UAE - photo. The United Arab Emirates is the capital. UAE - rest

In the Emirates, there is no bad weather or low season - here in July, in February, tourists are waiting for excellent hotels for a real holiday and exciting shopping at attractive prices. Perhaps the UAE policy (we will present photos of stunning views in our article) regarding tourism can be expressed in the following words: “We want to surprise everyone that the country has, and if something is not there, it will be built, and then we will surprise you yet more!"

skyscrapers uae

A little about comfort

The flow of tourists wishing to visit the country is becoming more and more. After all, everything is combined with everything: in the dunes from the nomad camp you can see the luminous needle Burj Khalifa, and camel races are carried out on the site, neatly squeezed between modern skyscrapers. If you value comfort above all but are not indifferent to Arab exoticism, the Emirates is a place that can satisfy your needs 100%!

UAE map

UAE: state map and geographical features

Appeared on a world map in 1971, which united the six emirates under the protectorate of England, in a short time turned into a developed state with the lowest crime rate in the world and a high standard of living.

UAE (photo you can see in the article) are located mainly on the Persian Gulf (except for the emirate of Fujairah located on the Indian Ocean). Moreover, a significant part of the state falls on the areas occupied by the Arabian desert. In order to see such beauty: the azure sea, the velvet desert, the majestic Hajar mountains, magnificent cities and masterpieces of palace architecture, it is worth visiting this pearl of the East.

Climate is not a hindrance

Emirates is a country with a dry climate close to tropical. Rains are rare here and mostly in winter. Imagine that in a year no more than 10 rainy days are accumulated in this territory! And the temperature in January is surprisingly comfortable: +24 ° C. By the way, despite the fact that in August the UAE turns into a real “roasting pan” (with a temperature of +48 ° C), at this time there is still a lot of people who want to visit a hospitable country, offering surprisingly comfortable conditions for recreation.

Let's go there right away!

UAE in August

United Arab Emirates: the capital - meet us!

Abu Dhabi is perhaps the greenest city on the coast. He is proud of his parks, fountains and sculptures that adorn the boulevards and squares. Abu Dhabi can be compared to a colorful puzzle, assembled from ultra-modern landscapes and ancient architectural traditions. Skyscrapers, mosques, oriental bazaars, filled with aromas of spices and colors of exotic fruits - all this will make an unforgettable impression on the traveler.

The streets of the city are perfectly straight, and the residents are friendly and always friendly. A special sign of Abu Dhabi is a huge number of mosques with fancifully decorated minarets. They can be admired endlessly.

The pride of the capital (and the whole country) has always been its stunning hotels, built with all kinds of luxury and comfort. They are famous all over the world for their services, interiors and a huge range of additional services. It is the hotels where most of the galleries, shops, gyms and diving centers of the city are located.

united arab emirates capital

Look at the skyscrapers

The UAE, a photo of the capital of which is offered here, fighting for the attention of tourists, is actively building more and more unthinkable buildings. Let's look at these mind-blowing creations of human hands already in Abu Dhabi.

On Al Raha Beach, you can admire the round seashell- shaped skyscraper . This symbol of excellence and stability, designed by MZ, cannot be ignored.

You will be no less delighted at the Capital Gate (the so-called falling skyscraper), built at the end of 2011. Imagine that its angle of inclination is 4 times greater than that of the Leaning Tower of Pisa! On the upper floors of this building there is a helipad belonging to the family of Sheikh Abu Dhabi.

Do not forget the Marina Mall tower with its flying-saucer-like slowly rotating top.

Why, it’s impossible to describe all the wonders of the city in a short article: go and see for yourself!

UAE photo

Local Restaurants - Gourmet Paradise

But what are UAE skyscrapers compared to the cuisine of the Middle East! Go to any restaurant you like and you will not lose. Among them, there are those that prefer only the Lebanese, Moroccan or Iranian traditions. And for lovers of European cuisine there are enough Italian, French, Greek, etc. restaurants, where the dishes will be selected and served with unforgettable grace.

For travelers: special attention in the menu should be paid to fresh fish from the Persian Gulf or seafood: lobsters, crab, shrimp. In any kitchen, they are the decoration of the menu!

Lovers of satisfying and inexpensive food are offered a huge number of small cafes and eateries, which nonetheless offer visitors a high level of service and, most importantly, quality products. You won’t have to be bored while preparing the order: as soon as you sit down at the table, you will be offered salads and bread. Special advice: be sure to try the local fruit drink - moctail.

By the way, lunch will cost a hungry tourist an average of about $ 10. And tips are already included in the bill, so there is no need to leave them.

lunch in Abu Dhabi

Some tips for tourists, or "To someone else’s monastery with its charter ..."

Arriving in a Muslim state, you need to be especially attentive to the traditions of the people who have welcomed you warmly. On the streets should not appear in mini, transparent or low-necked clothes.

It is not recommended to photograph Muslim women and flirt with them, and to show more than friendly feelings in public places is unacceptable. In the UAE, a photo of which you can see here, litter, drink alcohol-containing drinks or offer them to local residents - serious offenses.

Staying in the UAE during the Ramadan period requires tourists to be especially respectful of the religious feelings of believers, and non-observance of the regulations is a crime in this country, even for foreigners.

Keep in mind that during the Ramadan period, many stores start working from 20.00 to 3 a.m., and most bars and restaurants do not give musical or other entertainment performances. In the daytime, the country observes fasting (you can not only eat and drink, but also smoke, and even just chew gum on the street). True, tourists are allowed to do all this on the territory of their hotels.

UAE vacation

What is the best way to relax?

The United Arab Emirates are famous for their opportunities for outdoor activities and various sports, which more than covers the lack of historical attractions.

So, jeep or motorcycle safaris are very popular in the country, which allows you to get acquainted with the life of the Bedouins. In addition, kart racing, horse riding, camel racing, as well as excursions to the Sheikh’s Stables and zoos are also offered. Sea fishing or crab fishing are very popular , and skiing on the sand is no less common.

And shopping in the Emirates has long been a special attraction. After all, the UAE is a huge trade zone, which is not subject to duties, a similar circumstance, in turn, allows you to set competitive prices for popular goods in countries.

If you miss the snow, then in this situation the Emirates will be able to offer you an excellent vacation: Ski Dubai ski resort. This is a unique indoor complex with artificial snow that offers skiing, snowboarding and sledding. Given that the Arabian desert is spread around, bathed in the hot sun, you can imagine how exotic such a vacation (possible only in the UAE) looks exotic!


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