UIN: how to find out where to indicate and why you need it

Since 2014, when making payments and transfers in banks, it is required to indicate the UIN - a unique identifier of charges. Without writing such a code, the payment simply does not reach the addressee, why the question is still relevant: "How do I know the organization’s UIN?" We will answer it in detail.


UIN is a combination of 20 digits. Each symbol or group of symbols carries certain information.

It looks something like this: 111 2 333 333 333 333 333 4, where:

  • 111 - payment destination code;
  • 2 - "empty" number, most often it is 0;
  • 333 333 333 333 333 333 - these fifteen digits represent the identification number or index of this document;
  • 4 - a control number calculated by a special algorithm.

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Why is this code needed?

This number greatly simplifies the distribution of money transfers to the state budget. After its introduction, the share of outstanding revenues — tax, customs and so on — was significantly reduced. The code must be specified when:

  • Payment for services provided by federal, regional, local authorities.
  • The sending of any other payments whose addressee is the budget system of the Russian Federation. First of all, this includes the payment of tax fees.

How to find out UIN?

It is simple to find out the UIN - the budget organization that you send the payment to should provide it to you. In the vast majority of cases, personal appeal is not required - this information is on the official website of the institution. Also, this code can be written in the 22nd line of the receipt issued to you.

Otherwise, you will have to contact the accounting department of the organization. However, far from all budgetary institutions form the penitentiary system — only those to which payments of various profiles come.

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A bank employee can also tell the code, for example, of the addressee to whose side a similar payment was sent by another client. However, officially, employees of credit institutions do not have such information and are not required to provide it.

When paying taxes, you should find out this code directly at the inspection or by calling the service hotline.

If you did not find where to find the PIN code, then in an extreme case, ask the cashier to write "0" in this field. If it just stays empty, your payment will freeze.

Where is indicated?

If you form the payment order yourself, then you need to specify the UIN in a special field - "Purpose of payment". First you need to register "UIN", and then immediately enter 20 digits of this code without spaces. The field number is 22.

Where is the code not used?

No need to wonder: "How do I find out the PIN code?" - in the following cases:

  • If taxes are paid by the individual entrepreneur or legal entity. These payers prescribe the KBK code. If you need to specify additional data for the payment, then the following is written: "0 /// ... (necessary information for identification)".
  • An individual pays property tax. The identifier is the document index.
  • When paying for medical services. If on the official website of the medical institution there is no information about this, then in the column of the payment document "UIN" it is enough to simply put the number "0".
  • Cashless payments sent by entrepreneurs. Here, also in the field for entering this identifier, it is enough to write "0".

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UIN and tax

How to find out UIN, taxpayer individuals are also interested. However, in their case there is no cause for concern:

  • At the place of registration, a citizen comes to the mailbox already automatically filled out an application form No. PD. The code there is indicated among other things. With this paper you only need to come to the bank that accepts such payments.
  • If you want to pay property tax online, then after registration on the electronic service of the Federal Tax Service, you can create a similar “payment system”, which the system will already fill with all the necessary information. By the way, it can be printed out and also paid at the bank.
  • In other cases, you can simply put zero in the field 22 of the receipt. If you want to pay tax without specifying a code, you should make a payment at Sberbank for “payment” of form No. PD-4sb. Only the full name, registration address, TIN is indicated here.

UIN and traffic fines

If you want to pay the traffic police fine, then you do not need to wonder how to find out the UIN. The cashier will generate the code based on the following information:

  • Serial number of the issued protocol.
  • The date of drawing up the protocol or order.

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How to find out UIN the easiest? The surest way is to contact the organization to which you are sending the payment with this question. Ideally, she should already indicate this identifier on the receipt issued to you.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G17723/

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