Moscow - St. Petersburg: highway. Route M11. Expressway "Moscow - St. Petersburg"

Currently, the construction of the Moscow- St. Petersburg highway is planned . This is one of the first facilities in the Russian Federation for special purposes. The new federal highway to St. Petersburg will replace the existing one - M10. You will have to pay for travel on it.

Moscow circuit St. Petersburg circuit

General information

M10 has lost bandwidth in some areas. It will serve as a free alternative to the new Federal Highway. The Moscow-St. Petersburg highway, the scheme of which covers many areas, will have a length of about seven hundred kilometers. The road will start from the borders of the capital and then proceed through different regions. In particular, it will pass through the Moscow (90 km), Tver (253 km), Novgorod (233 km) and Leningrad (75 km) regions.

Construction aspects

By 2018, according to the plan, the toll route Moscow - St. Petersburg should be commissioned. The construction of some sites will begin now. It is planned to be completed by the start of the World Cup, which will be held in 2018. The total project cost exceeds one hundred and fifty billion rubles. Part of this amount will be invested directly by the contractor. The object is a four-lane highway of technical category 1A. Estimated speed - not more than 150 km / h. The new route "Moscow - St. Petersburg" will pass through the Novgorod and Tver regions. About a hundred bridge structures are planned to be built on this site. In addition, several transport interchanges will be equipped. It is planned to levy a fee not on all sections of the Moscow - St. Petersburg route. The route, however, will consist of more than 50% of them. It is about four hundred kilometers.

highway m 11

Economic aspects. PPP application

In order to start the construction of the Moscow-St. Petersburg highway, I had to use a special mechanism. For the first time, the principle of public-private partnership is being applied in the country. It is a concession agreement that ensures the attraction of private investors. They, in turn, must fulfill the replacement of some of the budget expenditures for the implementation of construction works.

First use

A few years ago, the principle of public-private partnership was applied only for the construction of the main sections of the road. However, Avtodor is currently planning to tackle other areas of the facility. Their construction and subsequent operation will take place as part of a public-private partnership. Basically, they are located directly near St. Petersburg.

Object Concessionaire

Both domestic shareholders and foreigners are responsible for the head section of the road. The main responsibility for the construction lies with the North-West Concession Company. It belongs to a French organization. At the same time, half of the funds contributed by Russian shareholders. Including in the process involved the structure of one of the St. Petersburg entrepreneurs. Some media outlets dubbed him a friend of the President of the Russian Federation. The owner of these structures is Arkady Rotenberg. He acquired this package several years ago from members of the N-trans organization.

new route moscow st petersburg

Signing a loan agreement

The financial closure of the project for the construction of the head section of the facility took place in the spring of 2010. The signing of the loan agreement was successfully completed. Such organizations as Sberbank, Vnesheconombank and North-West Concession Company took part in the transaction. According to the agreement, the above structures must provide SZKK funds for the implementation of the project. The loan amount is about thirty billion rubles. A period of twenty years is given for its payment. Both banks will provide funds in equal amounts. The Federal Investment Fund will also contribute a certain amount to the project. Planned placement of infrastructure bonds. Thus, the concessionaire expects to raise funds to cover the remaining part of the financing.

Estimated participation of the European Bank

Earlier in the media it was reported that this organization will participate in the financing of this project. It was assumed that the bank will be able to provide a significant portion of the investment. It was planned to direct these funds to work on the first trunk section. However, later information was received that the bank had decided to refuse to participate in financing the construction project. The organization argued that such activities harm the country's ecology. This, in turn, contradicts the bank’s internal code. However, an official representative of the organization denied this information. He made a statement that the European Bank was not going to participate in financing the construction of the head section of the express highway. This was due to the fact that the necessary funds for the implementation of the project have already been collected. It did not even need to attract foreign investment. In addition, the official representative of the bank in his statement did not exclude the possibility of the organization participating in financing the construction of other sections of the facility.

toll route Moscow St. Petersburg

Detailed costing

The cost of building a small section of the road is about forty billion rubles. This amount does not include accounting for the costs of preparing the territory for the implementation of the relevant work, but VAT is included. A quarter of the financing of the project is vested in the investor. The state guarantees the provision of the remaining amount for the implementation of the construction of the facility. It is also responsible for the preliminary preparation of the territory for the relevant work and must approve the project documentation. It is planned to be implemented according to the concession scheme.


