Hotel "Geologist" in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk: address, description

Hotel "Geologist" in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk - a great option for a comfortable stay. If you choose this place, you will be very satisfied. Read more about where the Geolog Hotel in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk is located and what services are offered to guests here.

hotel interiors geologist

About the institution

People who come to new cities are always concerned about the issue of accommodation. In Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk you can stay in hotels. Here you can find quite good options. Positive feedback from visitors proved the hotel "Geologist". This place is located in the city center, which is incredibly convenient. Tourists can get to know the most important sights and go shopping. Hotel "Geologist" is located next to the park, in which a large number of trees and plants grow. Therefore, it is very easy and free to breathe. In each room for customers are provided with a bed, TV, table, chairs, as well as personal hygiene items. If necessary, there is always the possibility of contacting maintenance personnel or the administration.


The hotel administration offers all customers:

  • Comfortable comfortable rooms.
  • Delicious hot breakfasts.
  • Smoking area.
  • Gym with various gymnastic equipment.
  • Pool.
  • The restaurant is very tasty.
  • 24 hour room reservation.
  • Large parking area.

Relax in a cozy and comfortable atmosphere and much more.

hotel address geologist


We decided to bring to your attention some of the reviews that people leave about staying at the Geolog Hotel. According to them:

  • This is one of the best places for visitors. Everything is thought out here to make a person comfortable and cozy.
  • The hotel has a pleasant and helpful staff. Always come to the rescue in difficult situations.
  • The rooms are spacious and comfortable.
  • The administration of the hotel "Geologist" with great attention and respect for all requests and requests of guests.
  • The apartments are cleaned daily and very thorough.
  • The hotel has a very convenient location. Nearby are all the most important establishments.

Helpful information

  • Hotel address: 56 Severnaya street.
  • Reservations can be made in advance. The telephone number of the Geolog Hotel in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk is easy to find on specialized resources.
  • Free internet is available here.
  • The average price for a room is from a thousand rubles.
  • The reception is open around the clock.


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