AK Bars (bank): customer reviews

A bank is an institution without which it is difficult to imagine our life. Some financial organizations have long and firmly won their customers, others are not so well known to Russians and appeared relatively recently, but have already managed to prove themselves. Just one of the latter is AK Bars (bank). Customer reviews note that the company offers excellent interest and conditions for a deposit, is a reliable and promising financial institution.

About AK Bars Bank

In 1993, AK Bars began operating in the financial market of our country. The Bank (reviews of some persons indicate incompetent work of the staff) has all the necessary licenses for carrying out financial activities and offers more than a hundred services to legal and physical persons.

Today, the company’s customers are about three million individuals and more than 67 thousand companies. The bank has a registered capital of 38 billion rubles. The organization's own state in 2016 amounted to 58 billion rubles.

In 2016, in the Republic of Tatarstan, there were about 8 bank branches, 21 branches were opened in major cities of Russia. There are 196 additional branches, 31 cash registers and 10 financial and operational offices. There is a subsidiary branch of RNKO Narat JSC, which is located in Saratov.

It is under the reliable protection of the government of the Republic of Tatarstan “AK Bars” (bank). The license was never withdrawn from this organization, which arouses the trust of customers and helps to expand the scope of its activities.

The head office of the organization is located in a city such as Kazan. AK Bars is a bank (reviews indicate a quick review of loan applications), which in the Republic of Tatarstan occupies a significant position and is known more than in Russia. It is considered there as the number one bank.

The Bank AK Bars is also located in many large cities of Russia. St. Petersburg (reviews of some individuals indicate the lack of qualifications of employees) and other large cities have several branches on their territory.

Services for individuals

ak leopard bank reviews

It offers individuals a wide range of banking products AK Bars. The Bank (reviews indicate the speed of execution of all necessary documents) makes it possible to make fixed-term deposits, demand deposits, as well as open current accounts for transferring money and transferring salaries. The deposit rate reaches 10%.

You can apply for a profitable mortgage loan with the help of AK Bars (bank). Mortgages (reviews indicate that the financial institution provides targeted loans on favorable terms) is provided for the purchase of finished housing and for the purchase of an apartment in a house under construction. For customers in Moscow and St. Petersburg, the loan amount ranges from 300 thousand rubles to 8 million rubles. The maximum loan term of 30 years with a rate of up to 17% is provided to them by AK Bars (bank). Mortgages (reviews of some individuals indicate slow execution of payment orders, long queues at branches) in this financial company can have many different options.

In addition to the listed services, individuals can take loans:

  • surety;
  • mortgage;
  • automobile;
  • on personal subsidiary plots.

In addition, the bank offers debit, credit, prepaid and virtual plastic cards, service terminals, ATMs. Another financial institution conducts money transfers, provides brokerage services and other services, which include:

  • payment of utility bills and other payments;
  • exchange of currency units;
  • storage cells;
  • precious metals;
  • securities;
  • mail bank.

Tariffs for servicing individuals are very acceptable and attract many customers to the bank.

Products for business

ak leopard bank mortgage reviews

For legal entities offers to perform a number of services in the settlement and cash activities of AK Bars. The Bank (reviews of some individuals note that this legal entity does not issue a loan without insurance) provides loans to small, medium and large businesses. In many cases, the interest rate is set individually.

The bank also provides:

  • financing of various projects;
  • issues plastic cards for employees of corporate organizations;
  • will provide trade acquiring;
  • places material assets;
  • provides online services;
  • conducts foreign economic activity.

A financial organization is looking for a special approach to each client, strictly fulfills all obligations under contracts and arranges various promotions, thanks to which it is possible to conclude a very profitable deal for business.

Serving financial institutions

Ak Bars Bank customer reviews

One of the very promising areas is working with financial institutions at AK Bars (bank). Customer reviews note that the company quickly responds to any request, and when drawing up the contract requires a minimum number of documents.

The organization offers corporate clients:

  • correspondent account;
  • interbank lending;
  • conversion manipulations and other document operations;
  • trade finance.

In addition, AK Bars helps client banks conduct foreign exchange transactions, carries out a number of operations with precious metals, and works closely with insurance companies.

Financial house "AK Bars Persona"

Ak Bars Bank customer reviews of deposits

Special privileged services await customers in the AK Bars Persona project. Here, each client, in conditions of strict secrecy and increased comfort, can take advantage of exclusive offers provided by AK Bars. The Bank (customer reviews note that financial institutions often have technical problems, which creates some inconvenience for customers) offers to make premium deposits here, which can be in dollars, rubles and euros. The minimum deposit period is 62 days, the maximum is 744 days, the largest percentage for ruble accounts is 9.6%, for dollar accounts - 2%, for euro - 1.2%.

In addition to deposits, here you can arrange premium loans to receive safe deposit boxes, cash management services, buy precious metals.

Exceptional is the package "Person", which includes such products as:

  • preferential conditions for the issue and maintenance of premium cards;
  • issue of additional cards;
  • currency exchange at a special preferential rate;
  • providing an overdraft to the card account;
  • crediting material assets to the card;
  • travel insurance.

In addition, AK Bars Persona offers accumulative and investment insurance, investment services, including:

  • mutual investment funds (UIF);
  • trust management;
  • investment service.

