How to fix a zipper if it diverges when fastened?

Zippers are found today on clothes, shoes, home textiles, sports equipment and a variety of accessories. Their main advantages are ease of use combined with an aesthetic appearance. But, unfortunately, such fasteners sometimes break. How to fix a zipper, if it diverges, with your own hands?

Do not rush to carry the thing for repair!

How to fix a zipper if it diverges
A fastener broken on an expensive item can be very frustrating. But before making a decision about throwing out a damaged item or visiting a workshop, do not be too lazy to carefully examine the affected lightning. You can repair it yourself and very quickly, provided that the spiral or teeth are not seriously damaged. Slide the slider to the beginning of the fastener and gently squeeze its edges with pliers alternately on each side. Do not push the jumper located in the middle, it can easily break under such an impact. How to fix a zipper if it diverges, but there are no pliers at hand? You will be rescued by a small hammer or any tool that can replace it. Tap the edges of the slider lightly so that they tighten. Usually this repair option allows you to save the fastener, which has just begun to diverge. But what if even the tightened zipper on the jacket diverges? How to fix a fastener in case of more serious breakdowns?

DIY zipper repair

The zipper on the jacket diverges how to fix it
Sometimes the lightning begins to diverge due to the breakdown of one or several teeth. The easiest repair option is to find a similar donor clasp. Be sure to compare the size of the teeth, they should be the same. It is necessary to remove the necessary number of elements from the donor lightning using tweezers or a small flat screwdriver. Then transfer and fix the teeth on the fastener being repaired. Attention: when placing the cloves, it is important to strictly observe the gaps between them. For firm fixation, simply clamp the elements with pliers. How to fix a zipper if it diverges due to the absence of a tooth, but there is no suitable donor lock? You can try filling the gap with a suitable sized plastic piece. If the clasp is small - just cut a piece of suitable length from a cotton swab. Then cut the workpiece lengthwise and try on it with a zipper. You can fix the tooth substitute by sewing it with tight threads to the textile base of the zipper.

To repair or sew up?

The zipper on the boot was distributed, how to fix it
How to fix a zipper if it diverges near its end? If the fastener functions for the most part of its length and begins to diverge only at the very end, you should think about the feasibility of its repair. Depending on the specifics of the cut of the product and the peculiarities of the location of the zipper, it can be much more convenient and easier to simply sew it at the place of breakage. Match the threads to the textile part of the lock. And sew a few stitches of zipper a few teeth above the place where it usually diverges. If this part of the castle is not visible, you can fasten it with a metal clerical clip to strengthen the fixation. This repair method will help you out if the zipper on the boot is parted. How to fix a castle quickly at home, you now know. But what needs to be done so that lightning breaks as little as possible?

Secrets of lightning care and breakdown prevention

The zipper on the bag was distributed. How to fix it.
Always try to slowly and carefully unfasten and fasten the lock. It is especially important to explain to children that lightning does not tolerate sharp jerks and the use of brute force. Align the edges of the clasp before fastening. On some products, the lightning can puff up - it is advisable to try to level it and pull it. If the fastener has become very tight, it makes sense to lubricate it. A lump soap or a wax candle is suitable for this - just rub the prongs on each side and enjoy the ease of unfastening.

Zippers on shoes should be cleaned regularly with a small brush. Clasps of this type of ingress of dirt and sand are especially afraid. Absolutely different “weaknesses” of zippers on clothes. Before washing, they must be fastened, and the product turned inside out. When ironing, try not to touch the clasp with the iron. Following these simple rules, you are likely to never run into problems. But if the zipper on the bag nevertheless parted, you now know how to fix it.


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