Historical and cultural standard of national history. The principles and requirements of the historical and cultural standard

The development of historical science in the world and the accumulation of new knowledge in the field of history, as well as the increased public interest in past events dictated the need to create a new history textbook in Russia. The created historical and cultural standard included fundamentally new assessments of all key events. In addition, he showed different approaches to teaching in the modern school of Russian history, outlined a mandatory list of terms, topics, concepts, personalities and events. "Difficult issues", the list of which accompanies the historical and cultural standard, coupled with the coverage of many topics that have been brought up for discussion, have caused heated discussions in all sectors of society. This article will examine various points of view in this regard.

historical and cultural standard


The historical and cultural standard should increase the quality of historical education at school, develop the research competencies of students, and form a single cultural and historical space in Russia. With the implementation of the Standard, it is planned to prepare the entire educational complex, that is, you need to create a course program, a textbook, teaching aids, books for the teacher, a set of maps and electronic applications. This important event will require many, many more efforts for full implementation in the educational process.

First of all, the teachers themselves will need to completely change the approach to the lessons of history in a comprehensive school, which presents undoubted difficulties. The inclusion of relevant reference materials in teaching aids and additional books for the teacher, which correlate all the most vivid points of view on the events studied in Russia, is necessary in order to master the "difficult questions of history", having received answers to them.

significant event

Main goals

It is necessary to create the right conditions for gaining solid knowledge of the subject by school graduates. The historical and cultural standard should form a clear understanding of the main stages of development of the multinational state of Russia.

It is necessary to show the whole history of Russia as an integral part of the world process and to reveal its essence in the aggregate efforts of all generations of Russians. The historical and cultural standard was conceived by the authors as a wide panorama, where the history of all countries and peoples throughout the territory that was part of Russia and the Soviet Union in the corresponding era should be considered.


When preparing the texts of a new line of textbooks for a comprehensive school, the Standard must be used. In the manuals it is necessary to rely on the following postulates.

  • All processes and events of Russian history should be synchronized with the global historical process.
  • A new approach to the history of Russian culture should be applied, since this is a continuous process leading to the acquisition of national identity, not limited to listing creative achievements and names, but logically linked to the country's development - both socio-economic and political.
  • Internal contradictions and mutually exclusive interpretations of historical events should be excluded, even if they have a certain value for certain regions of Russia.
  • The language of articles should be figurative, presentation accessible.

events in Russia

Main principle

The principles of the historical and cultural standard must be adhered to unshakably. Professional expertise and public discussion will, of course, be essential in its development. This is an important event and the first step in overcoming the intellectual strife inherited from perestroika in the form of too ideologized interpretations and a meaningless variety of interpretations that are in no way connected with the true state of things.

Understanding of historical processes should be based on basic knowledge, in a single logic, continuity, in all interconnections and continuity. It is necessary to study events in Russia with indispensable respect for all the pages without exception that make up its past. The reliability and scientific nature of the information presented in school textbooks is a priority, and it is not so difficult, even when it comes to the most controversial periods of Russian history. Biting words should not be heard, all the more there should not be the slightest speculation, only figures and facts, without justifying them or condemning them, all the more without insulting civilian feelings.

Two types of textbooks

The idea of ​​creating a standard and advanced textbooks for studying the history of Russia and other humanitarian subjects is considered. Both species will contain as a basis the same historical and cultural standard, and the same canon. Moreover, the standard textbook is a full-fledged basic, and not a surrogate course for “cook children”. Both electives and all sorts of additional study guides will be created.

A guide for schoolchildren is already being prepared on military history; it is being published by the Russian Military Historical Society. Regarding the canon of historical knowledge, it must be clarified that this is the acquisition of common sense and basic values, not a revolution or populism. The introduction of new textbooks is under the vigilant supervision of public organizations and professional groups that are truly interested in the result and make constructive comments.

principles of historical and cultural standard

Approved Courses

Since September 2015, students have been studying new textbooks that reflect the historical and cultural standard of Russian history. Three sets were approved as free from all kinds of double interpretations and stylistically verified. Three publishers engaged in the production of new textbooks for students in grades six through ten: Russian Word, Bustard and Enlightenment. For example, in the ninth grade you can choose any of the three approved textbooks of the following groups of authors:

  1. Torkunov, Danilov, Lewandowski, Arseniev.
  2. Lyashenko, Volobuev, Simonova.
  3. Zagladin, Minakov, Petrov.

A complete transition to a new historical and cultural standard will take about two or three years.

historical and cultural standard of national history

Terminology Reviews

The word "tolerance", which is found many times in new textbooks, many who discuss the historical and cultural standard on the website of the Ministry of Education and Science consider it completely inappropriate, offering to replace it with the phrase "friendship of peoples" or any other. Evidence of non-compliance is an accurate translation of this term as a medical diagnosis.

