Non-Aligned Movement: A Brief History

The Non-Aligned Movement is a movement uniting countries that have proclaimed non-participation in military-political groups and blocs as the basis of their foreign policy. It included countries that did not belong to either the communist or the capitalist camp.

non-aligned movement

The Non-Aligned Movement, whose history officially began in 1961, aimed at upholding the interests of the developing countries of the Third World during the Cold War. The hostile rivalry of the superpowers (the USSR and the USA) caused the confrontation of many countries in Asia, Africa and Europe. One of the main goals of creating the movement was to hold a conference of African and Asian countries, which served as a prologue to its formation. 29 countries took part in the work. The conference was chaired by Jawaharlal Nehru.

Among the inspirers of the movement were also the Yugoslav leader Joseph Broz-Tito, the President of Egypt Gamal Abdel Nasser, the leader of Indonesia Ahmed Sukarno.

The first three decades after its creation, the movement played an important role in promoting decolonization, democratization of international relations, and the formation of new independent states. However, it gradually lost its influence in the international arena.

non-aligned movement history

Initially, the Non-Aligned Movement developed 10 principles according to which it sought to implement its own independent policy. They have not changed over the past half century. Today, as before, attention is focused on the recognition of the rights of countries to follow strategies that are consistent with collective interests, guarantee development, maintain peace and security through cooperation in resolving international problems.

The Non-Aligned Movement currently unites 120 countries. This represents 60% of the UN staff. It occupies a niche of political association, which in the international arena opposes the actions of the West in relation to a number of developing countries.

The countries of the movement are characterized by pursuing a policy of peaceful coexistence, independence from military blocs of superpowers, and open support for liberation movements.

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The Non-Aligned Movement held 15 summits. Today it has regained its strong position and has the opportunity to play a prominent role in international politics in accordance with international events.

Iran during a meeting of foreign ministers of the movementโ€™s participants proposed practical ways of cooperation that should ensure the achievement of common ideals (resistance to sanctions, ensuring peace and security, refusing to insult religions, combating pressure from the West, reforming the UN, combating drug smuggling and terrorism, support for the accession of participating countries to international organizations). In turn, the Non-Aligned Movement supports Iranโ€™s nuclear rights.

At present, analysts consider it necessary to intensify the role of the movement, for which a revision of its principles is necessary. It is today the second international organization after the UN , capable of realizing big plans. However, the problem lies in the weak internal structure of this organization, the dissimilarity of the policies and economies of the participating countries, the lack of a common will due to different political interests.


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