How to spend a day off in Moscow? Weekend in Moscow: where to go

Rest on weekends is vital for people. Non-working days allow a person not only to regain strength. Most importantly, Saturday and Sunday give a feeling of personal freedom: wherever I want, I’ll go there, or maybe I won’t leave my house at all - I’m lying with a book or tablet. The problem of "how to spend a day off in Moscow" exists only from the point of view of the variety of choices.

Moscow Forest Parks - a gift of nature

But many people prefer outdoor activities or educational excursions. How to spend a day off in Moscow? Here you can give dozens of tips, because there are many suggestions.

how to spend a day off in Moscow
The capital of a huge country, a city attractive to millions of tourists from all over the world, is also attractive to residents of the Moscow Region and nearby cities. Dozens of theaters, museums, parks and squares await visitors at the weekend.

And how to spend the day off in Moscow for the residents of the capital if they do not want to sit in front of the TV for two days, watching their favorite series from beginning to end? For outdoor recreation, the choice is huge. Moscow is not only one of the centers of modern civilization, but also the territory on which there are museum reserves and forest parks, including the largest in Europe.

Elk Island: even the name attracts

Elk Island, on the territory of which everything is provided for weekend excursions: interesting familiarization routes (44 species of mammals here), playgrounds, places for passive relaxation, food outlets - are waiting for their guests. The vast expanses (390 ha) of the Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve, which includes 4 zones that are a historical heritage, are immense. These include, first of all, the very ancient village of Kolomenskoye, where some of the buildings of the Sovereign's Court, an ancient garden and park have been preserved. In addition, the estates of Izmailovo, Lefortovo and N. A. Durasov in Lublin, which are palace and park ensembles and natural complexes with historical and architectural monuments. The museum of wooden architecture deserves special attention .

Supply clearly exceeds demand

If there is such luxury in the city, how can one ask how to spend a day off in Moscow? Most likely, the question arises due to the abundance of proposals. It is impossible to inspect Kolomensky's reserved places quickly and quickly. Therefore, meaningful weekend itineraries have been developed with overnight accommodation. The Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve is known all over the world. Along with Peterhof, he is the pride of the palace and park heritage. It is impossible to list all the beauties of this palace complex: musical fountains, twisted trellises, cascades of ponds and dozens of other delights surrounding the Big and Small Catherine’s palaces, the Bread and Opera houses. The above is far from all that can be seen on the territory of the beautifully restored museum-reserve. For the program "Weekend in Moscow" all the little things are provided, designed to make the stay of visitors as convenient as possible, enjoyable in all respects, and also informative.

“How many temples, how many towers on your seven hills!”

where to go with children on a weekend in Moscow
The list of large forested areas in Moscow is adequately complemented by the Sheremetyevo estate in Kuskovo, which is a historical monument of the 18th century. Incredibly picturesque, it contains 20 architectural masterpieces that are under state protection. Closes this list of large Moscow green zones Park of the 50th anniversary of the October Revolution, whose 67-hectare area is located in the center of the capital and has an original radial-ring layout. The central square, to which all the alleys of a shady park with squirrels running around them, come together, has all the infrastructure that can provide an unforgettable weekend in Moscow with children. A visit to all of the above objects in the forest park zone of the capital is provided for by the special project “Summer in Moscow”. Vacationers have at their disposal ponds with beaches, modern playgrounds, where there is everything for little Muscovites and their parents. The organizers expect that the program will meet all the requirements of people choosing where to go with their children on a weekend in Moscow.

Sunday rest closer to home

But most people make such wonderful trips once or twice a season - after all, many citizens want to take a walk, relax, and have lunch at home.

weekend in Moscow
Although they come into fashion, gaining momentum, Sunday brunch, designed for visitors who decide to spend their holidays in Moscow on the weekend, most residents of the capital prefer a home-made buffet. In the evening you can go to the theater or cinema - in the capital there are so many different performances and shows. In addition, almost every Sunday there is some kind of professional holiday. They have long been celebrated on a grand scale by the capital. In parks and squares, theatrical shows are dedicated to the profession, which are reported in the media. Celebrations in honor of twin cities or countries whose days are held in the capital are colorful and carry interesting information. In order to attract visitors, the organizers provide all kinds of bonuses that can attract people who have not yet decided how to spend the day off in Moscow. Anyway, for the capital of Russia this is not a problem!

Cognitive rest

The capital offers several high-level planetariums that can satisfy the curiosity of not only ordinary inhabitants, but also professionals. Good news programs, interesting 4D thematic films, places of rest and food, souvenir shops - everything was done so that the question “where to go with children on a weekend in Moscow” was decided in favor of planetariums in particular.

weekend in Moscow with children

The oldest (1864), the world famous zoo of the metropolis occupies one of the leading places in the world in the number of animals found in it. Going there with children is obviously interesting. Simple statistics enthrall: 8856 individuals representing 1150 species of animals from around the globe! Service visitors, of course, at the highest level. One can talk endlessly about metropolitan circuses and museums. The purpose of the trip of hundreds of tourists is to visit these legendary places.

Theater legend

weekend in Moscow where to go
Many theaters in Moscow are famous for children's performances. Special words deserve the Puppet Theater. Obraztsova. One of the world's largest puppet theaters was founded in 1931. Throughout Soviet times, his performances became events for the country, like the cult productions of Sovremennik or the Taganka Theater. Quotes of performances were sorted out by sayings that are still alive. Having survived the difficult perestroika times, the puppet Mecca continues its glorious traditions - her productions of recent years have become laureates of the Golden Mask national theater award. The best performances always fall on a weekend in Moscow. Where to go with a child? Of course, in the Puppet Theater. Obraztsova.

Moscow is rich in everything

The mysterious, distinctive main city of Russia has always been able to satisfy

weekend in Moscow
l intellectual needs of tourists, and now he is able to adequately respond to their requirements for service and any whims. There is absolutely everything that other world capitals could boast of. And only laziness or indifference may not allow us to find the answer to the question of how interesting, unusual or just great to spend a day off in Moscow. Which is very significant, in the capital there are many places where you can spend the weekend for free, but with the benefit and pleasure of the whole family: beaches, parks, museums, including the Tretyakov Gallery on certain Sundays.


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