How to use the "frog" to charge the phone. Universal phone charger

Usually, the buyer receives a charger in conjunction with any digital technology. On the one hand - it is very convenient. On the other hand, a whole collection of various exercises can accumulate at home. Some fail, others, on the contrary, remain without a “master." Whole bundles of unusable devices are thrown into the landfill, and new ones are bought.

Official information from the European Commission

A few years ago, under the pressure of environmentalists from the European Commission, the largest electronics companies came to an agreement on the release of universal chargers for any gadgets. With new phones in the kit will be sold "universal". Later, both phones and chargers can be purchased separately. While this process is moving very slowly, however, high-quality devices that can replace the “frog” for charging digital cameras still began to appear on the market.

Varieties of Chargers

a frog to charge the phone
The abundance, diversity and incompatibility of digital "toys" forces users to have in stock a whole collection of chargers for them. Manufacturers produce supporting devices of several types:

  • mini-transformers with mains power supply;
  • automatic pulse;
  • universal charging for phone and other digital technology.

Transformer non-automatic chargers

These devices do not have protective circuits. When the battery is overexposed while energized, the electrolyte may boil out of the nickel-metal hydride battery. As a result of this process, the capacity decreases and the power of the device decreases. At the moment, such devices are almost out of use, despite their durability and reliability. If you put a “frog” next to this device to charge the phone, you can immediately see how far the progress in technology development has come.

Battery Charging

universal phone charger
To maintain the operation of digital portable equipment (telephones, cameras, voice recorders, players, etc.), automatic devices with a built-in electronic timer are used. In fast charge mode, the maximum voltage is supplied to the battery . A few hours later, after dialing the main charge capacity, the timer command switches the device to a mode with a pulsed current supply. It is not possible to overheat the battery in this case, since the device has a protection circuit. However, with frequent and incomplete recharging, lithium batteries quickly fail. It is worth remembering that the life of such a battery is about 1000 cycles. After that, it will need to be replaced, because even charging the battery with a “frog” will not be able to restore its viability.

Battery Charging Features

how to use a frog
Many users of digital gadgets are familiar with the term "battery fell asleep." She didn’t “die” (that is, she completely worked out her term), namely, she “fell asleep”. What does this mean and why can it happen? There are several reasons for this:

  • Batteries do not always discharge to full zero. If you constantly put the device on recharging with not fully used battery power, the ability to accumulate electricity (capacity) gradually fades and its operation time decreases.
  • If the player, phone or camera is idle for a long time, the battery will be depleted and the device will stop responding to the power signal.
  • Some devices are disconnected from use in the cold.

In order to revive the battery, you can use the "frog" to charge the phone. The “asleep” battery is removed from the case and clamped by the “frog” contacts in the usual manner. Then the device connects to the network. After several minutes of exposure to voltage (no more than 5), the battery returns to the phone. Further charging is carried out in the usual way, that is, through its own charger with a cord and adapter.

Universal Chargers

phone charger
The number of universal chargers is constantly increasing, their functional abilities are being improved. Charging for the phone can work from different power sources:

  • from an electric network;
  • from a computer or laptop;
  • platforms with a set of special adapters;
  • from the solar panel;
  • from the car cigarette lighter (AZU);
  • portable dynamo charging.

Some stationary devices can simultaneously serve several phones with different outputs. Advanced companies have launched wireless platforms that do not need connecting cords, adapters, or other direct contacts to connect to. To recharge the phone or tablet is enough to place on the surface of the platform for a while.

How to charge a "frog"

Using kits with interchangeable plugs and a voltage switch, it is very simple to correctly connect the charger to the subject of portable equipment. However, you need to consider both the recharge time and the value of the optimal current for this particular device. Otherwise, the battery life may decrease dramatically. This process can be made safe by using a frog to charge the phone. In addition, the "universal" of this design is indispensable in cases where the incoming connector has broken.

frog battery charging

The case has small dimensions, a button for changing polarity, two contact clamps, indicators, a folding plug for connecting to a network with a voltage of 110 to 220 volts into a conventional outlet. The most advanced models are equipped with an LCD display to control the capacity of the rechargeable battery. This is how the charging “frog” looks. How to use is described below.

Instructions for connecting the "frog"

In order to charge or revive the battery from any portable digital device with a “frog”, you need to do the following:

  • remove it from the body of the previously turned off device;
  • pinch minus and plus on the battery terminals with the contact antennae;
  • make sure that the indicator lights up in green;
  • plug into an electrical outlet;
  • one of the indicators is green, the second indicator is blinking red - charging is normal;
  • After 2-3 hours, the red light will go out, and the extreme indicators will light up with a steady green light, indicating that the battery is ready for use;
  • the battery is released from the "frog" legs and inserted into a telephone, camera or other device;
  • turn on the digital device in the usual way.

If the indicator lamp does not blink, you need to change the polarity by pressing the button on the charger. Sometimes the contacts are loosely pressed or shifted. If you change their position, everything will go fine. In some cases, when the battery is damaged or has a full capacity, the indicators will not show any signs of life.

The battery, which is discharged from prolonged inactivity, can be restored to operability by connecting to the network through a “frog”. Having received a small electric shock, the battery will work again.

charging frog how to use

Knowing how to use the “frog” for charging, you can keep your favorite gadgets in working order without bothering yourself with the search for “native” chargers.

However, this method is often used as an emergency in those cases when the incoming contact is damaged or there is no own charger. Turning the phone on and off frequently may interfere with your current settings. Endless opening of the housing may result in breakage of the mounting clips on the cover. Using a “frog” for some time to charge the phone, you should worry about purchasing a more convenient charger.


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