Interior of a medieval castle: description with photos, varieties of style and interior solutions in a modern apartment

The medieval period began from the 5th century, when Rome fell under the barbaric invasion, and with it the ancient culture with many of its achievements. Many traditions of civilization turned out to be destroyed, and the darkest period of European history began. As in everything in those days, ascetic laconicism reigned in the life and interior of a medieval castle.

About life

To better understand the conditions in which people lived, it is worth considering the dirt of the cities of that era. City dwellers poured slops directly onto the streets. Settlements were buried in mud. So, in one historical joke, there is a knight who drowned in the city center in a puddle of mud, sitting astride a horse.

The weapon of those years

The architecture was also unique. Cities were built up with houses on several floors, which crowded together to increase living space. Since there were "visors" above the streets, they were very dark, narrow. Lighting was created by torches. Often, the combination of these factors led to fires.

A rich part of the population built castles. The interior of the medieval castle was also brutal and primitive.

These structures were built of stone, they had many rooms. In the center was a hall, a hearth. This area played the role of a living room and dining room. The decoration of a medieval castle will amaze any modern person with scarcity.

Most often the floors were earthen. And only the richest people could afford to stone the floor. Sometimes the interior of a medieval castle was supplemented by a mosaic floor.

Interior atmosphere

Constant dampness reigned inside such buildings; it was cold due to the earthen floor and cobblestone walls. To insulate the floor, sometimes straw was used. Carpets were often hung on the walls, this was the main decoration in the interior of a medieval castle. By and large, carpets were considered luxury and were far from accessible to everyone. Later, tapestries became popular in European countries. These were carpets with intricate plots.

In the castle

About furniture

The furniture in the interior of the medieval castle was characterized by gloom, heaviness, and durability. She was rude and practical. The most striking thing that was in every castle was a chest. He acted as a bed and a suitcase. They could carry him with them. It is from this detail of the interior of the medieval castle that a cabinet appeared. The chest was simply pulled up, with legs attached to it.

It is noteworthy that in such buildings, the chairs were not just furniture. It was by their height that the status of the person sitting on them was determined.

About chairs

At the same time, this furniture was extremely hard, the backs on the chairs were straight. The interior in the style of a medieval castle nowadays includes canopies over the beds. But in those harsh times, this was not a decoration, but a necessity - canopies protected from drafts. In the harsh premises of those times, drafts walked extremely often. Thus, furniture always fulfilled a specific purpose, and never served as decoration.

Nevertheless, famous photos of the decoration of medieval castles sometimes contain interesting features. So, sometimes there is carved furniture, chairs. Pictures could hang on the walls.

Inside the castle

Style development

In the late 14th - early 15th centuries the Gothic period in Europe began. In these times, the openwork of Gothic was clearly manifested. The photo of the interior of medieval castles of those times shows that the gloom of defense buildings gave way to luxury. Finally, the floors began to be covered with boards or tiles. Already there are cases when they were covered with a carpet. The wall cladding began with wood, and wall paintings appeared. Most luxury appeared in the works of the Flemish and Burgundian masters. They often used carpets, pillows.

It was in those days that windows began to glaze. Although the curtains had not yet been used, stained glass windows appeared. Thanks to the latter, a game of colors appeared on the walls. Portraits and prints on the walls of the premises began to appear.

In the English and French culture of that era, stone was placed in the center of the interior. In German culture, the centerpiece was a tiled stove. Gothic was reflected in wooden furniture, they began to make it carved. Despite the fact that the chest is still extremely popular, the first cabinets and cupboards appear.

It is noteworthy that in the future Gothic will sink into oblivion. It will be replaced by ancient traditions with the advent of the Renaissance. Towards the very end of the Middle Ages, at the beginning of the Renaissance, Gothic lines directed upwards were replaced by calm horizontal lines. Houses began to be divided into zones, they began to allocate a kitchen.

If the house was built by a prosperous person, he allocated a separate office. The colors here were calm, bright. They put comfortable furniture in dark colors. It was at this moment that the curtains began to hang on the windows.

Castle room

But the houses of the rich Renaissance were much more affected. There appeared more antique statues, mosaics, reliefs from marble. During this period, the windows became lancet, the floors were made of marble, as were the stairs. Often built courtyards with galleries, garden arbors appear.

Furniture becomes lighter, more mobile, more diverse. Her decor is also getting better. Masters of this era seek to leave the natural shades, texture of wood. Often used carving, gilding.

Curtains appear at the bed during this period. Furniture is becoming more and more “avant-garde”.

It was in the Renaissance that European furniture, currently known to us, originates. In this era, the famous methods of decorating the home appeared.

Varieties of style

It is noteworthy that there are many varieties of castles. After all, such structures have been relevant for dozens of centuries. In general, they are divided into two general varieties - crude medieval and late classical, baroque. Between these types there are dozens of subtypes. The most common was the baroque interior.

Medieval style room

Castle style interior

The castle is a masonry, it is not too cozy, but extremely reliable structure. And if you use the features of the castle in your interior, it is better to carry out the masonry not everywhere, but alternating it with a wooden coating. To recreate the full atmosphere of such a structure, walls, ceilings, and floors are covered with stone materials. But in the end it looks uncomfortable.

Indoor comfort

The concept of comfort in relation to furniture by medieval people was not considered. And she was all rude, massive. But this was a kind of charm. There were almost no upholstered furniture. The corners of the coarse furniture were smoothed out with leather bedspreads. But if this is unacceptable, upholstered furniture of rough and straight lines will do.

The doors also had to be massive. They were fettered by iron. It should be borne in mind that modern apartments do not imply special forms of windows. But in the distant past, in castles, windows were just like that. If authentic windows are not installed, then the frames are decorated with the choice of a suitable glass.

Bedroom in the spirit


In rooms with a castle style, it is necessary to use lamps that will simulate candlesticks. It is worth complementing the decor with heavy chandeliers. At the same time, you need to keep in mind that the latter suggest the presence of high ceilings, which is not in every home.


And even if the whole decoration is stone, comfort can create a well-chosen decor. For example, animal skins, painted paintings will give the atmosphere a homely atmosphere. To complete the atmosphere of the Middle Ages, you need to arrange knightly armor and medieval weapons around the house.

Roughness of materials

When choosing interior elements, it is worth paying attention to the characteristics of the materials that are used here. So, the materials must be reliable, rough. The impregnability of the walls perfectly recreate stone, bricks. Ideally, it is worth complementing such a covering with wooden beams.

The central place of any medieval dwelling is a fireplace. Sometimes in a modern setting they use an artificial analogue of it. At the hearth, it makes sense to put a lot of forged accessories for the fireplace. This will make an important contribution to the creation of medieval surroundings.

The massiveness of the furniture in dark colors will also complement the atmosphere of these dark ages. A canopy must be hung over a berth. This picture is complemented by a chest with forged elements.

Medieval interior

The thing is that in the Middle Ages forged parts were often used in combination with wood, stone and other kinds of materials. Metal inserts can be present in any furniture. For example, the head of the bed may contain forged parts.

Of course, the symbol of the Middle Ages are the knights. So, in the room you need to create the feeling that one of them lives here. It makes sense to complement the interior with coats of arms, heraldic patterns. Shields, weapons, armor, hunting trophies - stuffed animals will do.


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