Polyustrovsky Park - the greenest recreation area in the Krasnogvardeisky district of St. Petersburg

In the northern capital of Russia there are many beautiful green recreation areas. If you want to enjoy the beauty of nature and forget about the everyday hustle and bustle at least for a while, you should go for a walk in the Polyustrovsky park of the Krasnogvardeisky district of St. Petersburg. What is this place, what is it interesting and where is it located?

The story of the emergence of a new recreation area

Polyustrovsky Park
In 1967, a new park was created and opened for visitors in the Krasnogvardeisky district of St. Petersburg . It received the standard name for the Soviet era - Park of the 50th anniversary of the October Revolution. The recreation area was redeveloped several times and landscaped. The most notable changes were made in 1973 and 1987. On its territory Polyustrovsky Park has three large ponds. Flora in the recreation area is represented by plants traditional for the region. Young trees are planted annually, flower gardens are being improved for the summer season. Interestingly, the recreation area received its modern name only in 2007 in honor of the historical name of the area. Today it is a park with a regular layout, in the territory of which three artificial reservoirs are preserved. Entrance to the recreation area is free, you can take a walk here at any time of the year.

Where is Polyustrovsky park in St. Petersburg, how to get there?

Polyustrovsky park in St. Petersburg
The recreation area is limited by the streets of Marshal Tukhachevsky and April, as well as the highway of the Revolution and Metallistov Avenue. The total area of ​​the park is about 46 hectares. It’s not difficult to get here by trolleybus number 3, 16, 18, 43. The nearest metro station is Ladozhskaya, about 10 minutes by land transport from it. However, whether it is worth specially going to Polyustrovsky Park for a walk is a moot point. There are no unique attractions or modern attractions in the recreation area. The park enjoys great popularity among residents of nearby areas.

Mineral water

Polyustrovsky park pond cleaning
Polyustrovsky Park is a specially protected natural area. Mineral water is being extracted on its territory, there is a plant producing drinking drinks. Finished products can be purchased in stores in St. Petersburg under the brand name Polyustrovo. Assess the favorable environmental conditions of the recreation area without special equipment. There are many birds and small animals in the park, ducks swim in ponds in the warm season. Artificial ponds are what Polyustrovsky Park can be proud of. Cleaning the pond, located in the recreation area, was carried out recently. Today it is a beautiful and clean pond with a landscaped shore. Many vacationers in the summertime love to sunbathe here, but swimming in the ponds is not allowed.

The best place for relaxing walks

Polyustrovsky Park in St. Petersburg is one of the best places for those who want to spend some time alone with nature. There are no attractions and other entertainment facilities. But the paths for walking, children's and sports grounds - more than enough. It is not surprising that this place is very popular among young parents. Here you can safely walk with a stroller or young children. In the summertime, kiosks with drinks and quick snacks open in the park. Many families come here for picnics. Frying barbecue in the recreation area is not officially prohibited, but the use of barbecue is mandatory. When resting in a specially protected natural area, remember that littering is prohibited here. We will not scare you with fines, just do not forget that the preservation of natural wealth depends on the behavior of each of us. In the evening, all the alleys of the park are lit with lanterns, do not be afraid to stay late for a walk.

Reviews about Polyustrovsky Park

Polyustrovsky park St. Petersburg
Most often, residents of nearby areas come for a walk in this recreation area. Delighted with such a park, located very close to home, usually young mothers. In the recreation area it is very convenient to acquaint the baby with the natural world, observe the changing seasons, study plants and collect natural materials for creativity. Despite its simplicity and naturalness, in the summer, the park looks well-groomed. Here, trees and shrubs are pruned seasonally, plant new flowers, mow grass and clean up garbage. For children, modern playgrounds are installed. There are also places for sports, including a large football field. Ponds look very beautiful, on their banks you can sunbathe in the warm season or arrange a photo shoot. If you are looking for a place where you can admire beautiful landscapes in silence, you will definitely like Polyustrovsky Park. St. Petersburg is a city in which there are enough green areas, but not every one of them can boast of such a favorable environmental situation. What is especially nice, this amazing place is located within the city, which means that getting here is not difficult.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G17764/

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