Sanatorium "Rus": reviews. Sanatorium "Rus", Sochi: description with photo

"Gorgeous, magnificent, chic, luxurious, amazing" - such enthusiasm about this health resort is conveyed by reviews. Sanatorium "Rus" (Sochi) has been known since the Stalin era, it was at the direction of the leader that it was built. Naturally, the palace was erected in a royal manner, any ancient ruler could boast of such. But this is not only why epithets about how beautiful the Sanatorium Rus (Sochi) are so sophisticated are reviews that recommend it as an excellent hospital where the glorious traditions of the legendary Kremlin medicine continue.

reviews sanatorium Russia sochi


A lot of words of admiration are written about living conditions and impeccable, full of attention service. It’s not even so important where to settle - in a modern building or in a bungalow - everywhere it will be cozy, elegant and elegant. The rooms are single and double, many of them belong to the categories of "luxury" and "suite". More on this will be described below. However, even in such comfortable rooms, people who rest and rehabilitate their health do not sit for long periods. And reviews too loudly shout about it.

Sanatorium "Rus" (Sochi) for outdoor activities to offer its guests too much that can. For example, numerous objects of the most modern type that the sports industry can be proud of: in the indoor sports and fitness complex there are four fashionable tennis courts, playgrounds for children and adults for team games. In a closed room equipped with all the best for training, playing basketball, volleyball, tennis and table tennis, vacationers spend a lot of time.

health resort rus in sochi reviews

Arboretum and beach

And around the buildings, organically blended into the marvelous, delightful dendrological park on more than twenty hectares, you can find shady arbors, viewing platforms and breathe incomparable air. In the evenings you can explore the city, because the sanatorium is located in the very center of Sochi, where guests will find entertainment for every taste around the clock. And next to it is the sea! With its own beach resort, which stretches for half a kilometer. Here, of course, the bathtubs are not only marine, but also sunny and air, as well as all kinds of water activities and boat trips.

The beach is located next to the buildings - from fifty to three hundred meters to the sea. Everything is equipped here for the convenience of vacationers, according to reviews. Sanatorium "Rus" (Sochi) has one of the most convenient pebble beaches on the coast. There are umbrellas, sun loungers, and cabins - showers and changing rooms, a boat station and a rental point work. And how nice to go on a fast boat on an exciting sea trip! Or just grab a scooter or a banana. Or go skiing!

health resort rus in sochi

general information

As already mentioned above, the Rus resort is very favorably located. Sochi receives enthusiastic reviews from both nature lovers who rested on walks in the wonderful arboretum and bought a drink at sea, and from people who managed to restore their health in a unique diagnostic and treatment center with a rich medical base. Even professional athletes are not left without a training base, doing in the sports complex, gym and fitness rooms. There are two pools - one with sea, the other with fresh water. Business people can combine relaxation with working moments, even for conferences there are appropriate conditions. And despite the abundance of other beautiful health resorts in Russia, one of the best is considered the sanatorium "Rus" (Sochi). Reviews confirm this.

In terms of housing, this resort complex also beats its neighbors: there are three buildings, two bungalows and detached villas, in the latter there are only luxury apartments. The most chic, of course, the first building is the Imperial, a real palace with three floors, a vivid example of Stalinist neoclassicism with a total area of ​​fifteen thousand square meters. This building, built in 1954, is fundamentally different from all modern - and often surprisingly beautiful - buildings of the city: with the elegance of fountains, with the splendor of marble stairs, especially the one that leads to the sea. And the panorama that opens to the residents of the upper floors, in general, can not be described. This is what the Rus resort is especially proud of in Sochi. The Primorsky building from the neighboring sanatorium complex could be compared with the Imperial, if we did not consider the purely architectural merits of these buildings.

health resort russia sochi photo

Diagnosis and treatment

The Rus resort in Sochi specializes in the prevention of disorders of the nervous system and related treatment, the musculoskeletal system is put in order, metabolic disorders are eliminated and the diseases of the urogenital system, both female and male, are prevented and treated. The sanatorium has a very wide range of rehabilitation and wellness programs, in which SPA procedures occupy a large place. And if a person decides to put his health in order, then the best way to this is a ticket to Sochi, the Rus resort.

