Andrusovo truce. Andrusovo Armistice of 1667

In 1667, the military conflict between the Commonwealth and Russia ended. The end of any military operations is accompanied by the signing of a peace treaty. This was signed after the conflict between Poland and Russia in the village of Andrusovo - the modern Smolensk region.

Historical conditions for concluding an agreement

Andrus truce

The Russo-Polish war was the result of a confrontation between two states that had territorial claims on the lands of South-Western Russia. The reason for the start of hostilities was the decision of the Zemsky Cathedral on the acceptance of the Cossacks as a citizen of Russia - this was repeatedly requested by the hetman and the leader of the National Liberation Revolution Bohdan Khmelnitsky.

The outbreak of the war was successful for the Russian side, but suddenly Sweden attacks Poland. In these conditions, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth signs the Vilnius truce with Russia. The goal - Poland has become easier to defend against Sweden. What did the other party to the contract receive? Russia got the opportunity to start its campaign against Sweden, which soon happened.

A significant factor in the end of the Russo-Polish war was the death of Bohdan Khmelnitsky. Hetmanism plunged into Ruin (civil war) - as a result of the split, one part of the Cossacks went over to the side of the Commonwealth. In fact, the territory of Ukraine was divided along the Dnieper. Andrus truce in a few years will consolidate the fact of a split.

The wars on different fronts by the parties to the conflict led to the complete weakening of both Russia and Poland. At the final stage of the war, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was defeated by Russian troops under the White Church and Korsun. The hostilities faded due to the exhaustion of human and material resources. In this state, the parties approached the signing of a peace treaty.

Reasons for a truce

Any truce in history always has two reasons: one side is clearly weaker than the other and accepts the winner's conditions. There is another option - the warring countries are equally exhausted and need a reasonable resolution to the conflict.

The signing of the Andrusovsky truce

What can be called the reasons for the signing of the Andrusov armistice?

  1. The war has exhausted itself - there was no more strength and need to conduct hostilities.
  2. The Vilnius truce laid the foundation for a future major treaty.
  3. The Russian-Swedish war began - Russia was uncomfortable with fighting on two fronts.
  4. The desire to take control of the Hetman, where a large-scale civil war unfolded.
  5. Strengthening and revitalization of the new enemy - the Ottoman Empire.

Signing of the agreement: representatives of the parties

The conclusion of the ceasefire began to be discussed as early as 1666. Territorial claims caused a lot of controversy, resentments for the broken Polyanovsky peace were recalled. Diplomatic battles could last several more years, but the situation in the Hetmanism changed the situation. Petro Doroshenko, who proclaimed himself the hetman of all Ukraine, accepted the protectorate of Crimea. Thus, Poland lost the khanate as its ally. In this situation, Russia was able to strengthen its position in the negotiations.

Andrusovo truce with Poland

The contract was signed on January 30 (February 9) in 1667. Russia was represented by the famous diplomat and politician Afanasy Ordin-Nashchokin. The Andrus truce with the Commonwealth is his idea. The diplomat insisted on signing an agreement in order to strengthen ties with Poland to fight against Sweden and spread Russia's influence throughout Europe. This politician enjoyed influence at the court of Alexei Mikhailovich.

The Andrus truce, as a significant event in the history of diplomacy of the XVII century, is known thanks to the documents of Ordin-Nashchokin. There are very few documents that could be used to trace in detail the history of signing the agreement, and they provide fragmentary information.

The Polish side was represented by Yuri Glebovich - politician, diplomat, statesman. The signing of the Andrusovsky truce is also considered his merit, for which he was awarded the king of the Commonwealth. Representatives from the Cossacks were not allowed to negotiate a treaty.

Armistice Conditions

Andrus Truce 1667

After the settlement of all disputes, the Andrusov Armistice was signed. The parties entered into an agreement for thirteen and a half years. This period was allotted for the preparation of the Eternal Peace project. Basically, the agreement concerned the division of territories and spheres of influence.

Russia under the terms of the agreement received control of the Chernihiv region, Starodubshchina, Seversky land, Left-Bank Ukraine. Lithuanian conquests were canceled. The Andrus truce of 1667 guaranteed Poland control over the territories of the Right-Bank Ukraine and Belarus. The joint management of the two monarchies extended to Zaporozhye. In the event of an attack by the Tatars, the parties to the agreement were to render military assistance to the Cossacks. According to the terms of the ceasefire, Kiev was to remain under Russian control for 2 years.

The agreement regulated the procedure for the return of prisoners after the war, the division of church property. The agreement had clauses regulating economic relations between countries - one of the articles secured the right to free trade between Russia and the Commonwealth.

The value of concluding a contract

Andrusovo truce with the Commonwealth

The Andrus truce with Poland by Russian historians is mixed. Some call it a forced step, which they took because of the need to end the military conflict. Others note the positive aspects of signing the treaty - rapprochement with Poland, which could become an ally in the fight against the Ottoman Empire. In addition, Russia regained some of the lost land. To this, critics of the truce respond by not succeeding in gaining access to the Baltic Sea, which was planned at the beginning of hostilities.


The treaty is considered a significant step towards the unification of Slavic peoples, although many foreign policy problems have not been resolved. For the Ukrainian lands, the truce had negative consequences - the split of territories along the Dnieper was legally fixed. A significant blow was dealt to the Cossacks as a social layer. The struggle for power in the Hetman region intensified. Part of the Belarusian lands passed to Poland.

The Andrus truce is an important international treaty that marked the end of hostilities, but laid the foundation for some political strife.


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