Weaving is how much?

Often in the World Wide Web the question arises: "One hundredth is how much?" It would seem that could be easier? But, as practice shows, not everyone has an idea about this concept.

The main thing in the concept of weaving is the moment that this is a measure of the area of ​​land. Previously, the term “ar” was used more often (not to be confused with an acre!), And the word “weaving” was an exclusively colloquial expression.

Today, texts are increasingly found in the media and on the Internet where, for example, such information is given that a hundred square meters of land in the Moscow Region costs about 7 thousand dollars. For comparison, the same area in the Samara outback has a cost of 25 thousand rubles.

But in order to clearly imagine what the site will be like, you need, of course, to know, weaving - how many square meters do you get? And is it possible to place a house, a bathhouse, a garden on such a site - in one hundredths?

Looking into the past, you can find such information: in the years of the USSR, the size of a standard summer cottage plot was adopted - 6 hundred parts. On this site it was possible to place a normal house, a bathhouse, a shed and a small garden.

But even a hundred square meters of land, if used wisely, can bring huge profits to its owner: for example, you can grow crops or livestock on it, put a barn, apiary, greenhouse or mini-brick factory. This is what explains such a high price for land.

In order not to intrigue the reader anymore, not to be distracted from the question posed: “Weaving - how much?”, We will explain. Weaving is a hundred square meters.

After all, even just listening to this word, you can independently guess: weaving the earth - how much is it? The word speaks for itself. This is probably why the incomprehensible geometric term “ar” has left the speech, giving way to the popular term “weaving”.

How can one calculate the area of ​​a land plot? If it has a square or rectangular shape, then, based on the rules of geometry, you need to multiply the parameters: length and width. Of course, after carefully measuring with a tape measure.

For example, the length is 48 meters and the width is 26. We multiply 48 meters by 26 meters.

48m X26m = 1248 sq. m

The result obtained is expressed in square meters, this is a large figure, which is inconvenient in everyday life. But we already know that a larger measure can be used, and we also know how much is a hundredth.

Therefore, we easily divide the result by one hundred and get the exact number of hundredths. Who does not know how to divide by one hundred, you should tell: it’s simple, you need to count two digits on the right and put a comma. In our case, it will look like this: 1248 sq. Km. m = 12.48 ar = 12.48 ares.

The situation is more complicated if the site is round or oval, triangular or polygonal, or even simply of an incomprehensible shape with an arbitrarily defined contour.

Calculating the area of ​​a triangular section or square in the form of a trapezoid, rhombus or parallelogram for those who love solving geometry problems will also not be difficult. And the area of ​​the circle is also not a problem to calculate. Often, when measuring, one has to mentally divide a section into several rectangles or triangles that make it up, take measurements one at a time in each small section, make calculations and add them together.

But to calculate the area of ​​the irregularly shaped area independently is almost impossible. Also, do not engage in calculations if the case is related to litigation. Then it is best to resort to the services of a surveyor. Specialists will give out to their customers an area expressed not in square meters, but already in the given parameters of the area measures. They know, weaving is how much!

Often, surveyors do not even use primitive roulette - today there are more advanced methods of measuring large areas. Modern GPS technologies allow you to determine the coordinates of the boundaries of your site with an accuracy of one hundredth. Not a centimeter will slip away!

In conclusion, it is worth noting that one hundred hectares is 1 hectare, which is usually written “ha”.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G17585/

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