These and other services can be obtained on favorable terms from a banking institution upon entering the Persona program.

Application "AK Bars Online"

Bank Ak Bars loan reviews

Many customers find it convenient to use the online application provided by AK Bars financial institution. The Bank (customer reviews of deposits indicate a delay in the payment of due dividends) gives its customers the opportunity to make many financial transactions online, these are:

  • get access to accounts;
  • make transfers between your accounts and cards, as well as to other people's plastic cards;
  • open deposits / accounts;
  • pay for utilities, Internet, television, cell phone;
  • repay loans;
  • block or unblock plastic cards;
  • make auto payments;
  • make contributions to a charity fund;
  • exchange currency.

In order to use these services, you need to go to the website of the AK Bars Online system. Enter the card number in the registration form, select the possible confirmation options and enter the session code.

This service can be used at any ATM owned by AK Bars.

Financial institution rating

AK Bars Bank (credit reviews indicate that this financial institution does not restructure debt, which is very depressing for clients in difficult everyday situations) operates with the assistance of the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Fitch Ratings assigned the bank a rating of BB-. This assessment characterizes a speculative rating and indicates the likelihood of credit risks. The long-term forecast of economic indicators in the company is regarded as negative. Despite this, the company is authorized to conduct full-fledged financial activities.

In May 2016, the Rus-Rating Agency assigned a high level of creditworthiness to a financial institution compared with other issuers in the country. Moody's Investors Service, a foreign rating company, rated the work of a financial institution at “B2”, which means speculative debt obligations and possible credit risks. This indicates the financial instability of the organization, which needs help and receives it from the outside.

The issuer's average rating is kept at “BB-”, which indicates the reliability of the bank and its financial solvency. In addition, the bank is constantly improving its activities, which leads to improved operating indicators. Improves asset quality and increases the share of transactions in the business.

According to the national rating, the average rating of the bank is 1.95 out of five possible points. More than half of the opponents are dissatisfied with the service and the level of services provided.

Company official website

The official website of the bank helps customers understand the products they provide. Here you can transfer from card to card and start a mobile wallet, as well as find out where the nearest bank branch, ATM or information kiosk is located.

The site contains all the necessary documentation about the company, full reporting on all areas of activity, information for shareholders. The electronic platform introduces customers to the news of the company, its life. Spheres of its activity and all innovations are described in detail.

A financial organization holds many shares, thanks to which it is possible to conclude a profitable financial transaction, for example, the action “AK Bars Trust”, which allows you to get a car loan or a consumer loan on favorable terms for the client.

Directly from the site you can order a ticket in any direction. The program provides several flight options at once, from which you can choose the most suitable.

Calculators of deposits, mortgage lending, credit and car loan work on the electronic service, which is very convenient. After all, without leaving your home, you can calculate the benefit, which gives cooperation with the bank. Moreover, an application for a loan or opening an account can be left right there, online.

The site allows you to evaluate the quality of customer service, leave a review or ask specialists to contact. Here you can also see the phone number of a bank branch and at any time ask a question to a consultant on a multi-channel telephone working around the clock.

Site navigation is convenient and easy to understand, any student can figure it out here. All the information provided is relevant and helps customers make the right decision.

Career, employee reviews

Ak Bars Bank license revocation

Work at AK Bars Bank (reviews about the employer indicate a cozy office and a good friendly team) give people great opportunities for career growth. Here you can get invaluable work experience in one of the largest banks in the country. Company employees undergo special training and constantly confirm their qualifications. The Bank seeks to create a good reputation for itself and therefore appreciates such qualities in employees as:

  • professionalism;
  • hard work;
  • responsibility;
  • openness
  • goodwill.

On the company's website, anyone can see the vacancies in their city and fill out the application form. The financial organization AK Bars (Bank) is striving to create a reliable team of true professionals.

Reviews of employees of this institution are very different. Some are happy with the work. They say that the company’s office is comfortable, the staff is friendly, there is qualified training and full compliance with the labor code.

Negative reviews of employees indicate a low level of wages, high plans for granting loans, constant technical failures, which have to be delayed after a working day and to complete applications. These people note staff turnover, processing without payment, delayed leave.

Customer reviews

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He has many of the most controversial opinions about himself, AK Bars (bank). Deposits (reviews indicate frequent failures in the online system, because of which you have to go to the office and make financial transactions there) in this bank are profitable, but, as clients indicate, it takes a lot of time to process them. More positive reviews indicate quick service and qualified staff, good credit conditions, the bank fulfilling all obligations to customers.

Negative reviews indicate poor service, cramped office space, frequent technical failures, due to which you have to go to the bank several times. These people say that often a bank refuses a loan for reasons that it does not voice. Imposes insurance even where it is not needed, and without it refuses to draw up a deal. Sometimes, at the last moment, the bank changes the loan rate without notifying the client, and people have to wait a few more days to get loan approval again. Making a mortgage takes about a month, unlike other banks, where the implementation of such a transaction takes a couple of weeks.

It cannot be said that there are much more negative opinions about the work of this bank than positive ones, but all of them affect its reputation and demand for banking products.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G17757/

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