The exact address will tell you how to get to this point: in the house number 22 on the street of the Polytechnic city of Sochi, in the Krasnodar Territory, those who wish to improve are always welcomed and guests are extremely welcome. Restoring and maintaining the health of residents of the country and abroad is the main task of the medical center of the Rus sanatorium. And there are no obstacles to its solution: the equipment is the most advanced, both diagnostic and medical, the staff is qualified and attentive. Rehabilitation techniques are applied the most effective. And the Black Sea mild climate accompanies the fulfillment of the task that the Rus resort (Sochi) has determined for itself. The photo of the medical diagnostic center demonstrates the quality of the equipment.

health resort russia sochi reviews

About documents and procedures

In addition to providing assistance to the spa and sanatorium, since 2015, the sanatorium also heals people with compulsory health insurance if they provide a compulsory medical insurance policy. Specialists work fruitfully - cardiologists, pediatricians, therapists, endocrinologists, neurologists, urologists, obstetrician-gynecologists, otolaryngologists, ophthalmologists, dermatologists and proctologists. Arriving on the resort cards in the sanatorium "Rus" (Sochi), there were many reviews about the treatment, and all of them are full of gratitude. Strange if it would be otherwise. Here, each vacationer is treated like a loved one, wherever he comes - to be treated or have fun. So far, those treated by the policy have not so much been received by the Rus sanatorium in Sochi, reviews are quantitatively lost in the general flow, since this is a new business. If there is no sanatorium-resort card, it can be issued for a fee according to the approved price list, today it costs one and a half thousand rubles, if there is the possibility of providing the OMS and SNILS policy or a copy thereof.

Children can also be healed, but only from the age of five and always accompanied by at least one of the parents. The treatment and the number of procedures are determined by the supervising doctor, based on the diagnosis, the severity of the disease, its stage and phase, as well as its attendant ones. All this should be indicated in the spa card or identified during the examination. The recommendations of doctors advising here are also taken into account. Sanatorium "Rus" (Sochi) provided photos on their sites in such quantity and quality that it is rather difficult to choose the most interesting ones, however, some of the life of vacationers is represented here. By the way, over the list of examinations and procedures, you can get paid services, their huge assortment. Vouchers also do not provide for course treatment with medicines and hydrogen sulfide macetine baths, even if they are prescribed by the attending physician, since such procedures are provided only by the Rus resort in Sochi for a fee. Reviews, however, are about this procedure - purely positive.

sanatorium Russia sochi treatment reviews


Since the middle of the last century, the sanatorium has been repeatedly updated. Equipment in the hospital is fully consistent with the profile. Here people with diseases of the nervous system, as well as the musculoskeletal system, urological and gynecological profiles undergo rehabilitation. A computer tomograph has sixty-four rows of detectors, its characteristics are unique, therefore, computed tomography effectively helps diagnose diseases. Therefore, reviews are good about this Palace of Health. Sanatorium "Rus" Sochi recommends for the treatment and restoration of health in the first place.

Residents of Russia have always loved to relax and be treated in a city where all sorts of healing factors are combined: the climate is subtropical, the sea is warm and gentle, the vegetation is rich, mineral springs are plentiful - the famous Matsesta and other healing and drinking waters are used. It is the abundance of exceptional features that annually calls for huge flows of vacationers, and the most fabulous place in which they manage to settle is the Rus resort (Sochi). Reviews are probably written by almost everyone who rested here, because everywhere there is a huge amount. All Sochi sanatoriums welcome guests. But in this hospital they also know how to correctly receive them.

Sochi Sanatorium Rus Marine Corps

The highlight!

The complex, where holidaymakers improve their health, is equipped with the best medical and diagnostic equipment so far. Here, the most complete and highest accuracy diagnostics are carried out, followed by treatment that meets the Kremlin standards. The staff of the medical complex is highly qualified and constantly maintains competence with the latest knowledge. It is unlikely that somewhere else there is a sanatorium so suitable literally for every person in Sochi.

