Sakura from beads: a master class from beads (photo)

So, now we will be presented with sakura from beads (master class). This craft is made of beads using many methods. But our option is subject to even beginners. It will not be so difficult to make this tree. The main thing is to properly prepare for the process. And, of course, have patience and time. Not always everything will turn out the first time. Let’s try to find out how to make sakura from beads as soon as possible. The master class is presented to our attention.

sakura bead master class bead

Choose beads

The first thing that may be required is to choose the right materials. The main component in our craft is beads. And therefore, this feature should be given special attention.

Think about what design your tree will have. Sakura from beads (a workshop from beads will be presented later) can be varied. It is best to use soft pink, light purple, white and green colors. Such material will make your craft unforgettable. To a greater extent, you will have to use pink and white, to a lesser extent - green. There should be very few greenish beads so that they do not disturb the entire composition. When you have decided how the craft will look like, you can start collecting all the necessary materials for needlework. Sakura from beads (a photo, a master class and recommendations for the creation of which will be given later) is not so difficult work as it might seem at first glance.

We collect materials

Well, now that we already have a general idea of ​​our craft, you can go shopping at the needlework store. As already mentioned, we need beads. It is desirable that his number be 10. And the colors, as agreed - pink, white, purple, green. Take 2 packs of each bead, with the exception of the last. 1/2 packs are enough for it.

Sakura bead master class

It is also worth buying a copper wire. For the trunk, it is thicker; 0.3 mm is suitable for branches. You can get colorless or brown. The latter option will save you the trouble of creating a tree trunk. You need a lot of wire on one branch. Buy about 4 skeins.

Still need tape, nippers, plaster, acrylic paint, glue and some dishes in the form of a pot. The one in which the bead sakura will stand. A bead workshop can begin. Remember that this process is time consuming. Do not think that everything will turn out quickly and easily.

Process start

First of all, let's start with the formation of one branch. The smallest. To do this, cut a piece of 45 centimeters from the wire (0.3 mm) and slightly bend it in half. Not too much. Just to see where the middle of the line is. Mix all the beads in a plate or any other dish. Type 6 beads onto the wire on one side (alternate colors), and then place this string at a distance of about 8 centimeters from the edge.

What's next? Make a loop and secure it with wire. You can tie a small knot if you wish. Happened? Next, you need to collect 6 beads on the long end of the wire, skip them at a distance of about 1 centimeter from the previously obtained loop and repeat the process. That is, make a new loop. This is how sakura bead is made. The master class of this craft is based on creating branches from loops with beads. Not very difficult, right?

Sakura bead photo master class

Spread 11 loops evenly over a piece of wire. Now in the middle, leave one loop, and distribute the rest 5 on each "side". Twist the ends of the wire together. The result was a small furry twig.

Middle branches

And we continue to do with you a craft called "Sakura Bead." A master class, a step by step photo and the result will be presented to our attention. Now that we have learned how to make product branches, we need to stock up on them. It is advisable to craft about 100 small pieces. Remember, the more of them, the more fluffy and beautiful the tree will be in the end.

Ready? Then we proceed to the formation of medium branches. They are molded from small ones. Twist 3 pieces of each other to make larger branches. The process is worth doing with all the small workpieces. How to twist - decide for yourself. Just keep in mind that the appearance of the tree depends on this.


Sakura from beads, a master class with a step-by-step solution of which is presented to our attention, is almost finished. As soon as you deal with medium-sized branches, you will have to assemble a "construction". This is not very difficult.

Sakura bead master class with step by step

First, take 2 medium branches, and then twist them together. Happened? This is the top that will be framed with sakura beads. The bead workshop given by us requires two such blanks.

Next, you need to connect together 3 medium branches. Get a large branch of beads. This is the middle of the product. Such products must be made 3 pieces. But that is not all. Now it remains to make the bottom of the structure from small twigs. To do this, twist together 5 pieces together. That's all the problems are solved. Practice shows that usually 2-3 such pieces are obtained.

Construction collection

Our sakura bead is almost complete . The bead workshop above is the fastest and surest way to create this tree. All that remains after all the small blanks have been spent is to form the final craft.

Cut a piece of 40 centimeters from the copper wire (thick) and screw the two upper parts to it. Secure them with tape. A little lower we fasten the middle branches, 3 pieces. We also fix them. Now it remains to wind the lower parts to the product and also fix them.

In principle, sakura itself is ready. But you need to somehow fix it. So that she does not fall and does not lose shape. To do this, cover the trunk with gypsum, and then paint it with paint. Using glue and papier-mΓ’chΓ©, strengthen the craft in a pot or pot. Give the tree a shape.

sakura bead master class step by step photo

That's all. Our sakura bead is ready . The bead workshop, as you see, will not require anything special from us. Unless patience and a little imagination. Even the one who did not beadwork at all is capable of coping with the task. In general, there are many ways to create sakura from beads. But this one is used most often.


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