VVC - attractions. Prices for attractions in the All-Russian Exhibition Center, opening hours

The VVC amusement park was created in 1993. It occupies an area of ​​six hectares. In its place was previously a wasteland. For many years, the park has remained the only place in Moscow where you can look at the capital from a 73-meter height, ride a breathtaking roller coaster and visit a variety of extreme attractions.

Where to spend the day off?

The VVC amusement park in Moscow is considered one of the best places where you can brighten up the sultry metropolitan days. Those who want to diversify their walks and make them unforgettable should visit the territory of the former VDNH.

vvc rides

Vacationers can ride here in a unique Troika. This is fun for the whole family. The horses harnessed to the carriage are easy to drive on their own. For children there are more modern means of transportation - electric cars. It should be borne in mind that only those kids who are already three years old can control them. The carousel with boats, on chains and with animals will attract the attention of children. There are small multi-colored trains in the park.

As for adult visitors, VVC offers more serious rides for them. Among them are “Corkscrew Tower”, “Enterprise”, “Capsule” and others. If you decide to visit the All-Russian Exhibition Center (attractions), the park should be known: it is open from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. (on weekdays) and until 11 p.m. (on weekends).

Where are the places for entertainment?

There are two parks at VVC. In each of them you can visit a variety of attractions. The first is called the “Wheel at the All-Russian Exhibition Center”. It was opened on the 850th anniversary of Moscow. The park got its name from the Ferris wheel built in it, which is the largest in the capital. The height of this structure is seventy-three meters. Diameter - 70 m. Visitors to the park can become participants in entertainment events, spectators of puppet theater performances, performances of pop and circus artists. Fire shows are also arranged here.

HVAC amusement rides

The second place at the All-Russian Exhibition Center, where rides are set, is Attrapark. Here you can ride the whole family on the American Water Slides or go through the mazes of the horror room. Kids are very fond of “The Sun” and “The Bell”. At the All-Russian Exhibition Center, the amusement rides are quite convenient for visitors to the park.

Ferris wheel

Many attractions at VVC (see photo below) are the largest in the country. One of them is the Ferris wheel. During its construction, higher attractions were not even in all of Europe. Only a little later in the Italian park "Mirabilandia" (the city of Ravenna) they built a wheel ninety meters high. In 2000, the London Eye attraction (135 m) was erected in London, from which a view of almost the entire city opens.

VVV amusement rides opening hours

The Ferris wheel installed at the All-Russian Exhibition Center allows you to admire the capital’s landscapes from a height of 73 meters. The period of one revolution of the attraction is seven minutes. There are forty cabins on the wheel. Eight of them are open. The capacity of each booth is 8 people. It is worth saying that the design of the wheel is resistant to gusts of wind, reaching forty meters per second. Earthquakes up to nine points are not afraid of him either.

Ticket price depends on the type of booth. In order to ride in the open, you will need to pay three hundred and fifty rubles, and in the closed - three hundred.

Opening panorama

What can be seen from the Ferris wheel at the All-Russian Exhibition Center? Attractions located in the park. With further rise on the horizon, a monument appears, installed by the conquerors of space. Then a sculpture of a worker and a collective farmer. Seeing the hotel "Cosmos". Slowly the booths rise even higher. Here the view becomes more interesting. The panorama of the adjacent districts of the capital opens to the eye, the main attraction of which is the Ostankino Tower.

It should be borne in mind that only a passenger whose height exceeds one hundred forty centimeters can ride in the open booth of this attraction. Children and adolescents under sixteen must be accompanied by adults.


This extreme attraction is perfect for brave people with steel nerves. Those who want to get a shot of adrenaline can not fly over Tibet or ride a safari every weekend. In order to experience the thrill, it is enough to come to the All-Russian Exhibition Center. Extreme rides create conditions that allow you to test your stress resistance. One of them is the Cobra. This is the most popular entertainment in the park created by the design bureau owned by Mir. The attraction is one hundred percent the brainchild of domestic engineers. The facility is safe for passengers. This is confirmed not only by Russian but also by European certificates.

attractions at the exhibition center photo
How does this ride work? A high- speed train, in which passengers are rigidly fixed, is carried in free fall from a height of forty-six meters along a rather complicated trajectory. Its speed is one hundred kilometers per hour. But that is not all. On the way, the train makes a loop. At the same time, passengers are subjected to serious overloads.

