What does it mean to "cut the rods." How in the old days was cut with rods?

You can often hear from representatives of the older generation that modern youth need to be burned with rods. But both children and adults have little idea of ​​what this method of punishment is and how it was carried out.

What does "flogging" mean?

This concept is absolutely transparent and does not have a double meaning. To strike with rods means to strike with a bunch of rods on the soft parts of the body. Usually this method was used as a punishment for a child for misconduct. This procedure had several goals. Firstly, the physical pain delivered was supposed to inspire children with fear of punishment, and therefore, prevent them from committing new pranks. Secondly, the psychological factor is very important. Becking is not only painful, but also embarrassing. This was especially true when the punishment procedure took place in the presence of other children, for example, playmates or classmates. This humiliation left an indelible mark and painfully hit the child’s pride.

This method of education in England was very popular. There, they cut off with rods both at home and at school. This tradition is preserved in our time, but only in certain communities.

beating children

For some reason, it is very widely believed that it was our country that became the progenitor of this cruel and even somewhat barbarous method of punishment. However, this is fundamentally wrong. Studies by historians prove that rods have been used in many states, including developed European ones.

This method even has its Latin name - "flagellation". If you consider the art of different countries, you can see such a French engraving. The picture shows a cozy living room. In front of the fireplace in the chair is the head of the family reading the Bible. Nearby is his wife, who is preparing the rods in order to carve her daughter. A ten-year-old girl nearby cries and apologizes.

How they cut the rods in the old days

Historically, this method of punishment has developed a very long time. Children were whipped with rods not only for committing undeserving acts, but also just like that, for the purpose of prevention, or, more simply, "so that it would be disgraceful."

as they sacked with rods in the old days

So, Erasmus of Rotterdam recalled in his memoirs that he often experienced beatings on himself with wooden rods. His teacher did this simply to see how sensitive his student was to pain. Corporal punishment was later used only for serious misconduct by children (escape from lessons, audacity in conversation with teachers, open disobedience). In private schools, this procedure often replaced the punishment cell.

For what they cut girls with rods

In the 19th century, until 1830, this type of punishment was widely applied to girls. For what and how they cut girls with rods? This rather inhumane approach to the female sex had its own gradation. So, there were three degrees of punishment. The first - the guilty student was beaten by the head of the institution or teacher in the presence of one of the servants. The second degree - they cut the rods on a special bench in the presence of three servants. Of these, two held the culprit, if her hands were not tied, and the third was beaten. And finally, the third - the implementation of the procedure in the presence of the whole class. Under the most serious infringements, all the students of the institution became witnesses. When a decision was made to excise with third degree rods, before taking the girl into the execution room, they put on a nightgown.

If we consider more ancient times, then women often suffered for various misconducts. So, in ancient Egypt they were often slaughtered for adultery. With the advent of the Christian faith in the European world, the beating of women began to be regarded as an immoral act, and gradually it was used less and less.

how they sacked girls with rods

In Britain, the fair sex in prisons. It happened approximately as follows. The woman was brought to a room specially designated for this type of punishment. A wide and long bench was installed in it, equipped with straps for tying hands and feet. The verdict was read to the woman, which stated in detail about why she would be beaten. After that, the guilty had to lie on the bench with her stomach down. Her hands and feet were tied tightly, because of which she could hardly move. Then the process of punishment began. Heart-rending screams and cries for help were heard. Seckley was cruel at that time. After that, the woman was taken to her cell, very often the unfortunate were brought there in an unconscious state.

Under Queen Elizabeth, the English sect was generally public. Flagellation took place in a prison yard on specially equipped platforms. The area did not allow everyone to be present at the punishment.

how to cut with rods

What are rods?

The answer to this question can be given by studying the historical works of teachers of past centuries. Rods are rods of various types of wood. The most commonly used hazel, willow, redskin, tarmarin. The rods are connected in bundles of three to five branches (if birch is used). If harder varieties of wood are taken, then one branch can also be used. Each twig should have a length of at least 60 centimeters, and a thickness of not less than half a finger. The tips of the rods must be split after soaking, so that there are no overlaps. In the old days, this option was called "velvet", as the marks on the body disappeared very quickly - from three to five days. Of course, if you had to cut the rods of children for disobedience, the softest types of wood were used. They could not cause severe damage to delicate skin.

Preparation of the tool of punishment

There is absolutely reliable information about how the selection of a quality tool for flogging was carried out. To do this, the rods were steeped for several hours (preferably two to three days) in ordinary running water. Information is also known that in order to cause much greater suffering to the victim, the rods were placed for some time in a saline solution.

whipped with rods
Then the flogging caused severe pain, which then could not go long. The birth of such sophisticated technology is rooted in ancient Greece. It was there that they punched offenders with rods. The philosopher and historian Homer talks about such cases in his writings.

How was it necessary to cut the rods correctly?

It turns out that flagellation is not such a simple matter as it seems at first glance. There were certain rules for the preparation of tools for her, as well as the technique of striking. How to cut with rods? The basic rule was the need to measure one's strength. The person had to experience severe physical pain, but not remain crippled. The scars should not have remained on the body forever. Therefore, the person who carried out the flagellation had to control the strength of his blow.



Of course, the time of cruel punishment has irrevocably gone. In modern times, such a method as beating, or flagellation, is practically not used. Although sometimes there are cases of exponential beatings in order to prove their position.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G17624/

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