Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Pyzhi: from the 16th century to the present day

The Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Pyzhi was built on the site of an old wooden church.

It is an architectural monument of the 17th century. Its construction was completed by 1691.

Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Pyzhi

The Pyzhi temple was built by the archers of Bogdan Pyzhov. Most of them lived in Zamoskvorechye, but all of them were executed or exiled after the rebellion in 1698 by Peter I.

In Moscow, the church was often named after one of the chapels. So this one got the name Nikolsky. And archers often called him Nikola in Pyzhi.

St Nicholas

The name of St. Nicholas is known to every believer. In all sorts of needs, difficult life situations, in search of work, with illnesses, they ask the miracle worker for prayers.

He is considered the patron saint of sailors and travelers. During his lifetime, he pacified the storms, helped the poor, secretly bringing money to their doors, struggled with injustice. Therefore, many churches dedicated to this wondrous saint have always been built in Russia.

Description of the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Pyzhi

The main altar in the church is Blagoveshchensk, two aisles were still arranged, one of which was in honor of Anthony and Theodosius of the Kiev Pechersk, and the other in honor of St. Nicholas.

The architecture of the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Pyzhi gives Moscow an old-time charm: the quadruple is crowned with five chapters with numerous kokoshniks, the windows on the north side have filigree carved stone finishes, the refined refectory finishes, and the marvelous bell tower indicate a high level of skill of the architects of that time.

Above the entrance to the temple is a mosaic icon of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Temple of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Pyzhi description

The three-story tent bell tower of the church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Pyzhi was completed in 1691. It has 16 dormer windows. Beautiful ringing has been floating in Zamoskvorechye for over 300 years.

The temple was badly damaged during the war with the French in 1812. A lot of money and time was spent on its restoration, initiated by the merchant and the headman Lyamin.

The next ruin of the temple began after the Revolution. Some of the icons fell into the Tretyakov Gallery. The largest bell was given to the Bolshoi Theater to notify about the start of performances. Then they transferred it to the Annunciation Cathedral. In the 1920s, up to 20 pounds of gold and silver jewelry were removed from the temple.

It was closed in 1934, the priests were exiled and shot. Gabriel (Igoshkin) was the rector of the church in a difficult time since 1928, was canonized as a holy martyr, became holy martyr Nikolai Pomerantsev.

The torment. Tatyana Grimblit devoted her whole life to helping prisoners. She collected things, money, groceries, carried everything to prisons, helping strangers to her. For such activities, the authorities sent her to prison herself and sent to camps. After the exile, she settled in Moscow, was a singer in the church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Pyzhi, where she met her martyrdom.

Temple today

Until 1990, workshops and research institutes worked in the church.

Now the church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Pyzhi is restored, Sunday and choral schools are working. Liturgies and prayers are held daily.

Ham of Nicholas the Wonderworker at Pyzhi bell tower

After restoration since 1991, the thrones are arranged in the temple:

  • hmm Vladimir Kievsky;
  • all the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia.

In the temple there are many particles of holy relics, the myrrh-streaming icon of Tsar Nicholas.


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