Romanovs. The first representative of the Romanov dynasty on the Russian throne

The Romanovs are an old noble family, representatives of which bore this name since the middle of the 16th century. A little later they became a whole dynasty of Russian tsars and emperors. The first representative of the Romanov dynasty on the Russian throne was Mikhail Fedorovich, who in 1613 occupied him. In this article we will talk about the great deeds of the first Russian Tsar of the Romanov dynasty.

The beginning of the Romanov era

Russian accession to the throne

the first representative of the Romanov dynasty on the Russian throne

The future first representative of the Romanov dynasty on the Russian throne was born of God in 1596 (July 12). All his childhood passed in the village of Domnina (Kostroma patrimony of the Romanovs). His parents - Fedor and Ksenia - were persecuted under Boris Godunov. They were forcibly tonsured as monks and imprisoned in a monastery. The father received the name Filaret, and his mother - Martha. In the future, Mikhail Fedorovich will appoint his father as the patriarch of Moscow and all Russia.

Mikhail Fedorovich was barely 16 years old when the Zemsky Cathedral, which included representatives of almost all social layers of the country, elected him to the kingdom. It happened in 1613.


From ancient times, there have been rather complicated relations between Russia and Poland. In 1617, Polish troops came close to Moscow. Between the two sides negotiations began, which ended in a truce. As a result, Poland was given some of the Seversky land, as well as the Smolensk region. In return, Russia received a short break from the constant Polish aggression.

Meeting father and son

A year after this truce, the Poles released from captivity Metropolitan Filaret - the king’s father. The first representative of the Romanov dynasty and his own father met in 1619 on the Presnya River.

first representative of the Romanov dynasty
"The Second Sovereign"

Filaret was immediately appointed Patriarch of All Russia. From that time until the end of his life, he actually ruled the state himself. Tsar Michael did not make any decisions without the consent of his father. The patriarch was endowed with church authority, participated in the solution of various zemstvo issues. His disposition "was mischievous and suspicious." They said that even the tsar himself - the first of the Romanov dynasty - was afraid of him!

Dual power

Father and son considered all sorts of things together, making a common decision on them. They hosted foreign ambassadors, were engaged in the delivery of double letters and double gifts. So the first representative of the Romanov dynasty himself wished. There were actually two sovereigns on the Russian throne, not counting the Boyar Duma together with the Zemsky Cathedral.

State activity

  • At first, the role of the Zemsky Sobor grew significantly, but by 1622 this public administration body began to convene irregularly and rarely.
  • When Russia concluded peace treaties with the Commonwealth and Sweden, a calm and quiet time came for it.
    the first of the Romanov dynasty
  • Under Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich, merchants were given special privileges. Soon in Russia, the very first manufactories appeared - factories and plants.
  • Tsar Mikhail restored printing to his decrees (during the Time of Troubles, the printing yard was burned down along with printing machines).
  • The first sovereign of the Romanov dynasty introduced dozens of technical innovations and talented inventions, including a watch with a battle located on the Spasskaya Tower of the Kremlin.
  • Under him, active construction of towers and temples was carried out, the Kremlin walls were repaired , the Patriarchal Court, which is part of the Kremlin , was expanded.
  • Russia further explored Siberia. Such cities as Krasnoyarsk, Yakutsk, Yeniseysk were laid here, the Bratsk fort was built.

God save the king!

Father Mikhail Fedorovich died in 1633. Immediately after this, the boyars tried to somehow influence the king, but he resisted this. In addition, he was struck by some serious illness, which later turned out to be dropsy. After 12 years, the first representative of the Romanov dynasty on the Russian throne also died. It happened in 1645 (July 13). He was buried in the Archangel Cathedral (in the Moscow Kremlin).


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