"Rus" reviews, the rating is excellent, because this hospital is among the other wonderful sanatoriums located in a completely paradise area, as if everyone wanted a highlight from the saying, located in a bag of raisins. Here, for example, are the most frequently mentioned reviews about the work of specialists: therapist, cardiologist, neurologist, ENT specialist, optometrist, dentist, gynecologist and urologist at the sanatorium are named doctors from God. The cabinets are not just equipped with equipment in full, the equipment itself is the last word of medical science.

Sochi sanatorium Rus how to get


Free procedures are available here for those who come by ticket and as prescribed by a doctor. But for a fee everyone can improve their health. To get paid services, you will need a passport, a receipt for payment and compliance with all internal rules. The cost of each service can be found in the price list. Here, the patient can receive a fundamental instrumental and laboratory examination to identify at the early stage such unpleasant diseases as diabetes mellitus, hypertensive and ischemic heart diseases, all kinds of neoplasms and much, much more, which will allow them to start treatment on time and conduct this process effectively, better than anywhere else in the city of Sochi.

Sanatorium "Rus" collects reviews of tourists in a guest book, from which it is clear that they will not turn away from practically healthy people, who will not need to undergo balneological or physiotherapeutic treatment, exercise therapy or massage purely prophylactically to maintain good health. All specialists conduct consultations without any restriction; there is a preliminary appointment at a time convenient for patients. A lot of interesting ideas for organizing treatment and leisure has a sanatorium "Rus" (Sochi). Guest reviews also indicate their successful implementation. Here, we are happy to help all residents of Russia and guests from abroad who wish to improve their health.

Sochi health resort Rus reviews rating


Baths in the sanatorium are simply unsurpassed in assortment. The most effective ones are those with hydromassage and healing phytoextracts (chestnut, lavender, valerian, rosemary, licorice, sea salts of ancient bischofite and much more). Coniferous salicylic baths are used in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, chestnut baths to increase endurance and quick recovery of the body, a foam bath with licorice extract will increase the immunity and tone of all blood vessels, and is good for those with chronic colds and diseases of the bronchopulmonary system.

Antler baths (with maral antler extract) tone up, help to cure diseases of the musculoskeletal system and cardiovascular system, increase not only immunity, but also stimulate sexual potency. Dry carbonic acid is used for indications in sanatoriums and bathtubs, which help improve blood circulation, expanding small arteries and capillaries, increase the percentage of oxygen retained in arterial blood and enhance all metabolic processes in the body. In the department of hydropathy, patients are treated not with baths, but with a shower. Sharko shower, fan, ascending, cascading, circular are used; two-chamber whirlpool baths for legs, as well as four-chamber baths, jet contrast . Quite popular and mud therapy in the form of applications. The mud is used silt sulphide, Tambukansky deposits.

Sochi health resort Rus reviews

Hardware physiotherapy and other procedures

Here, the most modern European equipment is installed for the health of holidaymakers. Electrotherapy - electrophoresis and galvanization of drugs, SMT and DDT - pulse therapy, interference and ultrasound therapy, treatment with magnet, UHF, darsonvalization, laser, light (the famous Bioptron apparatus), KUF. Electro-lymph drainage is carried out with low-frequency currents to prevent thrombosis, with edema of any reason. There is an inhaler with medicinal herbs and drugs.

The treatment and restoration procedures are presented by: detensor therapy (muscle relaxation and traction of the spine; thermomechanical massage (CERAGEM apparatus for relaxing the muscles around the spine); balancing and kinesiotherapy on the HUBER simulator (very good for professional athletes or fitness enthusiasts - restoration of muscle relief in twenty minutes of such exercises is hours of training in the gym); monitor bowel cleansing using the COLON HYDRAMAT apparatus; shock wave therapy - to destroy microscopic crystals calcium, which do not allow the joints to function normally; general and local air cryotherapy using liquid nitrogen (-85 degrees), which helps with injuries, and is also used in orthopedics, rheumatology, neurology, cosmetology and sports medicine.

health resort rus in sochi reviews holidaymakers


For guests living in the sanatorium, every day there are three elegant cozy restaurants with excellent cuisine, four cafes and six bars, thanks to which the Rus resort (Sochi) has received especially numerous reviews. They thanked everyone - for the variety and sophistication of the dishes, for the attentive service, for the convenience of the location and extensive working hours.

