Shenzhen (China) - an economic miracle of the republic

One of the largest cities in the Republic of China is Shenzhen. The city is only thirty years old. It appeared instead of the fishing village, in which 30 thousand people lived, and today more than 10 million inhabitants live and work in the metropolis. Shenzhen owes its appearance to Dan Xiaoping, the father of economic reform , who decided to build a Pearl City in the river delta, which became a counterweight to modern Hong Kong.

General information about the city

With the beginning of economic reforms, in 1979, the Chinese government decided to create a free economic zone on the border with Hong Kong. Thanks to this, state and foreign investments went into the region, and a few years later they started talking about him as an economic miracle of the entire eastern region. Shenzhen (China) has become a major financial, industrial and transportation center of the republic.

shenzhen china

Shenzhen is a city of skyscrapers. So, in 2010, the Kingkey 100 skyscraper was commissioned. Its height is 442 m. In 2015, the Pinan financial center was built, including a 115-story tower, whose height is 648 meters, as well as several other smaller sizes.

In the named city there are many parks and squares - it is simply surrounded by greenery. Cleanliness, good roads and the absence of crime turned Shenzhen (China) into a place with comfortable living conditions

Shenzhen - "Silicon Valley" of the Republic of China

Thanks to the reforms carried out in the republic, the city has become the "silicone valley" of China. The city has offices of the largest IT companies, a Hi-Tech Industrial park has been created.

shenzhen city china

It produces not only household and electronic equipment, mobile phones, but also modern iPhones and iPads. The largest scientific institutions are located in Shenzhen:

  • National Center for Supercomputer Technology;
  • Institute of Advanced Computer Technology;
  • Institute for the creation and expansion of technological integration.

Since 1999, the city of Shenzhen (China) has become the venue for international exhibitions of automation and industrial electronics. All the world's largest companies associated with IT technologies are trying to take part in them.

Shenzhen educational institutions train experienced IT professionals. Thousands of people come to the enterprises of the city in search of work. The average wage is $ 3 per hour.

City districts

The area of ​​the city is about 2,000 sq. Km. The territory is divided into 10 districts, each of which develops its own industry. The main part of the city is constituted by the areas of Futian, Lohu, Nanshan and Yan Tan, the rest are in the suburbs.

Futian is the cultural and administrative center of the city. Government offices, hotels, restaurants, cultural and entertainment venues are located here. In the district of Lohu there are banks and financial companies, as well as various transport organizations. Nanshan is a nanotechnology center. Representatives of IT corporations, universities, research institutes work here. The main part of the city’s European population lives in this area. In Yan Tan, the port and industrial zone of the city are located.

In the south, Shenzhen (China) borders on Hong Kong, which is considered to be a special administrative region of the state, but special permission is required to get from Shenzhen to Hong Kong.

Among the population, the Dapen area is popular, which contains the largest beaches of Shenzhen, as well as a huge national park. The beach coast was recognized as the most beautiful in China.

Holidays in Shenzhen

The average annual temperature in the Pearl River Delta is + 22 Β° C. A subtropical climate has developed here, characterized by short warm winters and long summers. Mild climatic conditions attract travelers to Shenzhen.

The city has two magnificent beaches - Da Mei Sha and Xiao Mei Sha. Next to them are 5-star hotels for receiving guests. On beaches, vacationers are offered parachuting, skiing, diving, horseback riding.

china r shenzhen

Many tourists come to Shenzhen (China) and for the sake of profitable shopping. Here you can buy various electronic equipment, modern telephones, purchase inexpensive clothes, shoes, toys. People come to the city to establish business contacts and conclude contracts for the wholesale supply of products.

Shenzhen Attractions

Despite the fact that the city is only 30 years old, many artificial amusement parks have been built in its vicinity. In Shenzhen (China), the sights that you should see are in different areas, but you need to find the time to visit them.

Shenzhen China Attractions

So, the most popular are:

  • Park "Window to the World." Here are more than 130 miniature compositions of historical monuments from around the world. There are copies of the Paris Eiffel Tower, the leaning Leaning Tower of Pisa, St. Basil's Cathedral, the Taj Mahal and many others.
  • A historical park dedicated to the history of Great China. It presents miniatures from life in a Chinese village, as well as copies of famous historical monuments of the Republic of China.
  • Park "Happy Valley". A variety of attractions are located on its territory, the Cartoon City is built for children.
  • Amusement park "Overseas city". It is divided into 5 zones. In each of them, visitors are offered different entertainments. You can visit the waterfall, taste local beer or dine in the restaurant serving national cuisine.
  • The military park "Minsk". This is a tour of the decommissioned flagship of the Pacific Fleet, on which submarines were once searched and destroyed. The ship was sold in 1993 to a private scrap metal company, but was subsequently rebuilt and turned into an entertainment center.

Among the interesting places to visit in Shenzhen are the oceanarium, ethnographic park, Hongfa Temple, City University and many other attractions.


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