Hamat Gader, Israel: resort description. Tours to Israel

Hamat Gader Hot Springs in Israel is a unique wellness center located in the north-eastern part of the state. A health resort is located near Lake Kinneret. Truly, this is an amazing place, where thousands of tourists come from all over the world for health and medical purposes.

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Modern history

The current Hamat Gader in Israel is a medical resort, in the territory of which there are several hot springs, as well as a bathing center. A small settlement was founded on the site of the resort during the reign of the Romans, as evidenced by some historical sights. Even then, hot springs with healing properties were discovered. About 2 thousand years ago, a health resort was founded.

A huge theater that can accommodate several thousand people reminds of those times. Not far from Hamat Gader in Israel are some of the most important Christian shrines. This determines the popularity of the resort not only for therapeutic purposes, the health resort is famous for its historical and cultural attractions.

So, for example, near Hamat Gader in Israel, baptismal ceremonies are held in the Jordan River. There is something to see here. Picturesque nature, ancient Roman buildings, colorful representations of living parrots and even a crocodile farm - perhaps this will be enough to soon go on vacation to the famous resort of Hamat Gader in Israel.

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Ancient history

You cannot understand the present without knowing the past. The history of the famous Israeli resort deserves special attention, because it is it that makes the rest even more vivid and impressive. By the way, it is very interesting to know the past of the resort from the mouth of the guide who conducts excursions in Israel.

The ancient city of Gadar was founded by the Egyptian Ptolemies immediately after the death of the great commander Alexander of Macedon. It was a kind of border barrier, as evidenced by the name of the city (in the translation "gadar" means a fence, barrier). A few kilometers from the settlement, hot springs with healing water were discovered even then.

There is no city for a long time. In memory of him there were only ruins on the Umm Qais hill. But its name and healing sources were preserved, which became the reason for the foundation of the famous Israeli resort. Throughout the history of its existence, the city has repeatedly passed from hand to hand. But only in the second century AD did the Romans finally settle here.

hamat gader hot springs

How did the health resort appear?

The tenth Roman legion, who stormed Masada, and began the construction of the bath "for their own needs." The health complex was then the second largest and most visited in the entire Roman Empire. Its remains are still in Hamat Gader. For this reason, it is recommended that tourists visit excursions in Israel in order to personally look at the remains of the past.

In those days, the health-improving complex was called the “Bathhouse named after the Three Graces”. The latter were statues erected in niches along the pool. Their images are minted in coins of that time. The place immediately became popular and legendary, and soon turned into the largest wellness center of the Roman Empire. Since the visitors rested for several days, guest houses and entertainment facilities were built for a pleasant pastime.

Among the visitors were Greek and Roman sages and philosophers, in the Byzantine era - even authoritative rabbis. You can talk for a long time about the history of the Hamat Gader hot springs. The popular resort had a hard time in wartime. However, all this did not prevent him from turning into the largest medical and health center of international level.

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Thermal bath

Excursion tours to Israel involve a visit to a paradise, spread over 150 thousand square kilometers. The resort is the focus of many tourist attractions. So, there is a crocodile nursery, a mini-zoo, a terrarium, a colorful representation of parrots, water attractions, SPA salons, historical and architectural sights, as well as the thermal baths themselves.

Hot spring water may contain sulfur at a concentration of 4.7%. In its composition there are other minerals that have a beneficial effect on the skin and joints. This determines the popularity of sightseeing tours to Israel, which involve a whole range of recreational activities.

hamat gader hot springs

Treatment and Wellness

Many are interested in whether children can be in Hamat Gader. Necessary! After all, healing thermal springs have a beneficial effect on the general state of health, have a rejuvenating effect on the skin and joints, stimulate blood circulation, and also stimulate the natural processes of rejuvenation. In addition, water helps to improve well-being and strengthen the body.

Thermal baths consist of spacious pools filled with mineral water, a jacuzzi that effectively relieve tension on the muscles of the neck and back, a hot waterfall and a pool with bubbling water. Water in the baths is updated every 4 hours. The pool maintains a constant water temperature (about 42 degrees). Therefore, the health resort staff recommends being in the water for no more than 10 minutes. You can experience amazing sensations by moving from a hot pool to cooler fresh water, which is located very close by.

Before visiting the pool, it is better to remove jewelry made of gold and silver - the fact is that under the influence of sulfur, jewelry can darken.

Hamat gader is it possible for children


Thermal springs are not the only thing worth visiting (this will be confirmed by any tour operator in Israel). So, in Hamat Gader there is not a very large entertainment complex called "Splash". It consists of a pool and a spiral slide 10 meters high. Throughout its length, there are geysers from which fountains beat. Entrance to the entertainment complex is prohibited for children under 10 years old. By the way, “Splash” is popular not only among small tourists. With infectious laughter, their parents are also rolling down the hill.

Not far from the spiral-shaped slide is a traditional dance floor with surprises. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that at various times in various places, fountains quite suddenly burst upwards. The water level, its pressure and the place of occurrence are constantly changing, which makes the attraction even more attractive.

A tour operator in Israel will certainly inform the tourist that there are several SPA salons in the resort, in which several types of massage will be offered to vacationers. In combination with water treatments, it has an amazing effect.

hamat gader israel

Crocodile farm

The nursery was created in 1981. This is the largest farm in the entire Middle East. At the time of its founding, 120 individuals were brought from Florida. Today, 200 crocodiles harmoniously live in the nursery. During the tour, tourists will be able to learn a lot about the life of alligators: their age, nutritional features and species diversity, interesting facts and much more.

Vacationers will be able to photograph crocodiles. Representatives of different ages live in the nursery: from just hatched to large individuals. American caimans and huge African crocodiles - representatives of the amphibian kingdom live in conditions as close as possible to real ones. In summer, visitors to the nursery will be able to see how alligators are fed. At any other time, sightseers will be able to see how crocodiles lazily sunbathe in the sun or take water procedures.

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Parrot show

This is truly a bright and colorful performance! Vacationers will be able to see a high level of bird training of various breeds. Amazons, macao and cockatoos ride mini-bicycles, run with funny carts, somersault, perform quick-witted tasks, dance with each other, etc.

The performance takes place twice a day. Its duration is 15-20 minutes. Large green amazons and vibrant cockatoo will give the mood for the whole day. You should definitely visit the parrot show with your children - you have enough impressions for a long time.

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Hamat Gader: prices

For one of the most popular tourist destinations, the cost of a ticket is very affordable. So, the average prices from leading Russian tour operators range from $ 600 (37,500 rubles) per person. The duration of the tour is 14 days. The price includes a package of wellness treatments, accommodation and meals, as well as visits to some attractions.

Some sightseeing tours to Israel involve a visit to the popular health resort, which is also included in the price of the main tour.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G17781/

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