1C SCP - what is it? 1C: Production Enterprise Management

Relatively recently, a product was developed under the name 1C UPP. What is this, however, not all entrepreneurs know. The product covers key aspects of the organization. This program makes it possible to organize an integrated information system that meets domestic, international and corporate standards. The product allows, among other things, to ensure the financial and economic side of the company. Let us consider in more detail 1C SCP: what it is, what tools are present in it, how the work in the system occurs.

1s UPP what is it

General information

To create a single information space in order to display the financial and business operations of the company, the 1C UPP system is currently considered the most effective tool. What it is? This product allows you to cover all the business processes in the company. At the same time, access to stored data is differentiated, and the possibility of carrying out certain actions in accordance with the status of employees is ensured. 1C bases in a company with a holding structure can cover all organizations included in it. This can significantly reduce the complexity of reporting due to the reuse of common information arrays by different companies. At the same time, through all organizations, through financial, economic and tax accounting are kept. In SCP (1C), the latter, however, is formed separately by company. One of the features of the product is the registration of the fact of the operation. It is carried out once. The document acts as a registration tool in 1C. The data inclusion form can be set "by default". That is, new information is entered on the basis of previously entered.

Data control in 1C soft starter: what is it?

In a comprehensive decision, a certain ratio of information from various statements was adopted. In particular, it provides for the independence and comparability of tax, financial, business and management accounting data. In addition, the quantitative and total estimates of liabilities and assets should coincide if there are no objective reasons for the discrepancy. Control of data that is entered into the system by the user is carried out by the 1C Enterprise program itself. For example, when registering cash payments, the application solution checks the availability of the required amount, taking into account already existing applications for spending. When fixing the shipment of goods, the system evaluates the status of offsets with the consignees. Program 1C "Enterprise" includes a set of interfaces. This allows each user to have access to the data that he needs.

1c enterprise program

Regulatory Reporting

Accounting 1C UPP is conducted in national currency. As for management reporting, any monetary unit can be selected for it. In various organizations of the same 1C information base, different taxation systems can be applied. So, in some it may be STS, in others - OSNO. In addition, various tax and financial accounting systems may be used. The application of UTII is allowed for some types of activities. In addition to the regulated and management accounting, you can use IFRS reporting. To reduce the complexity, it is conducted non-operatively, using recounting (translation) of information from other documents.

Development specifics

When creating the product, modern international management methods of the organization and domestic experience in effective automation were taken into account. Design and configuration development was carried out with the participation of ITRP specialists. With regard to the development of instruction 1C SCP and the creation of methodological materials, as well as consulting support, the well-known audit and consulting corporation PricewaterhouseCoopers is engaged in this activity. The application solution is highly reliable, scalable, the ability to build geographically distributed systems. The product can integrate with other software. It is fully open to study and customization depending on the needs of the organization.

1s UPP production

Applied Solution Structure

All automation mechanisms are conditionally divided into two large groups:

  1. To maintain the operational work of the company.
  2. For conducting non-operational registration and accounting.

The structure of the applied solution includes various subsystems. They are responsible for the implementation of groups of similar tasks. For example, it may be a subsystem of personnel management or cash. This separation is presented as a convention that facilitates the development of the system. In the user's current work, the boundaries between these subsystems are almost not felt.

Scope of application

The system 1C UPP "Production" can be used in different departments and services of the organization. These include, in particular:

1. Management. Users can be a leader, chief engineer, commercial director, development manager, and so on.

2. Production workshops.

3. Departments:

  • economic planning;
  • chief mechanic;
  • sales;
  • chief technologist ;
  • marketing;
  • chief designer;
  • provision (material and technical supply);
  • materials and finished products;
  • personnel;
  • employment and labor organization;
  • capital construction;
  • administrative;
  • strategic development;
  • informational and analytical.

4. Accounting.

5. IT - service.

accounting 1s UPP

System benefits

The implementation of 1C SCP provides managers, employees, heads of departments directly involved in sales, supply and other activities for servicing the manufacturing process, with special system tools. They allow you to improve the quality of daily work in specific areas. Workers in accounting departments receive automated reporting tools. Moreover, the documentation fully complies with the requirements of the law and corporate standards of the company. Managers and direct managers of the organization, whose tasks include business development, get ample opportunities for analysis, forecasting and planning, flexible management of the company's resource base. This, in turn, provides increased competitiveness of the company.

