Unknown Lomonosov: interesting facts from life

Lomonosov interesting facts from life
He improved the telescope, laid the foundations of the theory of continental drift and the science of glass, predicted the existence of Antarctica and the atmosphere at Venus, and created the best Russian university. Lomonosov is one of those outstanding people who are rightly called encyclopedists. He left his mark in dozens of areas of human knowledge. Truly, this is "Russian everything." The fate of the scientist is amazing, and the activities of Lomonosov are multifaceted. However, sometimes he is "too far from the people", they love to make any information boring, academically emasculated. Let's try to write our own short biography of the hero, woven from events little known to the general public.

Lomonosov. Interesting facts from life: birth

  • Mikhail Vasilievich was born on November 19, 1711. On the same day, over the years, the prominent Indian politician Indira Gandhi, the ingenious Cuban chess player, world champion, Jose Raul Capablanca, the famous clothing designer Calvin Klein, twice-Oscar-winning American Jodie Foster and hundreds of other famous people were born. The day, apparently, is like that.
  • Son Michael was the only child in the family of a 30-year-old Pomors and the daughter of a deacon.
  • In the homeland of the scientist, in the village of Lomonosovo, Arkhangelsk region, today there are about 160 people. The settlement in history was not famous for anything else.

Lomonosov. Interesting facts from life: childhood and youth

  • lomonosov facts
    Misha was 9 years old when he was left without a mother. The father married a second time, but after 3 years, the second wife also passed away. Pomor brings a third life partner into the house, which is very similar to the evil stepmother from folk tales - she does not like the 13-year-old stepson at all.
  • “Second Mom” constantly took books from Mikhail, was angry at his craving for knowledge.
  • Unlike Mitrofanushka from The Undergrowth, Lomonosov did not want to get married: when the future scientist found out that he had found his wife, his future scientist said he was sick.
  • At the age of 19, he secretly escaped from home to Moscow. Traveling on a fish train took 3 weeks.

Lomonosov. Interesting facts from life: education

  • In the first Russian university - the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy - the future encyclopedist entered on forged documents - impersonating a noble son.
  • The Lomonosov scholarship was 3 kopecks per day. With this money you could buy about 1.5 kilograms of meat or about 4 kilograms of bread. There was not enough money, so Mikhail, like many current students, was forced to earn extra money.
  • Lomonosov did not ask for financial help from his father. But one of the fellow countrymen who came annually with fish to the throne, loaned him money. Subsequently, before leaving abroad, Lomonosov returned the required amount to the creditor.
  • Mikhail Vasilievich studied 4 years in Moscow, 1 year each in Kiev, St. Petersburg and the Netherlands, 4 years in Germany.

Lomonosov. Interesting facts from life: family
activity of lomonosov

  • The scientist had one wife, the daughter of a German brewer. When Lomonosov left Germany for Petersburg, he “forgot” about her for two years. The wife had to search for the fugitive through the Russian embassy. The chemist did not deny the fact of marriage and helped his wife move to Russia.
  • According to various sources, two or three young children died in the Lomonosov family. Only one daughter survived, Elena.

Unknown Lomonosov: facts from life

  • During the study of atmospheric phenomena from ball lightning , the assistant scientist, George Richter, died.
  • Lomonosov was very physically strong, he loved to fight and once for a drunken brawl he briefly went to jail.
  • The words "atom", "molecule", "temperature" were introduced into everyday use by him.

These are just a few interesting facts from the life of a famous scientist, but they also give an idea of ​​his character and habits.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G17653/

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