Insurance company "Anchor": description, conditions and reviews

An insurance company is an association of entrepreneurs who are responsible for a homogeneous group of objects. Initially, such a financial organization was a purely state initiative. It was precisely the government that needed to take care of the safety and, in the event of a fire, of restoring the stone buildings of the factories. The latter, as you know, were under the monopoly of the state. And only in the XIX century, these financial organizations were transferred to private individuals.

insurance company anchor

What is a modern insurance company "Anchor" JSC? What are the working conditions with him? And what are its advantages? Where are the pitfalls?

What is the Anchor Society?

The insurance company OAO Anchor was established back in 1991. It was one of the first after the collapse of the USSR to enter the Russian market in this business. There are currently 14 branches throughout the country. The company consists of 3 companies:

  1. LLC "Seilzfin".
  2. LLC "Company MPF SV".
  3. LLC Avtodor-M.

They have the necessary licenses and legal rights to carry out their activities. Their place in the rating of all similar companies in Russia is not too high - 92, but many clients have been working with the agency for years and are quite happy with its success.

ao insurance company anchor

Recently, Anchor Insurance Company also has the right to carry out any activity related to the use of accurate information constituting a state secret.

The agency always happily meets new employees and never gives up duties to its customers. Therefore, although they occupy far from leading places in the ranking, they are gradually moving forward. It is getting better and more popular.

Services provided by the insurance company

Anchor Insurance Joint Stock Company has a huge range of services. It is responsible for almost all insurance objects that can be insured under the law, both tangible and intangible.

insurance company anchor reviews

So, the list is as follows:

  • land transport is evaluated and insured;
  • water transport;
  • air Transport;
  • specialized equipment;
  • cargo transportation;
  • accident insurance;
  • for causing harm to third parties;
  • responsibility for non-fulfillment of contractual obligations (or their improper fulfillment);
  • organizations that use hazardous facilities;
  • agricultural risks;
  • for private owners - insurance of business risks;
  • risks of financial institutions.

For individuals, the following programs are provided:

  • property insurance;
  • personal responsibility;
  • voluntary health insurance ;
  • private person from accidents;
  • tourists traveling abroad;
  • mortgage insurance ;
  • titular;
  • real estate insurance;
  • Green Card Insurance.

ojsc insurance company anchor

The company has the right to carry out its activities in 54 types of responsibility. Thanks to a wide range of insurance programs, the organization is quite popular among citizens. It is quite convenient to insure both personal liability and your entrepreneurial risks, for example, in one company. In the one where you already know all the employees and you can trust them.

The term of the policy for all types is 1 year. But there are exceptions. Then it is indicated in the contract. and company employees warn about this.

Contact agency

To contact the companies, just call. The phone number is listed on the "contacts" tab of the company's business website. You can also fill out a special feedback form on the site. When employees receive an appeal, they will contact you.

Branches of the Anchor Society in Moscow

In Moscow, this company has several addresses where you can apply for services and complete all documents. One of them is located at: st. Havskaya, 18, Bldg. 2. (117105, Moscow).

The next center is located in Podsosensky Lane, 5โ€“7, Art. 2. This branch is more specialized in land transport insurance (CTP). In addition, this office is central. This address is indicated in the constituent documents of the community. It works from Monday to Friday until 18:00. And the last branch in Moscow of the insurance company JSC Anchor address: Blvd. Pokrovsky, 3, Art. 16. You can contact any of them.

Each branch of the Anchor Insurance Company (Moscow) operates separately. Each has its own work schedule and requirements. Therefore, you need to find out all the details by phone before you go to the specified addresses.

Branches in other cities

In addition to the central office in Moscow, the company has many large branches in other regional centers. Branches are open in Tambov, St. Petersburg, Tyumen, Yaroslavl and other cities. Since 2006, the center has been operating in Perm. And quite recently, in August 2017, another branch was opened in Simferopol.

Anchor Insurance Company in any city is honest and open to its customers. And everyone who seeks advice on issues related to their activities will be given clear and detailed explanations.


CJSC "Anchor" (insurance company) has a license to conduct its core business. And not just one, but as many as 3 official documents:

  • SL No. 1621;
  • OS No. 1621-03;
  • SI No. 1621.

All licenses dated December 07, 2015.

Immediately after the presidential decree back in 1992 "On insurance supervision" and the publication of the law "On the organization of insurance business", all temporary licenses for that time were immediately replaced by permanent ones, which are still valid.

insurance company anchor

In addition, since December 2011, the organization has been accredited. On its basis, a company can insure individuals with a mortgage and personal liability of the borrower. According to this accreditation, all mortgage activities are considered legal in any branch, throughout the territory of Russia, and even beyond its borders.

Anchor Insurance Company also has all the necessary details for financial activities - a personal TIN. Has OGRN and registration numbers in the FSS and PFR.

Employees and vacancies

Now the company has about 100 employees. All are well prepared and are professionals. However, if a young promising employee comes to Anchor, he will be readily accepted for a probationary period.

insurance company anchor moscow

The staff warmly treats each new employee, and everyone is ready to help and share experience with the recruit.

Advantages of the Anchor Society

The agency lived flawlessly in the insurance market for 26 years. The Directorate and employees have already taken into account all their mistakes and punctures during this time and strive to act prudently, without prejudice to the rights of partners or customers. Each year, the agency expands its capabilities. But what factors specifically relate to the benefits?

The objective advantages of such an agency as Anchor Insurance Joint Stock Company include several significant points:

  1. Flexible loan terms. The client has the right to choose a comprehensive program or to choose from the list only what he specifically needs.
  2. Availability of reinsurance protection. Policies for the largest amounts are additionally protected in larger companies in order to avoid unpleasant situations.
  3. Help of lawyers in the execution of the contract.
  4. Prompt signing of the policy. Agency staff will not delay the client for long.

ao insurance company anchor address

And, of course, one of the advantages of the company is its experience in the global market. The community has existed for more than 20 years, and all the accumulated experience allows us to effectively find a solution in any situation and a common language with all customers.

The company is a member of the National Insurance Guild, the All-Russian Union, the Union of Auto Insurers and other organizations. And also one of the community partners is the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry.


Like every insurance agency, there are some weaknesses in working with clients. Any community bearing such a serious monetary responsibility is simply not able to immediately pay all the risks. Moreover, the agency has too many programs insured at a time. Therefore, it happens that the client has to stand in line for payments.

The presence of such a factor does not mean that the Anchor Society refuses to fulfill its duties. He just needs time to accumulate funds, if we are talking about large amounts for payments to entrepreneurs. Private individuals are worried and not at all worth it.


Clients often, having issued a policy in the insurance company "Anchor", the reviews leave mostly positive. It affects a lot of experience - 26 years, and the ability of the team to seek a compromise. There are a lot of branches throughout the country. Therefore, in any city in Russia you can find an agency and insure yourself, which is very convenient. In addition, company policies are quoted and abroad. This is also an undoubted advantage of the company.

All customers approve of the quick and high-quality service. Many insured are legal entities that do not have much time to resolve issues related to the policy. Employees complete everything very quickly. Also, all clients note a friendly and attentive attitude towards each person and conscientious fulfillment of obligations, that is, insurance payments always arrive where they should and on time.

According to many ratings in this area, the Anchor insurance company is considered to be developing and promising. The agency has all the necessary documents for work and provides quality services to both individuals and legal entities.


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