How to make a vase from a glass bottle? DIY vase

If you have empty glass bottles that differ from the rest in their original design, then do not rush to throw them away. It is an ideal material for creativity. A little imagination - and you get a bright and beautiful vase from a bottle. The product can be painted inside. This method is the simplest. Therefore, for the manufacture of a vase, it is better to use clear glass bottles. It is worth noting that finished products fit perfectly into any interior and can attract attention even without a beautiful bouquet.

how to make a vase from a glass bottle

Necessary materials and tools

How to make a vase from a glass bottle with your own hands? For starters, it’s worth collecting everything you need so that you don’t waste time searching. In this case, you will need:

  1. Glass bottles are transparent.
  2. Liquid or special wipes for dissolving paint.
  3. Unnecessary capacity, preferably a basin.
  4. The syringe is large.
  5. Multi-colored paints. You can use white in combination with color.

What paint is better to take

Since it is not so simple to make a vase from a glass bottle, you should carefully approach the choice of paint. The final result depends on it. For painting glass containers, ordinary waterproof paint, which is often used for windows or walls, is ideal. You can buy it at any hardware store. Of course, coatings are usually sold in large volumes. This amount will be enough to make more than one vase. Therefore, if you want to make several products of various shades, it is better to purchase white paint. Optimum tone can be achieved using the color scheme. This item is sold in small bottles. Kohler can be used in its pure form, if you want to get bright colors.

bottle vase

What tones for a vase to choose

Colors for the manufacture of vases, you can choose absolutely any. It can be saturated bright or pastel and delicate. In this regard, there are no specific recommendations. If the finished products will be used as bright parts for the interior, then it is worth paying attention to silver and gold tones. To find such a paint is not a problem today.

Is it worth it to mix

So, how to make a vase from a glass bottle original and, of course, beautiful? You can try to mix different colors. This is true if you have little fluid needed. By mixing two completely different shades, you can get a new one that will be even more beautiful and unique. Of course, for a start it is worth practicing to paint bottles with one color. This will determine how much paint goes to one vase.

Preparation and Filling

A vase from a bottle should be a good decoration for the interior, for this you should thoroughly mix the paint. The tone should be uniform. Otherwise, stains will appear. The finished paintwork can be poured into a large medical syringe. Use a needle in this case is not necessary.

Now the paint must be poured into the container. Since not everyone can make a vase from a glass bottle with a syringe, you can use a funnel. You can make this tool from cardboard. Then it will not be a pity to throw such a funnel out.

master class vases from bottles

How to paint over all surfaces

The vase design in this case is quite simple. It is necessary to carefully paint over all the walls inside the bottle. At first glance, this may seem impossible. But this is not so. So that all surfaces are painted over, you need to turn the bottle in a circle. After this, the container must be tilted in different directions. Everything needs to be painted, including the neck. When the process is completed, the residues should be drained back to the container where the mixing took place.

What's next

To dry the container, you need to put it upside down. This will allow paint residues to drain down. Dry the finished product in this position should be exactly as much as indicated on the packaging with color.

After some time, the vases will be ready. Paint can get on the outer walls of the container and dry to the neck. A solvent may be used to remove excess and streaks.

It remains to pour water into the finished vases and put flowers. This completed the master class. Vases from bottles fit perfectly into the interior. It is both original and beautiful.

For the manufacture of vases, you can use not only bottles from under expensive alcoholic beverages. Old decanters and vases are suitable for this, which are a pity to throw away.

beautiful vase from a bottle

How to crop a glass bottle

If you want to make a classic vase without a narrow neck, then you can cut off all the excess. To do this, you need cold water, matches, cologne and a skein of thread. Everything is done very simply. On the neck of the bottle you need to wind the thread into several folds, and then moisten it in the cologne. After that, you need to set fire to the material. In this case, the bottle must be rotated parallel to the earth around its axis. After some time, hot glass should be splashed with cold water. The bottle will burst and you will get a neat, even cut. In this case, the edge of the product will not be sharp.

Another variant

Glass bottles can be put on the original case. It can be sewn by yourself. In this case, a lot depends on the fabric, including the effect. For the bedroom or the living room, you can use containers draped with a translucent organza or shiny satin. This whole composition should be fixed at the neck level with a neat and beautiful bow.

As for the kitchen, it is better to use natural fabrics or textures that resemble the weaving of threads. There is one more rule. The pattern, as well as the color of the fabric should be in harmony with those that are already present in the room: with kitchen towels, tablecloths and curtains. Such covers can be decorated with multi-colored buttons or the original braid.

vase pattern

If there is no desire to sew, then you can knit. In this case, it’s still easier. A drawing can be created right in the process of making a case. It is worth noting that the bottles, dressed in products, knitted or crocheted, look original. Thanks to them, you can create a more comfortable atmosphere in the house.


Probably, many will agree that a vase from a bottle is an economical and excellent option for decorating a house. Such products will create a spring mood thanks to bright colors. To achieve a better result, it is worth using one color for bottles of different shapes. If you want to diversify the tone of the product, then it is better to use the same capacity parameters. Then the composition will look perfect.


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