A visit to the Cobra ride allows you to experience an unusual sensation. And at the end of a short journey, each passenger will have a feeling of victory gained over their own fear.

An extreme attraction can be visited by people whose height has reached one hundred and forty centimeters. Ticket price - two hundred and fifty rubles.


Thrill-seekers will find a lot of interesting things for themselves by visiting the All-Russian Exhibition Center (Moscow). Attractions for extreme sports are presented by a project called "Mars". This is a giant swing, reminiscent of the shape of a large ship. The seats here are arranged in several rows.

attractions at the exhibition center photo

The "space" huge boat is slowly making the climb with the passengers in it to a height of eighteen meters. Further, it gradually increases the amplitude of its swing. The duration of the attraction is only two and a half minutes, during which "Mars" makes two turns of three hundred and sixty degrees. In this case, the swing continues to be in a vertical plane. At the top of the turnaround, passengers experience lightheadedness. At the bottom there is a feeling of an unusual load on the legs. But when the "Mars" sways, all feelings increase many times over.

Extreme attraction will make daredevils feel weightlessness and overload, and do it without visiting the cosmodrome. It is worth saying that the giant swing for healthy people are absolutely safe.

Prices for attractions at the All-Russian Exhibition Center are quite affordable. So, a visit to Mars will cost two hundred rubles. But it is worth bearing in mind that people below one hundred and forty and above one hundred and ninety-five centimeters will not be allowed on him. This limitation is associated with the features of the mechanisms responsible for security. The swing is designed for 32 passengers.

"Tower of free fall"

The fifty-two-meter building rises above the park of the All-Russian Exhibition Center. It will certainly attract the attention of brave people. Visitors are impressed not only by the height of this building, but also by the wild cries of those who dared to visit this attraction.

VVC Moscow rides
The principle of operation of the "Tower of free fall" is quite simple. Passengers sitting on the platform of the attraction, at first slowly rise up, and then a special mechanism sharply lowers them down. It's very scary. The earth is approaching the daredevils sitting on the platform of the tower, with terrifying speed.

Only persons over fourteen years old can attend the “Free Fall Tower”, paying two hundred and fifty rubles for admission.


Many rides at VVC are unusual. Their list also includes Aerolift. Outwardly, it is a large balloon mounted on steel cables. Under it there are places for passengers. During the session, lasting fifteen minutes, a special mechanism raises people one hundred and fifty meters. Moreover, they practically soar in the air. The ride is designed for eighteen people.

“Airlift” is intended for daredevils seeking striking impressions. Climbing to a considerable height in it is not at all scary. Structurally, special nets are provided in the basket. Aerolift is currently the highest observation deck in Moscow, which is open to visitors. However, the ride only works in calm weather. From a 150-meter height opens a panorama of Moscow in the area of ​​the Botanical Garden, Prospect Mira and All-Russian Exhibition Center.

"Changeling house"

This attraction, which is popular all over the world, can also be visited in the VVC park. Guests, getting inside the Changeling House, find themselves in an unusual space. On the premises, all household items and furniture hang from the floor, which serves as a ceiling. As a result, the vestibular apparatus of those people who examine the overturned dwelling is tested. The sensations experienced by the guests are close in their effect to riding a roller coaster. They arise also because of the special tilt that the house has.

prices for amusement park rides
The entire interior of the attraction is an imitation of the decoration of a European average cottage. Here you can see standard furniture, ordinary dishes and a small car in the garage. One caveat - all this economy appears before visitors in an unusual perspective.

An interesting attraction is posted on the site located behind the 58th pavilion. A ticket to visit is worth three hundred rubles.

"Mirror Maze"

This attraction is intended for those visitors who dream of an exciting adventure. Guests have the opportunity to wander through intricate corridors from countless mirrors with mysterious lighting. The exit from the maze is a kind of victorious frontier, because behind each turn there is a reflection of oneself or someone's frightened face.

Young people who visited the attraction can check their attentiveness. The highest score deserves the one who manages to pass the mirror corridors without losing cornering and not paying attention to false reflections.

The Mirror Maze will give all its visitors an unforgettable experience, vivid emotions and a meeting with infinity. The cost of visiting is two hundred rubles.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G17760/

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