Who invented the ballpoint pen and when? In what year was the ballpoint pen invented?

Since the time when the ancient man first began to study drawing and writing, many devices appeared for this. At first, the role of writing instruments was played by a wooden stick and stone. They could leave images in the sand or on a rock. In the 4th century BC e. people began to write using bones or wooden sticks on clay tablets moistened with water. In ancient Greece, a stick with a pointed end (stylus) and a tablet covered with a thin wax layer were used for this. Today we use all the benefits of civilization, and we simply do not pay attention to such a simple and seemingly uncomplicated instrument as a pen. Still would! There is an abundance of such goods in any stationery store (and not only): ball, gel, oil, ink ... The assortment is so wide that the eyes run wide. But it was not always so. Let's follow the history of this product and find out who and when invented the ballpoint pen.

who and when invented the ballpoint pen

Background. Find in the pyramids

Who invented the ballpoint pen and when? In fact, the answer to this question is not so straightforward - some researchers believe that for the first time the idea of ​​creating this writing instrument came to the ancient Egyptians. In the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun was found the ancestor of the modern pen - a tube made of lead and having a pointed end. Scientists believe that a reed filled with ink was placed in its cavity, and thus the device was used for writing.

Then, when parchment was invented, they paid attention to the goose feather. It is believed that the Spaniards began to use feathers for the first time. To prepare for use, the pen was first held in hot sand and then sharpened at a certain angle. Depending on this angle, the writing style may have changed. So capital letters were invented. Most often, geese feathers were used for writing. Raven and even peacock feathers were less common. A good feather was considered a prestigious gift, as today, say, products of the Parker brand or ST Dupont. But who and when invented the ballpoint pen?

when the modern laslo biro ballpoint pen was invented

From goose feather to capillary rod

In the late 18th century, pencil lead was first invented. This was done independently by Australian and French inventors. These times are considered the beginning of the development of the stationery industry. In 1803, a prototype of a steel pen appeared. At first, there was no longitudinal slot at the tips of such feathers, so writing with them was inconvenient. After 27 years, steel tips for feathers appeared in their improved version. And already at the end of the 19th century, metal feathers completely displaced conventional ones made of silver, steel and gold.

American inventor Lewis Waterman proposed a new version of the writing instrument - a fountain pen. The principle of its operation was based on the flow of ink through additional holes. Waterman founded the Ideal Pen company, but very soon his invention had a new competitor - a ballpoint pen.

when the laslo biro ballpoint pen was invented

In what year was the ballpoint pen first invented? John Laud's idea

The process of creating a ballpoint pen continued throughout history. Probably, once there was a person who came up with a pen the very first. You can’t just say for sure who it was and when. Invented the ballpoint pen in the form in which we know today, an American from Massachusetts John Laud. He received a patent for it on October 30, 1888.

In many ways, the first design resembled modern ball deodorants. Inside was a thick rod that gradually let ink into the paper, leaving marks on it. Ink poured into the first pen was different from those used for fountain pens. Therefore, soon there was great competition at Laud - many wanted to get their own patent for the manufacture of ink. Interestingly, John Laud was 44 years old when he invented the ballpoint pen, and he was an ordinary bank clerk.

However, nobody managed to get the desired profit, because the inventor carefully kept his secrets, remaining the undisputed leader. The pens that his competitors tried to sell on the market were of poor quality - ink leaked, a ball often fell out of them. Although the invention of John Laud had its flaws. For example, ink from his ballpoint pen flowed in hot weather. In winter, on the contrary, they froze.

what year did the ballpoint pen invented

Laszlo Biro pen improvement

Researchers figuring out who and when invented the ballpoint pen often mention the name of Hungarian journalist Laszlo Biro. The thought visited the inventor at the moment when he watched the printing of newspapers on a printing press. Laszlo became interested in whether it was possible to invent such a pen so that the ink in it would dry as quickly as during the printing process. He managed to captivate his brother George, who was a chemist, with this idea, and already in 1938 an improved version of the ballpoint pen was created.

Production start

The brothers were able to obtain a patent in Paris, but they failed to open mass production due to the then political situation. In fact, the fate of the first production of ballpoint pens was in the hands of chance. When the Hungarian journalist invented the ballpoint pen, he did not have any sponsors who could help him with the release and sale of the product. Once Biro rested on the Mediterranean coast and there by chance met with Augusto Justo, who was then president of Argentina. The head of state was so interested in the invention of the brothers that he invited them to open a ballpoint pen factory in his country.

Five years later, the brothers still managed to translate their idea into reality. They emigrated to Argentina and there they asked for help from Juan Maine, a major investor. Their pens began to be sold under the name Birome - from the combined surnames of Biro and Maine. In Argentina, any ballpoint pen is still called a "birom".

Competitors: ahead of the curve

When the modern ballpoint pen was invented (Laszlo Biro did not know that this discovery had already been made in America), it was decided to expand its market and bring sales outside the borders of South America. However, the Biro brothers and their sponsor were already ahead of salesman Milton Reynolds, who had previously visited Argentina and managed to patent the production of the product in the United States. Pens have become very popular among entrepreneurs - and this despite the price of 12.5 dollars apiece!

when a Hungarian journalist invented a ballpoint pen

And the ballpoint pen came to the Soviet Union in the 60s. At first, the rods were in short supply, so for citizens organized refueling pens in workshops of household appliances. Nowadays, about 92% of the world's population uses a ballpoint pen.

It is difficult to name the exact date when the ballpoint pen was invented. Laszlo Biro, John Laud, Lewis Waterman - each of these inventors contributed to the general process of creating and improving the pen, so that as a result it becomes what we see it today. Laszlo Biro himself died in 1985 in Buenos Aires. Since then, every year in Argentina, on the day of his birth - September 29 - the inventor's day is celebrated.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G17690/

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