Here both romantic dates and business meetings were held (for which the sanatorium has conference rooms, cinema-concert and banquet rooms). A bit of specifics about restaurants and bars, which accounted for most of the fame that the Rus resort (Sochi) has earned from vacationers. The Morskoy building was also mostly received thanks to the Winemaker restaurant located on the ninth floor. Also in two other buildings there are catering points where three meals a day are organized - a buffet for vacationers.

health resort russia sochi forest building reviews

The list of restaurants and cafes

The Ambassador restaurant serves Italian and European cuisine, while the Grand Imperial is famous for its signature dishes. In the Terrace cafe you can get a light breakfast, lunch or dinner with great summer desserts, sorbets and ice cream, cocktails and cold drinks. The lobby bar serves snacks, salads and alcohol, there are also the best varieties of coffee and tea, cocktails and soft drinks, freshly baked desserts are especially good. "Winemaker", whose elite wines is proud in Sochi in the Rus sanatorium, the Marine building was sheltered on the ninth floor, and the Barabulka cafe serves a variety of seafood.

In the first, most beautiful, building of the sanatorium and restaurant, it is the most elegant, located in the Italian courtyard, with a very bright, airy hall, decorated with a fountain, under a glass roof. The nice cafe "Breeze" attracts with its wicker gazebos and excellent views of the sea, and the cafe "Eskimo", which is located right on the beach, has many varieties of ice cream, desserts, sorbets and constantly fresh pastries. In the restaurant "Mangal", respectively, and the dishes are all cooked on fire. There are wonderful places: for lovers of sweets, the Biscuit confectionery, as well as the Bocharka pub directly by the sea.

health resort russia sochi photo rooms

The five-star Imperial and others

The beauty of this building has already been written above, it remains to consider what housing prepared for future vacationers sanatorium "Rus" (Sochi). Photos of the rooms of the first building are impressive! There are one-room double "standard" class with a balcony, where there are separate beds with bedside tables, desks (writing and coffee), air conditioning, mini-bar, TV and telephone. Bathroom with shower. Naturally, a hairdryer, a set of towels, cosmetics, bathrobes, slippers are included. Two-room double "suite", fifty-five square meters in area and also with a balcony, consists of a living room and a bedroom with a dressing room. The furniture is upholstered, everything else is also included. The biggest chic is an apartment of one hundred square meters, consisting of three rooms - a living room, two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchenette. Everything else is difficult to enumerate.

Despite its "four-star", the same object of pride, which nourishes the sanatorium "Rus" (Sochi) - the building "Forest". Reviews about it are written with no less enthusiasm. Eighteen-meter single rooms are extremely comfortable, they have all the necessary furniture, TV, telephone, air conditioning. Double rooms - thirty meters, there are more spacious. Double two-room "suites" - with a balcony and two TVs. In building number 3, "Marine", more variety. There are one-room, double rooms with a mini-safe and a furnished balcony, as well as a "standard double" of a larger area, family two-room rooms, a junior suite with a furnished terrace. Two-room "suites" are admirable - spacious and comfortable, also with a terrace, the furniture is beautiful, there is even a sideboard. A set of related items include dishes, a fridge, a kettle. The presidential four-room β€œsuite” (with a study and a huge furnished terrace) is even more amazing. In addition to three buildings, on the territory of the sanatorium there are one-story bungalows - three hundred meters from the sea and among the silence of the subtropical park. Each bungalow offers several rooms that have their own private entrance. These, in the opinion of many, are the most fashionable places to stay.


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