Corresponding calculations are still underway. It was originally planned that the fare on the head section of the highway would be about four rubles per kilometer. These calculations were carried out in accordance with the price level of 2007, VAT is not included in them. As a result, the tariff will vary. The main factors affecting the fare will be: the frequency of use of the road, time of day, category of vehicle, and the like. The average price at which the M11 highway will be available, the map of which is presented in the article, will not exceed 2.5 rubles / km. According to preliminary calculations, the use of the site at the entrance to the Leningrad Region (about 40 kilometers) will cost the same amount. The remaining paid zones are located in the central part of the Moscow - St. Petersburg route. The track, as mentioned above, passes through other areas. This, in particular, Novgorod, Tver and Moscow. Thus, the driver of a car traveling on a highway will cost about 1 ruble per kilometer. As a result, the amount for the entire journey will be around six hundred rubles. This question was raised last summer at the International Economic Forum, which was held in St. Petersburg. At it, the chairman of the board of the Russian State Road Company made a statement on the fare. According to him, the price per kilometer along the M11 highway may increase significantly. Thus, its price is expected to be more than a thousand rubles.

highway m 11 Moscow St. Petersburg

The need for work

Activities to create an alternative route for the functioning M10 "Russia" highway began a long time ago. The design was quite long. Back in the 70s, the first scheme of the road understudy was included in the master plan for the development of the capital and the region. The fact is that the M10 highway is currently subject to tremendous stress. Allowable maximum is exceeded several times. Now the capacity of the route is about forty thousand cars per day. About 170,000 vehicles per day are the real traffic today on the route Moscow - St. Petersburg. The track quickly deteriorates. Exceeding the maximum allowable loading norm affects not only the quality of the roadway. At the entrance to the capital, the average speed on the M10 road does not exceed ten kilometers. At rush hour, it can drop to five. A huge number of car accidents occur on this route, which exceeds the average norm across the country by several times. In the territories located nearby, the air is significantly polluted. This level exceeds the sanitary standards of the Russian Federation five times.

Construction of the route Moscow St. Petersburg

Environmental issues

The highway Moscow - St. Petersburg will divide the Khimki forest in two. A few years ago, construction work in this place was suspended. This was due to the protest of organizations that were against the destruction of trees to create a highway. The actions of members of the Khimki Forest Defense Movement stopped cutting down. In the future, the police managed to find out that the workers did not have the relevant permits and documents. Soon, construction began again. At the same time, activists of the movement tried to stop him. After some time, the leader of the group who disagreed with the construction of the highway was attacked. Some time later, an association of aggressive young people formed. As a result, law enforcement agencies were forced to disperse their camp.

road to saint petersburg

Later, unknown persons organized an attack on the local administration building. The door to the building was knocked out and the windows were broken. The leader of the forest defense movement did not agree with such methods of struggle. Activists were able to stop the construction. However, in the winter a meeting of the government commission took place. It was decided to approve the initial draft. Representatives of the commission made a statement that the option, according to which the new route Moscow - St. Petersburg will pass through the Khimki forest, is completely legal and justified. As a result, this decision was supported by many members of the government, since, in their opinion, it was absolutely compromise and balanced. After that, the President issued an order to suspend construction work for additional examinations. Soon, Dmitry Medvedev’s assistant made a statement that a large number of relevant work had been done on the fact of the president’s decision. He also noted that their implementation contributed to a significant improvement in the project.

As a result, a system of environmental measures was developed, which took place in preparation for the construction. The total cost of the plan was about four billion dollars. This system includes many relevant elements. For example, noise screens and automatic air monitoring stations will be created. It is planned to carry out special measures to protect fish protection zones, planting green spaces. The Cabinet of Ministers allocated a multi-billion dollar amount to carry out these works. These funds will be used for compensation measures in certain forest areas that were cut down during the construction of the highway.


Route M11 "Moscow - St. Petersburg" will affect the borders of the national park. This situation has also caused a lot of controversy. However, the corresponding decree has not actually entered into force. The government has still not come to a consensus on this issue. As in the case of the Khimki forest, some public organizations are opposed to the M11 highway passing through the national park. Several protests were organized. As a result, the country's government decided that instead of the zone along which the new highway will pass, other territories will join Zavidovo.

Future object

The route planned on the route Moscow - St. Petersburg was able to obtain all the necessary permits (in accordance with the current legislation of the country) and has a positive conclusion as a result of an environmental impact assessment. A centralized automatic traffic control system will be installed on the head section of the M11 highway, as originally planned. It is also planned to establish emergency call points, evacuation services, and lighting and dividing barriers will operate along the entire perimeter of the main part of the infrastructure facility.


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