, the device is not unique. The damper of the modification is used of a variable type. The sensitivity parameter averages 4 mV. In turn, the overload indicator does not exceed 50 A. With models with two terminals, the charger for acid batteries can work.

Parameters of Charging Model Lavita 192204

The charger of the presented series consists of a wire extender. The trigger in this case is the electrode type. It is also important to note that the model has a converter. The clamps are installed with clamps and connected in the device with a rectifier.

The conductivity parameter of the modification is at least 4 microns. The average system overload is 30 A. For batteries at 100 Ah, the device works great. The charging process on average takes no more than 5 hours. The stabilizer is used with a filter. There is no surge protection system.

charger for acid batteries

Chargers Lavita 192212

The charger of this series has many advantages. First of all, it is important to note that the modification uses two filters. The expander is standardly installed wired type. The converter is not provided by the manufacturer for the charger. The system overload parameter, as a rule, is 33 A. The rectifier is used with a lining. For 150 Ah batteries, the device works well. Impulse surges in the system are rarely observed. The zener diode is applied adjustable type.

Features of the TESLA ZU-10642 charger

Chargers of this series are manufactured with two expanders. The converter they use is a switched type. The average conductivity of the model is 3 microns. For 10 Ah batteries, the device is great. The threshold sensitivity parameter in the device is low. Congestion problems are very rare. There is a jump protection system. The charging filter is used at 12 V.

For two-terminal batteries, the device is suitable. In this case, the output voltage can be adjusted. Holders in devices are used quite wide. There is a pen directly in the kit. The charging regulator is used with a rotary type. Clips are used without clamps. The device is not suitable for 100 Ah batteries. The overload indicator averages 33 A. For models with four terminals, the modification is not suitable.

Parameters of Deltran Charging Models

The specified battery charger for acid batteries is made with a rectifier. The trigger is applied with filters. For 10 Ah batteries, the device works well. Conductivity in this case is at least 4 microns. The permissible overload level is 30 A. There is a pulse protection system. The inverter is not charging.

With 20 Ah batteries, the model is often used. In total, the modification has one holder. The latches are installed on the output contacts. The maximum voltage indicator is 20 V. The comparator in the presented charging is absent. The clamps are used quite wide. The charge controller is mounted with a rotary mechanic. By dimensions, the model is compact and weighs extremely little. The selector in the device is open type.

acid batteries

Tenex Chargers

Charging in this series is suitable for 100 Ah batteries. In this case, the expander is a transitional type. The output conductivity index of the model is low. Problems with the diode bridge are rare. Charging acid batteries at 20 Ah takes about one hour. A pulse protection system is available.

The modification dinistor is used with two filters. The limit voltage indicator is at around 30 V. The model has a current regulator. If necessary, you can enable cyclic mode. You can charge an acid battery with 500 Ah in an average of three hours. Problems with short circuits are not observed very often.


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