Performance monitor

This report provides an operational assessment of key performance indicators of company management. Performance Monitor allows you to:

  1. Cover all aspects of a business within a single information system.
  2. Timely detect deviations from the indicators specified in the plan, growth points and negative dynamics.
  3. Clarify the information provided.
  4. Use a set of performance indicators attached to the demonstration base.
  5. Set up several report options for certain types of activities or areas of responsibility of management personnel.
  6. Quickly create new performance options.

The demonstration base contains 42 performance indicators. The user can download them to the working system using the built-in information exchange. This mechanism also allows you to add certain indicators that are necessary for a particular company.

instructions 1s UPP


Rational asset management acts as a key element of the company's strategy in achieving its long-term goals. This factor was taken into account by the developers of 1C SCP. Fixed assets, equipment not accepted for operation, but received by the company and transferred for installation, as well as construction projects, are recorded in a single information system in an automated mode. The following features are available to users:

  1. Cost accounting for construction, installation, repair work.
  2. Automation of operations related to registration of OS and equipment.
  3. Accounting for the costs of reconstruction and modernization.
  4. Reporting in necessary sections.
  5. Creating a register for tax accounting and calculating depreciation on deductions from profits.
  6. Reflection of operations with OS and equipment in the reporting documentation.

All key actions are automated in the application:

  1. Acceptance for accounting.
  2. Inventory and tracking of movement.
  3. Setting display methods and parameters of depreciation costs.
  4. Accounting for indicators of actual OS production.
  5. Depreciation calculation.
  6. Write-off, ways of moving, modernization, implementation of the OS.
    tax accounting in UPP 1s

Auxiliary tools

For operating systems with seasonal operational features, the need for a schedule for the monthly distribution of annual depreciation may be indicated. The application to the product provides detailed information about the current state of the OS, makes it possible to analyze the degree of wear and tear and to control the execution of maintenance work on machines. Compliance with the terms of the production program, the rational allocation and use of resources will require high-efficiency OS maintenance planning. To do this, the system provides the following features:

  1. Development and execution of the regulatory framework for OS maintenance.
  2. Registration of the results of work.
  3. Planning for OS maintenance and the resources that are needed for this.
  4. Monitoring compliance with volumes and deadlines.

1C UPP: input of initial balances on mutual settlements

This operation is carried out from the "Documents" menu. The required form is in the "Advanced" tab. Next, you need to select an operation. "Settlement document" must be filled out. This is done even if no settlement is done under the contract. The user can specify the remainder input form itself as a document. To do this, click on the "Record" button. If the company has suppliers to whom it makes an advance payment, but they have not yet delivered the goods, you must fill out the Advances tab. There are 2 bookmarks in the system for displaying balances on transactions with customers. One of them is “Advances”, the other is “Settlements with counterparties”. In the input mode of other settlements on the account. The 76 tabs are called “Increase Debt” and “Decrease Debt.” In addition to the specified account, information is displayed on the account. 66, 67 and others that use the “Contracts” and “Counterparties” subcontos. In principle, you can choose an article on which mutual settlements are not conducted. Accordingly, it does not have the necessary subcontos. In this case, analytical accounting under contracts or counterparties will not be used in postings. Thus, an operation of this type does not make sense, despite the fact that the computer will carry it out.

1s form

Commission trading

The type of relationship for the sale is established by the properties of the contract with the counterparty included in the information system. At the same time, several agreements of different types can be concluded with one subject. Some may be agreements with a broker, others - sales. To register transactions for these types of agreements, the same set of documentation is used. Acceptance of products for the commission is fixed by the form "Receipt of services and goods." The fact that this particular type of trade takes place is indicated in the contract. It is indicated in the corresponding column of the screen form of the form. In the case when the responsibility for the total and quantitative registration of goods is distributed between the services of the company, the document “Product receipt order” can be used to record the receipt.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G17642/

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