Rest in Chechnya: features, hotels, services and reviews of tourists

Holidays in Chechnya (reviews, price are presented below) may pleasantly surprise travelers for whom this destination is rather unusual. Indeed, so far there are not many vacationers coming to this region. But today, the Chechen Republic is actively developing business and, in particular, the tourism sector. So, what to see in the Chechen Republic and what features of the region should be taken into account when going on vacation? We will describe this in detail below.

Where to relax in the Chechen Republic

It has a continental climate, which means comfortable conditions for relaxing in the region. Vacationing in Chechnya today is becoming popular, as it is a kind of exotic that does not disappoint tourists, but, on the contrary, leaves excellent memories of the vacation. Here you can find beautiful nature and clean air, feel the Caucasian flavor and unique atmosphere. Of course, the region at this stage still cannot compete with the southern destinations, but every year the situation is changing for the better. Holidays in Chechnya (prices you will find below) are becoming more comfortable due to the construction of new complexes. At the same time, the development of the tourism sector is actively supported by the government in order to make the region more attractive in the eyes of potential visitors.

Holidays in Chechnya

Nature in Chechnya

The Chechen Republic is a region of the Russian Federation. This part of the North Caucasus District is framed by the rivers Terek and Sunzha, in the south of it are the mountains of the Caucasus, which attract tourists. They provide an influx of travelers who dream of seeing local landscapes. The famous attraction of the Chechen Republic is the largest and deepest lake in the North Caucasus called Kezenoy-Am. If you come here, you will never forget the local views and natural beauties that are worthy of taking a large number of photographs as a keepsake.

rest in chechnya prices

Tourist routes of Chechnya

Those travelers who come here can see for themselves that a safe vacation in Chechnya is possible. You will get positive emotions here that will leave a unique impression in your memory, and all this thanks to amazing landscapes, beautiful mountains and valleys, picturesque gorges and fast mountain streams. In Chechnya, many excursion tours and trips are available. Travelers' routes are most often connected with nature reserves. In Chechnya, lovers of beautiful landscapes can not do without visiting the Argun reserve, Vedeno and Argun reserves, the aforementioned Kezenoy-Am lake, etc.

Argun Museum Reserve

If you enjoy visiting natural monuments, come to Argun. A river of the same name flows in this area, and there is also a museum, which at the same time is considered a reserve. In addition, there is a gorge and wildlife sanctuary. Argun Museum-Reserve includes more than five hundred ancient monuments. Here you can look at both natural beauties and archaeological sites. Argun allows you to look at wonderful landscapes, as well as caves and grottoes. Vacationers like the local plants and wildlife, in addition, the area is famous for its useful mineral springs. Argun Nature Reserve is protected by the state.

holidays in chechnya reviews

Ancient towers

Architectural sights of the Chechen Republic include cone-shaped stone towers dating back to the 14th-18th centuries. They are located in the mountains. Here you can find monuments in three forms, which differ in their purpose. Towers for housing are not very high, and they were built in two or three tiers. On the stones you can find various patterns for decoration. Defensive towers-fortresses could be fighting and watchdogs. The first option assumed a height level of up to thirty meters, and the second - the location near the gorge. The towers were erected without foundations, but even so they were very strong and durable, and therefore have survived to our time. Today, tourists can look at them and take a photo.

Lakes of the Chechen Republic

The mountainous terrain and lake regions in Chechnya are attractive for tourists due to the picturesque landscapes and their pristine nature. If you look at the map of the region, you can find a large number of rivers. In addition to the aforementioned Kezenoy-Am lake, there are other lakes in the Chechen Republic. Among them, it is worth highlighting Dzhalkinsky, Galanzhozhsky, Gekhi-Am, Chentiy-Am, Urgyuhkhoi-am.

