The best night clubs in Sochi

Sochi is the capital of the sun, the main resort city of Russia. Not for nothing that he is also called Russian Florida. It is in Sochi every year a lot of tourists come - both Russian and foreign. And, it is worth noting, there is always an occupation for both lovers of a relaxing holiday, and for young people who can not imagine a vacation without nightclubs and parties.

Paradise karaoke

Clubs Sochi
Considering the karaoke clubs in Sochi, the first thing to note is Art Voyage. This is a completely new concept for outdoor activities. One of the best karaoke clubs in the capital of Russian tourism is located next to the beach, not far from the gentle sea. There is highly professional equipment with established individual voice processing, a spacious stage and large screens. In a karaoke club, you can record your performance on a disc and, if you wish, remove a clip for the song. Art Voyage has about 10 thousand famous compositions performed by foreign and domestic stars. This is not just a piece of territory where people sing songs. This is a great place for a great vacation, where every little thing is thought out carefully. A variety of cocktails, wines and excellent European cuisine - all this is provided to the attention of visitors.

Legend club

Sochi Club Lighthouse
New Sochi clubs are great places for outdoor activities. But the legendary “Malibu”, which has existed since 1998, is the most popular and largest on the entire Black Sea coast. The club is located on the Central Embankment (the area of ​​the seaport). The magnificent combination of the marine landscape and tropical design is simply mesmerizing! Only here you can fully enjoy the beauty and charm of the southern night. And in the park area you can admire the unique plants, which are fragrant with unique aromas. This night venue accommodates up to a thousand visitors. No clubs in Sochi can be compared to “Malibu”: these are two tiers of beautiful halls, a Japanese zone, four cocktail bars, a VIP box, a soft zone and ample parking. This institution hosts a variety of concert programs, theme parties, show programs and sets of eminent DJs. This is an open nightclub, so every guest can enjoy both music and magnificent scenery.

Sky club

If you want to visit the night clubs of Sochi, then you should pay attention to this institution. The luxurious but cozy interior offers every client the opportunity to enjoy the atmosphere prevailing here in full. The club offers a wide wine list, author's cuisine, a large selection of hookahs - even the most sophisticated gourmet will be able to find what he likes in the proposed menu. The club hosts an evening entertainment program, there are board games, presentations, and exhibitions. Sports enthusiasts will also like this place, as live sports are held at Sky-Club. In a word, this is a club in which everyone will find what he likes.

Cabaret "Lighthouse"

night clubs sochi
Many people sometimes want to watch some show program upon arrival in Sochi. Club “Lighthouse” is an ideal place for such events. It has existed since 2005 and since then has become a real lighthouse in the world of night city entertainment. This place fully justifies its name, which in its entirety sounds like Kabaret Mayak. What can the mentioned institution offer its guests? At least a nightclub, restaurant and theater and concert venue, plus separate locations that are designed for the diverse temperament of visitors, taking into account their requirements and preferences. A variety of people come here - everyone is attracted by something different. It should be noted that this club is highly developed in terms of architecture and design. Its area covers more than a thousand square meters. Particularly noteworthy is the summer playground, distinguished by its spaciousness and comfort. On the second tier of the establishment is a banquet and restaurant zone, in which receptions, banquets and other lavish celebrations are held. A varied and sophisticated menu, a wide selection of cocktails and drinks, tastefully selected music - this is what attracts guests to the Mayak Club.

Sea vacation

Yacht Club Sochi
Night clubs are a great vacation. However, having arrived in the resort town, one cannot but devote a little time to the sea. It should be noted the attention of the most famous yacht club “Sochi”. It is located on the left bank of the Bzugu River, 2.5 nautical miles from SE (if you count from the port of Sochi). The club harbor is designed for a storm, the height of which can be five points. In the water area can accommodate up to sixty different yachts and boats. The length of the mooring line is about 330 meters. It should be noted and the depth of the harbor - two to three meters. The entrance is wide enough - about thirty meters. In general, if we talk about Sochi yacht clubs, it is worth noting that the service, as well as the level of services provided here are at the highest level. That is why tourists are annually sent to the Sochi Yacht Club in order to devote themselves to an unforgettable sea vacation.


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