Discussors unanimously assure that the point regarding the Gulag as a symbol of Stalinism looks simply wretched. Not only is the abbreviation incorrectly graphically depicted in the Standard, historians are outraged that there cannot be such a symbol to represent this difficult period. Particularly ironic suggest options: the cross - a symbol of tsarism, the Peter and Paul Fortress - a symbol of authoritarianism of Peter the Great. Also, many discussing people are outraged by formulations like “Stalin’s great power ambitions”. At a minimum, children will not understand.

Reviews on the coverage of historical events

Regarding the item on Smersh’s activity, there are especially many interesting reviews on the site, and history teachers assure that it will be difficult for them to adequately present this material, guided by the fact that they offer the requirements of a historical and cultural standard. Here they see inappropriate “quacking” journalism about billions of people executed, and the organization’s work is suggested to be reflected correctly, as, for example, in Bogomolov’s book “Moment of Truth. In August, forty-fourth.” In addition, the discussion discusses the official publications of the FSB archive with recommendations for teachers to familiarize themselves with.

Incompetent messages regarding criticism by Gorbachev Yeltsin are pointed out, where it is noted that this was criticism on the left, while liberals on socialists and even social democrats were always on the right. Many terms and concepts introduced into the historical and cultural standard on the history of Russia also caused bewilderment. For example: imperial society, civil justice, civil society, civil initiatives (all this - with the word "civil" - refers to the nineteenth century!), Social stratification, the generation of enlightened people, the post-war contingent of the Gulag - you can’t list everything.

Criteria Reviews

The concept of a historical and cultural standard aroused, for the most part, mistrust among teachers of various schools in Russia. They do not see the compliance of the new educational literature with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. How to relate both of these standards ideologically, methodologically and legally - no one could answer this question. The historical and cultural standard is approved, but purely practically teachers do not know how to approach it.

Everyone considers the focus on patriotic education to be correct, but the tasks along this path are not clearly formulated, and there are also many inaccuracies and inconsistencies. History is a science. This means that all the facts that are offered to students should be chosen objectively, where the patriotic basis of the patriotic is much less important. The content selection methodology is poor. Why is Griboedov's “Woe from Wit” called the main literary work of the nineteenth century, and Solzhenitsyn's “One Day of Ivan Denisovich” the twentieth? "How can this be?" - Ask the teacher.

requirements of historical and cultural standard

Reviews on the study of modernity

The historical and cultural standard practically eliminates the study of the events of the past decade and a half. In paragraph 7 of the recommendations there is a mention of the study of modernity, that is, the recently introduced subject "Russia in the world" is meant. Teachers do not understand how the Standard relates to this subject. Assumptions are made that the Standard was created for elementary and basic schools, while high school students will study the course "Russia in the world."

Teachers want to know the purpose of the emergence of the Historical and Cultural Standard: to raise pride for the Fatherland or to raise not creators, but consumers, moreover, rational ones? What are the criteria and coordinate system, teachers can not understand. They see in the Standard an assessment of our history from the standpoint of liberal Western concepts, where the market, the economy, and other attributes of the material world have priority. Guided by the Standard, it is impossible to explain why the Russians have always been (and will be) a successful nation, where our great history came from.

Canon Flaw Reviews

It was not an easy job - the creation of such a Standard in which the authors probably applied serious methodological guidelines. But there is still no methodological program in it, just as there is no revision (stated - cardinal!) Of the content of the subject of history in a comprehensive school. But today there is a chance of a historical breakthrough in the scientific life of society: lately there have been many valuable archaeological finds (not only in Novgorod).

The Standard does not say a word about the Vedas, but the concept of world order in Russia was precisely the Vedic. Where are the sources that emphasize the original Russian glory: the annals of the Kholopy Monastery, The Legend of Sloven and Rus, the Joachim Chronicle, the chronograph of Academician Tikhomirov, the studies of Gumilyov and Solonevich ... Where are the hidden, although well-known events - the Azov Seat, the Battle of Molody? The list of important and not included in the Standard is very long.

concept of historical and cultural standard

Systemic assimilation

Along with criticism, teachers in the discussion submit very interesting suggestions to the creators of the Standard. Just one example of how to submit information systematically. High school students should know that Ivan the Terrible was not a "cannibal". Not only that, he increased the territory of Russia by one hundred (!) Percent: from 2.8 to 5.4 million square kilometers. For all fifty years of his reign, he executed much fewer people than in one (!) Paris Bartholomew’s night alone , where many more Huguenots died in a few hours.

And the same Christian II in two days (!) A blood bath in Stockholm killed ten times as many subjects. But at the same time it must be said that in England they hung up landless peasants twenty times less (the Vagrancy Act), and not so many Dutch people died during the Dutch Revolution. And finally one more fact. After painting, where the king kills his son Ivan, Ilya Repin's hand has dried up.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G17628/

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