holidays in Chechnya prices private sector

Kezenoy-Am Lake

Holidays in Chechnya prices (the private sector and hotels should be considered in this case) suggests different. Holidays can include not only spending time in comfortable hotels in Grozny, but also active nature activities. For example, tourists like Kezenoy-Am Lake, which is located high in the mountains and is considered the largest in the North Caucasus. Its location is determined between the Botlikh region in Dagestan and the Cheberloevsky district of Chechnya. The lake resembles a hollow with a flat bottom and rather steep slopes. Indicators of its depth reach minimum marks of seventy-four meters, but you can also find deeper sections, which today are not precisely measured. Today, a large number of tourists come to the lake who like to relax in tents. They can spend time outdoors, go fishing and walks in the area. It is in Kezenoy-Am that a special trout is found, which has a unique bright color (the darker sides of the fish have red spots). If you come to the lake, you can make sure that relaxing in the mountains of Chechnya requires comfortable conditions. On Kezenoy-Am there is a tourist complex of the same name, which was built in 2014. Here you can stay in a hotel with fifty eight rooms. In addition to them, you can live in comfortable wooden houses. What are the prices at the Kezenoy-Am tourist complex? The reviews indicate that the cost of a standard double room reaches 1900 rubles per day, and a room with increased comfort will cost about 3500 rubles per day, a room with three rooms (two bedrooms and a living room) - about 4000 rubles per day. To settle in a wooden house, which has its own kitchen, bedroom and comfortable living room, can be for five thousand.

Holidays in the mountains of Chechnya

Grozny sea

You wonโ€™t believe how versatile Chechnya can be. Holidays at sea here are also possible, because everyone knows the local Grozny "sea". In fact, this, of course, is a reservoir. However, rest on local beaches is not inferior to some sea beaches!

On the shore of the Grozny Sea, there are comfortable hotels, a station with boats, cozy restaurants, an entertainment complex and an amusement park, as well as a sports center.

Residents of the capital of Chechnya and not only have the opportunity of outdoor activities on the reservoir. There are several separate beaches open here, including a closed women's one, because traditions and religious features are revered in this region.

The territory adjacent to the recreation complex is well-maintained and includes a large park area.

Grozny - the capital of the republic

There is currently no mass tourist flow in the city, however this is just a matter of time. The government at both the federal and local levels supports the improvement of the region and the development of the relevant sphere. And all this, of course, not in vain, because it is in the Chechen Republic that there are unique mountains and lakes, historical monuments and architecture, including very beautiful mosques. Locals with their hospitality and cuisine are ready to meet tourists from all over the country and even the world.

At this stage in Grozny there are not many hotel complexes, but those in the city can serve the existing tourist flow. In the central part of the capital of the republic there are several hotels with two, three and four stars, which correspond to the declared level, if not officially, then thanks to the cordiality and attention to customers. At the same time, the pricing policy here is quite acceptable. If you do not find accommodation in Grozny hotels, go to the private sector, or even to the mountainous regions of Chechnya, where you can enjoy the color and unique landscapes.

Chechnya rest at sea

Sights of Grozny

There are no old houses in the period of the 19th century in Grozny, since they have not been preserved. But here you can see the buildings of the middle of the last century. Their style is defined as the "Stalinist Empire". The buildings of the Islamic Center, in which there is a mosque known throughout the country, are adjacent to such buildings. She was practically nicknamed the โ€œmiracleโ€ of the country. In addition, the famous sights of Grozny include the area named after Akhmat Kadyrov, the building of the National Museum and the territory of the Journalists Square, etc.

rest in chechnya reviews price

In the business part of the city, the Sunzha River flows . The main attractions, according to tourists' reviews, are considered to be skyscrapers, among which the highest is a forty-story building, recognized as the highest in the country. The shape of the battle tower has the Ahmad Tower. This skyscraper is designed for eighty floors.

In addition, a monument dedicated to Mikhail Lermontov was recently erected in Grozny. This choice was not accidental. It was Lermontov in his youth who served in a fortress called Grozny. This monument is not difficult to distinguish from other monumental structures in the city that were built in Soviet times, or from those associated with religion. Another famous historical building in Grozny is the Cossack temple of the Archangel Michael. It was built in the second half of the XIX century.


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