How to get from Batumi to Tbilisi? How to get from Tbilisi to Batumi by train?

Without a doubt, it can be said that Batumi is the most chic seaside resort in Georgia. The authorities have invested so much in its development that those tourists who have been in the city in Soviet times, now simply do not recognize him. People come here not only for the southern sun and warm sea. Batumi resort offers quality service at a European level. Some cultural events are constantly taking place here - concerts, festivals. But attractive is the old Batumi with its rich historical heritage. The capital of Adjara will captivate the gourmet with its regional cuisine. Locals welcome guests if they respect their history and traditions. But in this article we will not describe the beauty and sights of Batumi. We will devote all our attention to overcoming the road between the capital of Georgia and the seaside resort, or, in the opposite direction, from Batumi to Tbilisi. How to get to the place quickly and preferably inexpensively? This question excites any traveler. Let's look at all the options.

From batumi to tbilisi how to get

Direct flight

Do you know that Batumi has its own airport? And not some regional, but international. So the easiest way to get to the Georgian Black Sea resort is straight from Moscow. From the Domodedovo capital to Batumi, two airlines make direct flights at once - S7 and Georgian Airways. Their planes depart from Moscow on Saturdays and Tuesdays. On board will spend two and a half hours. Return ticket prices start at two hundred and sixty-five euros. Some travel companies charter liners during the summer months. So in the "high season" there is an opportunity to get to the seaside resort and from other cities of Russia, hooked on a charter. Batumi Airport is located a couple of kilometers from the city. You can overcome this distance by minibus or taxi. But more often liners fly from Moscow to the capital of Georgia. Below we will consider how to get from Tbilisi Airport to Batumi.

Tbilisi batumi how to get

By plane

If you cherish time, not money, then the fastest way to arrive at the resort is by air. Only forty minutes (the plane does not even gain full height) - and you are already on the Black Sea. You don’t even have to leave Tbilisi airport, you just have to move from the international zone to the domestic flights department. Georgian Airlines and Airzena carriers operate daily flights from Tbilisi to Batumi. How to get from the airport of the capital of Adjara, we have already said. We’ll clarify: a taxi will cost ten lari (in the afternoon). It makes sense to wait for minibus number 10. Then you can save significantly. A bus ticket costs only 0.40 GEL. True, the road to the city with all the numerous stops will take about twenty minutes. The parking of private buses (in Georgia they are called “samaroutshto”) is at the very exit of the arrivals area.

Distance from tbilisi to batumi how to get

How to get from Tbilisi to Batumi by train

The Georgian railways are, in fact, a single highway stretching from east to west. It connects two seas - the Caspian and Black. Several branches depart from this main highway. There is still a whole mass of trains, such as Tbilisi-Kutaisi, etc. But the main traffic is on the main railway of the country. Therefore, for those who are concerned about the question "how to get from Tbilisi to Batumi by train," the answer is not long in coming. Indeed, in the west, the railway line ends at this Black Sea resort. Three trains follow from the capital of Georgia to Batumi. Two of them are checkpoints: from Yerevan and Baku. Another is being formed directly in Tbilisi, and buying tickets for it is not a problem. Only two routes are advantageous in time. These are night trains from Yerevan (departing from the capital of Georgia around midnight) and the direct train "Tbilisi - Batumi". He leaves at half past ten in the evening. Another train is morning. He leaves at exactly nine, and arrives at five in the afternoon.

How to get from tbilisi to batumi

What you need to know about the Georgian Railway

Many tourists, arriving in Batumi by plane, want to go home from the capital's airport, having looked along the way and the wonderful city of Tbilisi. This decision cannot but be welcomed. But when such tourists pose the question: “How to get from Batumi to Tbilisi by train?”, It turns out that the seaside resort does not have a train station as such. The nearest train station is called Makhinjauri. It is located just five kilometers from the center of Batumi. Such remoteness of the station does not upset the residents and guests of the resort. After all, city buses and “Samarrutsho” depart with enviable regularity at the Makhinjauri station. In July last year, the railway stretched for the missing five kilometers. And now some trains come to the Batumi Central building on Tsaritsa Tamara Street. Where exactly will the final stop of the train need to be specified when buying a ticket.

How to get from tbilisi to batumi by train


As elsewhere, in Georgia, the cost of train tickets depends on the category of seats. Prices range from twenty-four to forty-five lari. The cheapest way to travel is by day train. But this is not an "express", and it very slowly overcomes the distance from Tbilisi to Batumi. How to get late in the evening from the Makhinjauri station to the resort center is up to you. It is likely that a taxi ride will block all the travel savings with a cheap train. In addition, all three wagons of the train departing from Tbilisi in the morning are seats. There is no buffet in the train . But the train makes long stops, which passengers use to buy khachapuri and other meals at the stations. There are reserved seats and coupes of the second and first class in the fast express trains.

From Batumi to Tbilisi: how to get there by bus

Now consider the option of overcoming the path with gasoline. Unlike railways, bus service in Georgia is developing rapidly. If you value comfort, you can recommend Metro Georgia. Her cars depart from the main bus station of Tbilisi "Ortachala" (Gulia St., 1) at nine, ten at noon, three, six, eight, midnight, one hour and two nights. Ticket price - twenty five lari. The price includes the use of Wi-Fi, a monitor in the front seat, coffee or tea, and Stuart services. Comfortable buses cross the path between the capital of Georgia and the seaside resort in six and a half hours. Tickets can be purchased online. This we considered the route "Tbilisi - Batumi". How to get from the resort to the capital of Georgia? In Batumi, at the lower cableway station there is a ticket office for this bus company.


When deciding how to get from Tbilisi to Batumi, one should not forget about private bus flights. A lot of “samaroutshto” depart from a small site near the metro station “Didube”. The bus station is completely hidden from prying eyes by various trading stalls. You need to ask the locals where the intercity minibuses stop. The fare is paid directly to the driver. It costs a little cheaper than in a comfortable bus - twenty lari. Minibuses ride every hour. There is less comfort in them, but you will get to the place faster. But you will experience a lot of adrenaline during the trip.

How to get from tbilisi airport to batumi

Taxi or car rental

Words cannot describe how beautiful the road from Batumi to Tbilisi is! How to get from one point to another so that the trip resembles a fascinating tour? There is nothing easier: book a transfer. You will not need to think about how to get from the airport to the train station or bus station. The machine will meet you at the place you specify and deliver to the desired address. Transfer by car (up to four passengers) will cost one hundred and fifteen dollars. A minivan that can take on board ten people - two hundred US dollars. The driver, at your request, makes stops (in Kutaisi, Gori).


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