Bulgaria, Shipka - historical landmark of the Balkans

Favorable climatic conditions, picturesque landscapes, unique color, peculiar culture and traditions attract tourists to Bulgaria. Shipka is one of the small towns of the country, which is almost the most visited place. The area was inhabited as far back as the 11th century BC, in those days the Thracians lived here. During archaeological excavations, objects were discovered proving the power and greatness of this people.

Bulgaria Shipka
At one time, Bulgaria shed many tears and blood. Shipka is located on the southern side of the slopes of the Balkan mountain range, it was here that bloody battles took place between the Turks and the Russians with the Bulgarians. The Church of the Nativity of Christ is visited annually by thousands of Russians, Bulgarians, Belarusians, and Ukrainians to pay tribute to the soldiers who died during the Russo-Turkish war. The construction was built at the expense of donations from ordinary people, it is an example of Russian church architecture of the XVII century.

Inside the temple are marble slabs on which the names of the dead soldiers are carved. 17 domes are cast from cartridges collected in the territory where the main battles took place. In 1934, also at the expense of donations from the Bulgarians, the Freedom Monument was built. It symbolizes the long-awaited liberation of Bulgaria and is located just on the Shipka Pass.

Bulgaria receives only positive reviews from travelers, because there is something to see and do. Beautiful nature, rich history, interesting sights make holidays in this country unforgettable.

shipka bulgaria reviews
The Freedom Monument is built of stone in the form of a truncated pyramid, its height is 32.5 m. Although the structure was erected relatively recently, but it resembles a military tower of the Middle Ages. To rise to the monument, it is necessary to overcome 890 steps. Above the entrance to the tower is a figure of a woman and a bronze lion. They symbolize the victory over the Ottomans, which Bulgaria fought with. Shipka is located near the Valley of Roses and the Valley of the Kings of Thrace. If you go up the tower, you can see them.

Here you can visit the museum, which tells about the history of the country, tells about significant events. It contains photographs, ancient weapons, clothing, medals and orders. Many historical places are famous for Bulgaria. Shipka is known for the Eagle's Nest - a rocky peak, where in the 19th century the most dramatic events of that bloody war were played out. Every year on March 3, national holidays are held here. Buzludzha, another significant peak for the Bulgarians, is located outside the city; it was here that the governor of the Bulgarian partisan detachment, Haji Dimitar, died.

Shipka Bulgaria Golden Sands
In honor of significant events that took place in the city, one of the hotels was named Shipka. Bulgaria, Golden Sands is one of the best resorts in the country, although Shipka also has a lot of interesting places and attractions. The city has a huge number of cafes, restaurants, bars, shops, entertainment venues. For tourists and visitors of the country, hotels with high quality service are provided. A trip to Shipka will leave only the most pleasant experience.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G17739/

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